What was everyone's first penta?
Mine was with the great Xin
My first was with Lucian.
What was everyone's first penta?
Mine was with the great Xin
Like Ghost!
What was everyone's first penta?
Mine was with the great Xin
Hey Kass players,
when do you decide to rush Lich after RoA? As opposed to more standard AP damage/tank/whatever?
Oh my bad!they had this discussion just a few days ago lol
Perma banned.lmao
Why doesn't he post here anymore?
I like to use poppy against jax and riven. I just build her tanky and farm till groupfights.I'm late to the party but I don't really get the new poppy hate. She needs some tuning but the W is really functional and potent and the E is still very relevant in the meta even without the stun.
The W cool down is too long and the duration is probably too short for the whole oackage.. I could see making the speed up last longer than the gap blocking. Maybe that needs a buff.
The E is a gap closer and a peel tool. Comparing to alistar isn't great because his headbutt send people flying. Poppy E gets her in close for a Q and an auto even if she doesn't get the stun. So at a minimum you get some damage and a slow off. And couple that with the W, she is going to be able to stick to you solid for the next couple seconds.
Flashy plays can be made with E and Q. You can start the Q cast and flash it to land a surprise slow for example.
The ult is good. It can be used as a mini bard ult to knock people up quick or send half the team flying in a siege situation.
Why doesn't he post here anymore?
Perma banned.
when ur snowballing and u wanna 1 shot their squishies
Oh my bad!
okay ty
if you're not snowballing but are playing reasonably well (let's say 2/0/2 @ 15 minutes, 100cs, RoA and boots running), what is the more appropriate offensive second item for him?
If you're 2/0/2 15 minutes in with decent farm as Kassadin you're snowballing
oh....ok. yea, it's pretty rare that I don't have a kill or two by 15 minutes since I usually get fairly active around the time I secure the Catalyst...and even rarer that I'm having any trouble farming. But I do tend to fail to continue farming after awhile. I think I get a little *too* active. I might have 100cs @ 13 minutes but I might only have 125 @ 20 minutes because of the roaming and fighting. I need to work on that. Maybe set some farm milestones or something.if ur not snowballing but farming well (that means like 0 0 0 100 cs @ 12) your second item is almost always zanyas hourglass
i thought ppl were doing athenes second with kass for a while
is that dead now?
why not just get abyssal then?
Lmao that fucking insane.lmao
Why doesn't he post here anymore?
malphite with the right team combo can basically steamroll every teamfight.malphite is one of those secret OPs that isn't really a secret, everyone knows he's OP but they just hate playing him because he's an even more boring version of maokai.
like at least maokai has a dash in his kit, that can sometimes be fun to use.
malphite hits the ground. and throws a rock. and can throw himself at the team every 2 minutes. so fun.
Poppy is really fun to play, I just wish that her Q didn't have reduced damage and that her passive trajectory made sense so you could actually have a way to predict where the shield will land. Sometimes you throw it and it lands so far you'll never get the chance to get it.
malphite with the right team combo can basically steamroll every teamfight.
actually malphite plus yasou should be enough to win it all
Oh yeah. Her passive pretty much just sucks. It lands in the most ridiculous spots and I might be missing some sort of visual indicator that it's up because I never know unless I look at the passive cool down.
Oh yeah. Her passive pretty much just sucks. It lands in the most ridiculous spots and I might be missing some sort of visual indicator that it's up because I never know unless I look at the passive cool down.
What was everyone's first penta?
Mine was with the great Xin
for getting that huge range on her next basic, i'd say it's fucking fair
problem is that that's just not true and as many ppl play malph as gp or riven right nowmalphite is one of those secret OPs that isn't really a secret, everyone knows he's OP but they just hate playing him because he's an even more boring version of maokai.
like at least maokai has a dash in his kit, that can sometimes be fun to use.
malphite hits the ground. and throws a rock. and can throw himself at the team every 2 minutes. so fun.
problem is that that's just not true and as many ppl play malph as gp or riven right now
and say what you will about riven but i sure as hell prefer riven to malph or gangplank
My first penta was also with Yi, but it was the old AP Yi in season 2. He was such a pentakill machine.sorry! i kind of sounded like a dick. i think my first penta was with yi. when I first started playing he was the only champ i played for awhile. he was so noob friendly.
Nobody picks Malphite to have fun except if it was the old AD Malphite. I didn't pick jungle Kayle in Season 3 to have fun, but that 87% winrate though. Almost fell asleep playing her. -_-but do they enjoy it
do they actually pick malphite thinking "this is gonna be a FUN lane!"
or do they do it because they know it's too strong to not pick.
but do they enjoy it
do they actually pick malphite thinking "this is gonna be a FUN lane!"
or do they do it because they know it's too strong to not pick.
Why doesn't he post here anymore?
but do they enjoy it
do they actually pick malphite thinking "this is gonna be a FUN lane!"
or do they do it because they know it's too strong to not pick.
but do they enjoy it