For simple but not completely brain dead jungle tanks how about Nautilus? He's extremely forgiving early game for players who don't jungle much (to a full initial clear of the jungle can be done comfortably with a single health pot) and from there on sustains extremely well, both health and mana. There will be lots of nay sayers as usual with supposed "weak" picks and will back that up with his so-so win rate in the jungle, but fact is that 80% of jungle Nautilus max W first -
those who max E first are currently enjoying some of the highest win rates in the game out of the jungle. As an added bonus you're also picking up a champion that can be played extremely well in support and can be a competent top laner.
If you want to play Kindred, but at the same time want to avoid something highly mechanical, how about Quinn jungle? Her repositioning skill (E- Vault) isn't as mechanically intensive as Kindred's mini dashes and her ultimate is much more reliable in impact than Kindred's - you want have to worry about fucking up a fight like you do with Kindred. Quinn is also a capable top laner and the better bot laner between the two.
Honestly, there's so many capable jungle picks right now it's hard to nail it down unless you provide more information regarding what you're looking for. Are you looking for a jungler that can replace your Vi, Jarvan, and Amumu picks, or are you looking for a champion that fills a role in a composition that your picks don't?