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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I do have a friend who is a diamond malphite main since season 3. I don't think he would play him for so long if he didn't find it fun.

Just like the filthy soraka mains, maybe they find something fun in depriving it for others.

Edit: To be fair, I was once a Malphite main too. I didn't go tanky tho. I was full ap balls to the wall fuck everybody build.

I am a Tahm main and I technically find fun in denying people kills. Definitely feels more interactive/risky,fun than Janna's disengage playstyle. The retreat nerf was well deserved, Tahm is too tanky to get retreat bonuses too.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta


Why doesn't he post here anymore?
For some reason, i feel a disturbance in the force.


You guys are so weird. What's not fun about Malphite? Roll into people, slow them, throw rocks at them, your teammates kill them. Sounds like a good Saturday night.

There's more to life than dealing damage, yo.


You guys are so weird. What's not fun about Malphite? Roll into people, slow them, throw rocks at them, your teammates kill them. Sounds like a good Saturday night.

There's more to life than dealing damage, yo.

i love me some tank meta, but i still have nightmares about shyvana/mundo/renekton/trundle toplanes where literally nothing happened there for 20 minutes until somebody somewhere decided laning phase was over by doing something.

malphite is a signaled return to this meta but thank god there are things that can fight tanks now (well pretty much only fiora but whatev)


i played against a team with amumu, malphite and lissandra in ranked 5s yesterday

i literally got ulted by all three of them every teamfight

it's not fun lol


I am so sorry, did you win?

we lost the game off a couple bad calls, we had our adc on a long disconnect but i was destroying mid and most fights started with me oneshotting cait then getting ulted by everything in the universe and then not enough dmg to finish off the other four (they had a braum too lol)

we played the game wrong, we were in a position to win it for sure

At least you have Zhonya's and Abyssal to survive that shit, imagine being the ADC in your team

why would i want to do that :p

i should've bough zhonyas tbh, but we had such a shitty comp and we played it so poorly that it wouldn't have made much of a difference


Bard is such a cool champ.

Shaco targeting me in the river? Np, just magical journey into midlane and kill the enemy midlaner instead.

Penguins and hot chocolate to top it off.


thats because tahm kench is a poorly designed piece of shit.

Tahm is great! Except his ult needs more coordination soloQ than I'd like.Glad the passive doesn't make it totally useless though.

He's the first support to shake up botlane this much since Thresh (excluding perhaps post rework Soraka), and his botlane winrate is pretty fair. He's one of the only supps that can totally lock down a snowballing juggernaut or assassin by himself (the other being Lulu, but she'll get vaporized if they reach her), which is so nice when one of your other lanes tilts. And since he's so weak to poke and CC himself, it's fun to see who wins out (I totally f*cked up a Tahm on Sivir last night and Bard just now, was perhaps my best Bard game ever (Legendary Santa Bard with full support build ftw)).

His toplane winrate used to be pretty high (bad) but then the latest batch of reworks + Illimayow came out and now it's back down. I do think they could still tone down his passive effects since he already has good base damage (abet locked behind his passive and W CD). Maybe once they work on his ult they will do that around the same time.


there's like literally no reason to ever go sweeper anymore, there number of normal green wards past 20 minutes are probably in the single digits each team

with frost queens spooky ghost and blue trinket, you can suss the enemy out constantly without having to have forward vision


Meh this pre-season isn't fun at all for me this time. Played since season 2 and got absolutely no incentive to play games during this pre-season. Drakes are worth shit, games are usually over very quickly and I'm not really feeling the current meta. Hopefully it gets better when the season starts.


Meh this pre-season isn't fun at all for me this time. Played since season 2 and got absolutely no incentive to play games during this pre-season. Drakes are worth shit, games are usually over very quickly and I'm not really feeling the current meta. Hopefully it gets better when the season starts.

My biggest complaint as a jungler is the uselessness of sweeper and dragon sucking so bad now. I wish it gave global gold at least. Its a pretty low impact objective currently.
i wonder why malphite isn't nerfed already, people are playing him more than riven and fiora ffs

there's so many champions to nerf i kind of feel sorry for riot

I played Morgana top into Malphite recently. Made his life a living hell, lol. At one point he was under his tower on 10% and I wouldn't let him back for like 5 minutes. Eventually the jungler came and killed me. We lost that game.

And that's my story time for today.
Rift Herald is a blessing for devourer junglers.

Today I just remembered that Championship Riven is coming back next year and that made me happy. Sure it's like 9 months away or more but it's still something I look forward to.


Rift Herald is just a useless inclusion. They should decrease its dmg and maybe decrease its buff a little bit to be its viable. No usually goes for it at all, at least in my ELO.


Rift Herald is just a useless inclusion. They should decrease its dmg and maybe decrease its buff a little bit to be its viable. No usually goes for it at all, at least in my ELO.
I am in silver so all people care about is dragon. I keep telling my teammates if they are at dragon take a different objective instead of trying to contest it.


I am in silver so all people care about is dragon. I keep telling my teammates if they are at dragon take a different objective instead of trying to contest it.

Yeah Silver here as well.

and I am one of those idiots who asks to contest on the dragon all the time.


Yeah Silver here as well.

and I am one of those idiots who asks to contest on the dragon all the time.
Honestly I only care about the second dragon since it gives you extra turret damage that help end the game quickly.

I actually like rushing baron early as my go to strategy for objectives.
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