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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Most champs sound lame when you simplify them to basic descriptions lol
nah, that kind of only works for the lamer champions. even someone like syndra who has kind of questionable design has a lot more nuisance to her outfit and posture and animation and just style in general. you can talk about her headdress, her evil-like ionian outfit, the way she floats around all weightless-like, the way summoning and commanding her spheres has a whole physical animation aspect to it, how all her taunts have cool things happening with the spheres, etc.

and syndra is from the zeronis unleashed era of all mids being hot anime babes, so there are much better designs to choose from (azir, bard, lissandra, kalista, etc.)

morg is really bad, there's nothing interesting or original about her, she's not even a proper fallen angel or anything, she's just terrible


nah, that kind of only works for the lamer champions. even someone like syndra who has kind of questionable design has a lot more nuisance to her outfit and posture and animation and just style in general. you can talk about her headdress, her evil-like ionian outfit, the way she floats around all weightless-like, the way summoning and commanding her spheres has a whole physical animation aspect to it, how all her taunts have cool things happening with the spheres, etc.

and syndra is from the zeronis unleashed era of all mids being hot anime babes, so there are much better designs to choose from (azir, bard, lissandra, kalista, etc.)

morg is really bad, there's nothing interesting or original about her, she's not even a proper fallen angel or anything, she's just terrible
Lol the same way you wrote a paragraph about syndra I can write about morg. You don't like her design is a cool opinion but don't try to pass that bad boy off as a proven fact or something


syndra is cool


Lol the same way you wrote a paragraph about syndra I can write about morg. You don't like her design is a cool opinion but don't try to pass that bad boy off as a proven fact or something
it is fact that morgana is a poorly designed character. she's just a random assortment of crap with no actual thought behind it. she's got elf ears and like a ziggy stardust face tattoo and like she's topless but then she wears a dress long skirt? why? why any of it?

there's a reason rito wants to redo her, she looks like she'd be right at home on one of those fake mmo flash ads that have some really generic fantasy sexy lady art

edit: you're free to like her and that's 100% ok as your opinion is as valid as mine. i like pantheon and he's terrible too. but i can say i know that he's a generic 300 dude that should be completely redone and i still like him


it is fact that morgana is a poorly designed character. she's just a random assortment of crap with no actual thought behind it. she's got elf ears and like a ziggy stardust face tattoo and like she's topless but then she wears a dress long skirt? why? why any of it?

there's a reason rito wants to redo her, she looks like she'd be right at home on one of those fake mmo flash ads that have some really generic fantasy sexy lady art
Edit:yeah I am not doing this, you just blindly hate morg lol


Mundo is one my least favorites, I just dislike everything's about him. I don't even ban him in ranked so I can beat him in lane


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Morgana is one of the original release champions that hasn't really had the opportunity to have her design updated. It's pretty boring but stuff like Blackthorn show that the idea itself has enough going for it. I would imagine some of her visual design decisions aim to serve counter to Kayle. Not to justify women being designed with very little dress in mind, but it does sit opposite the armored Kayle. Morgana also lends herself decently well to alternative skins that hold to certain themes while deviating enough from the original design.

Stuff like Diana or Zyra fall into the lowest gutter of League's visual design spectrum because there's not much to them, and they aren't really flexible enough to allow work to be done for skins.


wow you really are doing the my opinion is fact and here are more opinions to back it thing. Ok, just going to ignore your post now lol

I like morg but if other people hate her cool. She gets me a decent amount wins XD
none of the things i said are appreciations, i'm just describing the champion as she is and how none of her elements seem to have any sort of coherence or logic behind them. there's nothing opinionated about that, i'd love to hear why she has a ziggy stardust tattoo (besides bowie being awesome) or why she's just walking around in her bra. what's any of that have to do with being a fallen angel? i mean, she's supposed to be from demacia land of the spandex, why is she even wearing a skirt...

and that's the thing with morg, there are no answers to any of these questions cos someone at 2009 riot just figured ok i'll add wings to this pair of tits and call it a champion, we don't have time to develop a rich backstory and sensible design, we need to release the game with 28 champions asap!!

you can't say those things about syndra because despite her having many issues her visual style is very cohesive and looks in line with other ionian champions and with her lore

if you want to say this is an opinion then do share the actual facts of why she's a good design, but i really think you'll be hard pressed to find some


btw looking up how many champions there were gonna be on release, i found this gem:

as we roll out competitive seasons, our first season will include all champions, but our additional seasons will feature a reduced set of "in-season" champions. This means that -- while you can always play all champions in [casual play] -- the featured competitive mode will have a reduced set of champions that rotates periodically as we cycle through seasons. This allows us to revitalize the metagame; if a particular strategy is getting really strong, one way to make things interesting is to just change the champion rotation. And it also reduces the learning burden for someone coming in, so they don't have to learn 60 champions -- they only have to learn 35 or 40, or whatever number we determine

lmao wtf were they thinking. eeeeeeh, let's just disable caitlyn this season, she's been played way too much... lol

Morgana is one of the original release champions that hasn't really had the opportunity to have her design updated. It's pretty boring but stuff like Blackthorn show that the idea itself has enough going for it. I would imagine some of her visual design decisions aim to serve counter to Kayle. Not to justify women being designed with very little dress in mind, but it does sit opposite the armored Kayle. Morgana also lends herself decently well to alternative skins that hold to certain themes while deviating enough from the original design.

Stuff like Diana or Zyra fall into the lowest gutter of League's visual design spectrum because there's not much to them, and they aren't really flexible enough to allow work to be done for skins.
the problem with saying "she's the opposite of kayle" is that kayle herself is also a really generic design that could use a heavy update. there's a lot of potential in making kayle be some sort of demacian manifest destiny or whatever and then have morg be a corrupted version of demacian ideals, but right now they're armor person with wings and sort of naked person with wings.

i think the reason morg gets so many skins is that she's a popular champion and she's a very simple champion as far as animations and vfx are concerned. all her spells are very simple and "spell-y", she shoots a ball of energy, she creates a giant sphere shield, etc. and a lot of it doesn't even have much of an animation tied to it. she doesn't even have legs...
Morgana is one of the original release champions that hasn't really had the opportunity to have her design updated. It's pretty boring but stuff like Blackthorn show that the idea itself has enough going for it. I would imagine some of her visual design decisions aim to serve counter to Kayle. Not to justify women being designed with very little dress in mind, but it does sit opposite the armored Kayle. Morgana also lends herself decently well to alternative skins that hold to certain themes while deviating enough from the original design.

Stuff like Diana or Zyra fall into the lowest gutter of League's visual design spectrum because there's not much to them, and they aren't really flexible enough to allow work to be done for skins.
Yeah, the fallen angel thing has a lot of potential. Drop the dark edgelord dialogue and take some cues from Karthus and she could be amazing.


none of the things i said are appreciations, i'm just describing the champion as she is and how none of her elements seem to have any sort of coherence or logic behind them. there's nothing opinionated about that, i'd love to hear why she has a ziggy stardust tattoo (besides bowie being awesome) or why she's just walking around in her bra. what's any of that have to do with being a fallen angel? i mean, she's supposed to be from demacia land of the spandex, why is she even wearing a skirt...

and that's the thing with morg, there are no answers to any of these questions cos someone at 2009 riot just figured ok i'll add wings to this pair of tits and call it a champion, we don't have time to develop a rich backstory and sensible design, we need to release the game with 28 champions asap!!

you can't say those things about syndra because despite her having many issues her visual style is very cohesive and looks in line with other ionian champions and with her lore

if you want to say this is an opinion then do share the actual facts of why she's a good design, but i really think you'll be hard pressed to find some


btw looking up how many champions there were gonna be on release, i found this gem:

lmao wtf were they thinking. eeeeeeh, let's just disable caitlyn this season, she's been played way too much... lol
Look at my edit, not arguing over a champ ty


i think zyra and nami and elise (and syndra to a lesser degree) all got fucked over by the zeronis babe age, zeronis has come a long way ever since and he could probably do a better job with all of them, but them looking so much like each other and also not pushing their theme nearly enough made them kind of weak. there's things to like about all of them, but champions like nami would be much better if they didn't have some random cleavage or zyra would look a lot more interested if she wasn't just like skimpy plant lady

i think diana's pretty ok tho, she might be too simple for rito to come up with good skin ideas, but i think her design is cohesive and just looks cool. she gets a lot of mileage out of the design of her sword and the vfx on her spells

Look at my edit, not arguing over a champ ty
sucks, you're a very poor poster then


- i state something
- you say nah that's just your opinion
- i say no it's not and i take my time to explain why over multiple posts
- you say nevermind you just blindly have that opinion

that's wasting my time and it's disrespectful

bad posting yo

funny thing would be to call this post my blind opinion too lol
They all have a strong gap closer, I can force them out lane but I can't duel them without minions or help.

who cares if they have gap closers

u permapush for 0 cost and then walk away no harass needed. once they hit 6 u decimate their all in with w ult

mundo not only brushes off ur damage thanks to his itemization he also is impossible for u to kill since his ult has such a comparatively low cd to urs and cleavers destroy u


im confused if you're talking about midlane or just in general trouble with those as junglers

if it's in lane then malzahar just shits on melee champions, specially ones like pantheon that have no innate sustain cos they get destroyed by space aids if they wanna farm


- i state something
- you say nah that's just your opinion
- i say no it's not and i take my time to explain why over multiple posts
- you say nevermind you just blindly have that opinion

that's wasting my time and it's disrespectful

bad posting yo

funny thing would be to call this post my blind opinion too lol
Pm if there is a prob no need to keep filling up this thread with this.


who cares if they have gap closers

u permapush for 0 cost and then walk away no harass needed. once they hit 6 u decimate their all in with w ult

mundo not only brushes off ur damage thanks to his itemization he also is impossible for u to kill since his ult has such a comparatively low cd to urs and cleavers destroy u
Double post, but I think panth beat me in lane because xin would come up from the back and panth would tank the turret. If I cast my E or my ult is down I can't do anything against his burst
go back to terrarria u 3 eyed fuck
Double post, but I think panth beat me in lane because xin would come up from the back and panth would tank the turret. If I cast my E or my ult is down I can't do anything against his burst

ur playing the melee matchup wrong. if u permashove, back off and force them to farm under tower with mana, ull win pretty much every mana melee champ

thats also why mundo can smash malz because he has 0 cost to his spamming and also ignores magic dots

plus w cc reduction is ridiculous and does 100 dps


Damn those Lunar skins look absolutely horrible. They do got some nice visual effects though, but the skins itself are awful. Firecracker Jinx and Dragonwing Corki were the best Lunar skins. :D


go back to terrarria u 3 eyed fuck

ur playing the melee matchup wrong. if u permashove, back off and force them to farm under tower with mana, ull win pretty much every mana melee champ

thats also why mundo can smash malz because he has 0 cost to his spamming and also ignores magic dots

plus w cc reduction is ridiculous and does 100 dps
You are definitely right, I just get away with some of my wins because I am in silver and most top laners don't build mr until it is too late.



use this one

also froskurinn is awesome

fuck the haters

I wish Riot's Cait looked half as good as that. I mean, yeah, the Cait in this pic is obviously super sexy. But the art is good too

Why are runes still sold in 3 different tiers?


awesome cait and wuko skins on pbe



really shit skin for a really shit champion


pls riot stop making skins for a champion that you're gonna have to do a visual update cos she's terrible

lol I didnt know you hated Morgana. I've been thinking bout buying her since shes cheap and has high win rate

nah, that kind of only works for the lamer champions. even someone like syndra who has kind of questionable design has a lot more nuisance to her outfit and posture and animation and just style in general. you can talk about her headdress, her evil-like ionian outfit, the way she floats around all weightless-like, the way summoning and commanding her spheres has a whole physical animation aspect to it, how all her taunts have cool things happening with the spheres, etc.

and syndra is from the zeronis unleashed era of all mids being hot anime babes, so there are much better designs to choose from (azir, bard, lissandra, kalista, etc.)

morg is really bad, there's nothing interesting or original about her, she's not even a proper fallen angel or anything, she's just terrible

Well yeah visually shes pretty weak


i don't necessarily hate her but i think she's a pretty bad champion in all the usual ways: boring and uninteractive to play against and just generally ugly and poorly conceived in lore/visuals. i'd be very pleased if they reworked her passive and w into abilities that favor aggressive and interactive play that are very rewarding when used correctly, and tuned down her q and ult to be less ridiculous


When I first bought morg I got close to 14 straight wins with her in ranked. So yeah patch she is worth a buy

she is really great against tahm and leo.


she is a strong champion because i can't imagine her having many bad matchups and she's really easy to play while fitting lots of different comps

just prepare to be bored if you buy her

no more broken ass reworks
yeah, i guess rito's in a really bad rework roll lately

fiora, gp, morde and darius were all kind of a hot mess and skarner and garen were kind of broken on launch and now i think they're kind of ok but none of their issues were really solved?

graves, quinn, kog and mf all had pretty big balance issues and i dunno how salvageable they're gonna be, kog's new w seems kind of impossible to balance. i guess caitlyn was mostly ok and i never heard anything of corki but he's #1 in adc winrate right now so he's probably due some nerfs too.

i think poppy rework is gonna be fine once they properly tune her tho, i appreciate that she's a lot more straightforward and less gimmicky than some of the other reworks.
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