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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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old poppy needed to die in a fire and i think this rework is gonna be great once she's tuned correctly. there's nothing about her kit that says that she's gonna be impossible to balance or anything since she's pretty straightforward. probably all rito needs to do is throw in some more utility and bigger numbers and she'll be ok

also i love how she's a walking NOPE for rengar
Infernal Nasus is fly as fuck

I need it now but I must wait until the 23rd to buy it so I get a free mystery skin

I might also buy Spirit Guard Udyr just for the sweet Phoenix summoner icon, I don't even play Udyr


I mean, I think it's not too surprising that Poppy has a lousy winrate because a) she's new and people are just bad at evaluating and using new champions and b) she'll probably never be great in soloq because she depends on somebody on your team needing a lot of protection. But I guess being by far the worst is not a great sign. If she gets buffs then great, more Poppy for me.

I think Poppy with a W that stopped infinite dashes would be just fine, but I can understand why they'd launch with just one.
I dumpstered on this guy and called him a feeder.



Is Lissandra OP again? She seems to be drawing a lot of bans at IEM.

The Asian teams seem to pick Lissandra a lot for her mobility and engage and because she's flex mid/top. Flex picks seem to be a big deal right now, probably because there are so many and they're reasonably strong. If you pick, like, Liss/Quinn/Mundo, you can pretty much still pick any champion in the game next, so the enemy knows nothing about your strategy. (Admittedly if you can pick Quinn and Mundo on the same team you will probably win anyway.)

You'll note that Liss had 0% pick/ban in the C9 vs H2K game between two Western teams.

Also see Trundle support, popular among Asian teams and so uncommon in the West that champion.gg doesn't even have a stat page for Trundle support.


i'm not 100% sure if the mp5 in fqc is better than athenes and unlike ahri/lb ori needs a lot of regen. now that i think about it it probably is, but flat resistances are still really good against kassadin and you get like 75mr from athenes+abyssal. i'd also get merc treads but this time they had like zero cc so didn't find it worth it

def considered roa+abyssal but that build feels so shit and is so unfun

also i had barrier cos i forgot to change it for tp after last game, that made early game a major pain in the ass


Well, I finally have enough IP to buy a 4800/lower IP champion. Was set on making Kindred my first expensive one ('cause they're cool looking), but after some thinking I realized I don't know the first thing about jungling and I wouldn't want to a subject a team to that. So now I'm stuck trying to decide on someone to buy. Was thinking about Sona, since I think the character I've enjoyed playing the most so far has been Soraka and she seems vaguely similar, but uh, I dunno, lol. Was also looking at Ahri and Vayne. Would appreciate someone helping me out with the decision!


This thread has deteriorated lately.

Don't worry, I'm here to fix it.

New Morgana skin is godawful. She looks 2010 tier. I don't know who decides making yet another skin for that horribly outdated and dreadfully looking model is a good idea, but he shouldn't be making any important decisions.

Also, more Morgana and Cait skins. Yeah? No.

Well, I finally have enough IP to buy a 4800/lower IP champion. Was set on making Kindred my first expensive one ('cause they're cool looking), but after some thinking I realized I don't know the first thing about jungling and I wouldn't want to a subject a team to that. So now I'm stuck trying to decide on someone to buy. Was thinking about Sona, since I think the character I've enjoyed playing the most so far has been Soraka and she seems vaguely similar, but uh, I dunno, lol. Was also looking at Ahri and Vayne. Would appreciate someone helping me out with the decision!

Get Ahri if you're only contemplating one of these, otherwise get Karma.


nev with the truth bombs

ahri it is

abuse fqc while it's hot!


sona -> kind of boring to play right now, there are supports that are strongers and more fun to play
soraka -> she's super boring but she's cheap and strong so your choice. just know that you'll become one of those people if u play soraka
kindred -> yea she's a wonky jungler that asks you to kite camps and whatnot, probably too complicated for someone starting out
vayne -> high skillfloor champion, pretty strong in the right hands and pretty fun to play. not sure if i'd recommend her for a beginner
ahri -> easy to get a hang of and both pretty strong and pretty fun. she's one of the better beginner champions imo cos she trains you with skillshots and cooldwons and mobility and she's just fun to play and she's really really strong in almost every comp

so yea, ahri ahri ahri


One day ppl will stop banning Illaoi so I can actually play her in a real game. I didn't play her in 20 straight teambuilder games for nuthin!


Swiped from reddit, shows where kills occur most often in Challenger vs Bronze at various stages of the game

I thought it was interesting
Essentially, bot lane is massacred at 5 min no matter the skill level.

Bronze is aram in mid- late game.
Y'know it sucks when you get on a roll with a 7 game winning streak, make it into your series and you get curb stomped in your last two games smh.



whelp nevermind

That oriana skin looks kind of cute. tempted to buy.

Well, I finally have enough IP to buy a 4800/lower IP champion. Was set on making Kindred my first expensive one ('cause they're cool looking), but after some thinking I realized I don't know the first thing about jungling and I wouldn't want to a subject a team to that. So now I'm stuck trying to decide on someone to buy. Was thinking about Sona, since I think the character I've enjoyed playing the most so far has been Soraka and she seems vaguely similar, but uh, I dunno, lol. Was also looking at Ahri and Vayne. Would appreciate someone helping me out with the decision!

Yeah ahri is a solid choice.

One day ppl will stop banning Illaoi so I can actually play her in a real game. I didn't play her in 20 straight teambuilder games for nuthin!

yeah sometimes she sneaks through if you're first pick and avoid banning her


Swiped from reddit, shows where kills occur most often in Challenger vs Bronze at various stages of the game

I thought it was interesting

Yeah. Pretty telling. Early game starts similar. Massacre bot lane and midlane. Ignore top.

Around midgame it splits. Challenger players realize the power of objectives and fight over Baron and towers. Bronze fights over dragons (probably dragon 2 or 3) then clusters up in the classic midlane standoff for the rest of the games.


Don't worry, I'm here to fix it.

New Morgana skin is godawful. She looks 2010 tier. I don't know who decides making yet another skin for that horribly outdated and dreadfully looking model is a good idea, but he shouldn't be making any important decisions.

Also, more Morgana and Cait skins. Yeah? No.

Get Ahri if you're only contemplating one of these, otherwise get Karma.
Lol I think it looks good
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