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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I was actually just about to bring this up. It almost seems bugged because it really doesn't make sense to me. Some people who have left are still in color and some people who have left are in grey.

So now you don't know if you've got all the clear to be salty in chat, and in turn, it reduces post-game salt.


I was actually just about to bring this up. It almost seems bugged because it really doesn't make sense to me. Some people who have left are still in color and some people who have left are in grey.

oh I thought it was just me and I was bugged lol. Then finally I concluded ev1 is somehow leaving the lobby before I land. LOL

finally I just concluded the other day I didnt what was going on


So tried out Poppy and she seems pretty solid.

Not exactly sure how to build her though. Black Cleaver into typical bruiser tank items seems to be the way but I can see her doing pretty well with triforce/iceborn as well.
I was actually just about to bring this up. It almost seems bugged because it really doesn't make sense to me. Some people who have left are still in color and some people who have left are in grey.

I thought it was to show you the premade teams, I dont get it


Been playing around as Shen for a while, definately was a good choice. I especially love that he makes top lane less lonely with his global presence, and fighting as him is also fun with his ult and taunt. Thanks for the suggestion LOL GAF!

I still use his ult at basically all the wrong times, but slowly learning how to Shen :)


mana potions weren't really a big deal, most supports that used them got properly compensated and ended up being kind of a buff for them. a bunch of random mids got unnecessarily buffed tho (like anivia) while mids that actually used mana pots (ahri, leblanc) didn't.

overall it wasn't as much as a game changer as removing green wards

rip mana champions that needed mana pots

like sivir lmao
sivir got essence reaver i guess


i don't play adc or whatever but i think sivir is pretty alright without mana pots

i just found it really insulting that anivia got mana regen buffs and leblanc didn't


Holy shit, I'm so bad at Karma. Constantly got wrecked in fights. I'm pretty bad at Ahri, too, but she's fun. I don't really understand how to use her ultimate and I'm bad at skillshots, but... she's fun. Trying to trick people into the return shot of the Orb of Deception is cool, and I can last hit with her a lot easier than pretty much anyone else I've tried.

I landed like one Charm in my last match though, lol.


Holy shit, I'm so bad at Karma. Constantly got wrecked in fights. I'm pretty bad at Ahri, too, but she's fun. I don't really understand how to use her ultimate and I'm bad at skillshots, but... she's fun. Trying to trick people into the return shot of the Orb of Deception is cool, and I can last hit with her a lot easier than pretty much anyone else I've tried.

I landed like one Charm in my last match though, lol.

yeah skillshots are gonna be a thing you gotta get the hang of if you wanna play mid

that's just the way mid is for pretty much every champion

skillshots are complicated cos there's a lot of mindgaming going on but with ahri there's a few tricks you can do to help you out:
- to get easy double q procs and not reposition for the return hit (and also not risk any return dmg) just try and land it max range. if just the tip hits someone it'll hit twice and there's nothing they can do about it.
- remember q goes through minions so sometimes line it up to last hit/heal off passive and get a hit on the other mid
- for charm you can time it in lane as the minion the other mid is covering behind dies so you can autoattack it and while your autoattack is in the air you charm and you'll have created a hole in their cover for the charm to go through
- not a great tip but try to predict where they're gonna go based on where they are and what they might do. if you see one of your minions on low health you know they're gonna walk up to autoattack it, so you can predict where they'll walk to exactly and predict-charm there and even if they dodge it they might miss the cs so it's kind of worth it anyways.
- also use terrain for that, try to bait them into walking near turrets or walls so they have things blocking their movement. the less room they have to move in the easier it is to predict where they'll go
- hide in brushes, behind walls, etc. so you can catch them off guard with a charm. hide in a brush, place a ward on the other side and wait. or just as your team is pushing mid and their team is defending walk to the jungle, hide behind a wall and start fishing for charms as they try to waveclear
- for assassination/dueling you don't need to start with charm. use the ult to get in really short distance and just charm them point blank. you just can't miss that way since it gives them so little reaction time to flash out/dodge and it's not hard to just e forward
- you can practice some e flash to instantly extend charm range but that's more complicated
o yeah fuk getting rid of greens do they really expect me to ward with that shit tier trinket before 9

easily my least favorite change

I really miss greens wards, purple wards are still expensive and the trinket last too short early and levels up according to your level which is weird since the support is the last role to level up.

My only issue with the current vision system is that once your inventory is full you have no way of getting pinks for shit like Vayne

Thats another issue, you have to fill the support item (sighstone) plus pink wards you have to buy several times, since the purple trinket is gone you have two slots dedicated to support without counting Solari and Face of the mountain or Talisman of ascention which those can negate you to build the new sighstone upgrades.

Eye of Oasis denies you of FotM which can save a team member.
Eye of the Equinox denies you of ToA.

Is like punish you of getting the new support toys for the sake of helping your team in Riot's old logic support


My only issue with the current vision system is that once your inventory is full you have no way of getting pinks for shit like Vayne

This is the single reason why red trinket is still relevant to me. I've had some long games lately (I can sell an item, use a potion then rebuy last item as a support long games) and I ain't got time for Vayne/Rango/Khaz.

Holy shit, I'm so bad at Karma. Constantly got wrecked in fights. I'm pretty bad at Ahri, too, but she's fun. I don't really understand how to use her ultimate and I'm bad at skillshots, but... she's fun. Trying to trick people into the return shot of the Orb of Deception is cool, and I can last hit with her a lot easier than pretty much anyone else I've tried.

I landed like one Charm in my last match though, lol.

Just keep trying (and use quick cast if you don't already). Karma is all about the poke, poke poke. Her Q is so cheap and CD so short and effect so explodey for a reason. When you aren't doing that shield people who need help getting into position/diving and W a diver yourself for some vision/peel. her main weakness is not being able to poke past minions or the front line but she can still spam those spells and they will add up quickly.


My only issue with the current vision system is that once your inventory is full you have no way of getting pinks for shit like Vayne

i still feel like wards shouldn't be the way you solve that issue

like using wards in combat feels like two unrelated systems interacting in a weird and unelegant way to me

the way i was thinking was either a sighstone upgrade or some sort of support item that junglers can also buy that either:
- grants you sight of invisible champions for something like 10s in the direction your champion is looking at. high cooldown
- places a totem thing that grants sight of invisible champions in a cone in a decently sized area. higher cooldown, lasts a little while and either can't be destroyed or is untargeteable for a few seconds. doesn't count as a ward.
- pbaoe pulse thing that disables invisibility for champions in a moderate radious for x seconds. if the pulse doesn't land it doesn't do anything
- a skillshot spell when landing doesn't make the champion visible or targeteable but "marks" them, leaving a trail of paint/blood that tells you their location. lasts a few seconds, can only hit one unit, goes through minions

just some ideas that aren't directly using pink wards, not necessarily good but that's the direction i'd like stuff to be, more interactive, less of a pink and forget kind of thing. also not super against making this a consumable or a boot enchant of some kind or who knows

i feel like pink wards as a solution to in-combat stealth is a bad solution from a game design perspective. i think the vision system should be mostly about vision (with the exception maybe of using wards to get in-combat vision of brushes, etc., since that's an ok thing since regular wards are so throwaway during combat) and pinks should be used to kill wards, not champions, and the combat and direct champion interaction should be separate and balanced around itself and not the fact that you carry a pink ward, you shove it in shroud and suddenly akali just lost one of her spells.

so i'd probably remove that functionality of pinks, add this new item and balance in-combat stealth champions (so akali, talon, vayne, that kind of champions) around it. for pinks being used against champions like eve and rengar, i think both of those champions have pretty big issues with their design that aren't really remedied by pinks right now. it helps but it's not a great solution to them and tbh they both need really sizeable changes to their kits so wouldn't really balance the game around poorly designed champions
Or make an exclusive support item which actually benefits the support alone and dont make other roles abuse the item. something like the machete for the Junglers which is a special item tied to jungler summoner spell.


i'm thinking something that's like chalice + kindlegem or something like that for stats, tho i'd like to make it less of a mana item so junglers can take it too


Time to bring Hextech Sweeper or Light bringer to SR?
the problem with those items is that they grant vision for a really short amount of time while here you need something that's more relevant over an extended teamfight since you'd be removing that function from pinks entirely (imo that's an important move to open the game balance to new items and to remove the bad situation of not being able to play the vision game cos "you gotta save ur pinks for vayne"). in fact that pulse thing i said above is probably kind of bad for that reason.

i also think it's probably a support/defensive champion kind of item rather than the offensive items from tt/arams. you use pinks to deal with assassins like talon, rengar and akali, and to catch vayne who's short ranged, so it's not necessarily something you'd like to see on bruisers or assassins or whatever.

i think the key thing would be to make the effect long lasting and also something you can "dodge" or stay out of its way so it makes fighting a little more involved and doesn't feel that binary for either player


Is the Legendary Snowdown already in effect? I know they said 23rd dec. until 7th jan. but nowhere in the store or anywhere says that is in effect already (8:43am for me on the 23rd atm).

Halp? I am totally not buying Forecast Janna and not getting a skin for "free"!

League is a free game, maybe if I repeat this many times it'll be true!!!



in honor of back from the ded nev

But but... I can't wait to use her and hear her say "It looks like there's a low chance any skillshots are gonna hit us!" as Jinx ult blasts me out of the face of the earth!
just wait a few hours you dumbo


I got Forecast Janna, and got Arctic Warfare Caitlyn as its mystery skin gift ._. At least it's a champion I have 0 skins for! Had it been yet another Annie skin I think I would have committed Sudoku.


Holy shit, I'm so bad at Karma. Constantly got wrecked in fights. I'm pretty bad at Ahri, too, but she's fun. I don't really understand how to use her ultimate and I'm bad at skillshots, but... she's fun. Trying to trick people into the return shot of the Orb of Deception is cool, and I can last hit with her a lot easier than pretty much anyone else I've tried.

I landed like one Charm in my last match though, lol.
Dnno if u use smartcast, but for me not smartcasting Ahri's E works wonders in actually hitting it. How I use the ult is just poke with Q until enemy gets low. Then reposition urself with the first charge of her ult to land an easy charm, Q + W + auto attacks while chasing with the next charge of her ult. I prefer keeping the last charge to disengage if u missed some skills so u get back safely.

Could also just hit the charm first before ulting if the enemy isn't low enough for u to kill if u miss any skillshots. Also, after basing, just throw ur Q behind u towards the nexus when going back to lane. U get a longer speed boost from it since the travel time is longer, because u are walking away from the orb. Make use of her Q's speed boost!

Ahri is the most fun midlaner for me. Damage, CC, mobility. She has it all, combined with a nice looking character/lore which fits her kit.


Alright, thanks for the advice! Definitely haven't messed around with smart-casting/quick-casting yet. Seems a little weird to me, but I'll try to pull it off. Ahri advice in general is really appreciated, though I think I may just put her off for a week to see if I can't get Karma to click. Her design's neat.
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