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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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ayyyy Rank 5 Kassadin. By far the longest Rank 5 journey so far. I think it took at least 30% longer than it took me to get there with Ekko. But as with all things, with repetition comes greater understanding of how to play the champ. It's nice to have another melee AP option for when the situation suits.

I think LeBlanc is next. She was the first champ I took a liking to back in 2011 but I haven't played her much since. Seems only fitting that I get her to Rank 5.
This cho build so fun. Think I messed up on the 3/7/3 match by not just rushing nashor's like the others and underestimating the fiora dash/damage.



I kind of prefer IBG to Frozen Heart on Cho now that it's been buffed so much. The slow aura just isn't that relevant for him, but IBG's spellblade makes lunch easier.


When I was bootcamping in Korea, I taught Faker a pretty unknown Zed mechanic, and he thanked me by hooking me up with some gaming gear and a fruit basket. Class personified.


ayyyy Rank 5 Kassadin. By far the longest Rank 5 journey so far. I think it took at least 30% longer than it took me to get there with Ekko. But as with all things, with repetition comes greater understanding of how to play the champ. It's nice to have another melee AP option for when the situation suits.

I think LeBlanc is next. She was the first champ I took a liking to back in 2011 but I haven't played her much since. Seems only fitting that I get her to Rank 5.
considering lebonk is in a really rough spot right now i'm guessing it'll take you more than 30% extra this time

I kind of prefer IBG to Frozen Heart on Cho now that it's been buffed so much. The slow aura just isn't that relevant for him, but IBG's spellblade makes lunch easier.



don't buy melee items on chogath





Illaoi feels crazy. I think I fought her completely the wrong way in hindsight, but man, when she pulls off that soul steal buff, it's painful. So hard to keep up with her when you need to clean up after her messes every now and again.


wits end is pretty good on cho. tho I personally go roa then full tank and maybe a rylai.

Why a Rylai? His Q slows well enough and his Roar would induce, what a 1 second slow?
Liandry would be fine since it offers Magic Pen+Additional damage when his Q connects


Illaoi feels crazy. I think I fought her completely the wrong way in hindsight, but man, when she pulls off that soul steal buff, it's painful. So hard to keep up with her when you need to clean up after her messes every now and again.

Just remember when she pulls your soul pre 6 she's either gonna Q it or aa it. I think she has the slowest aa in the game iirc so her autos aren't gonna do a lot and if she Qs it she has nothing left and just burned her only big ability for 20% effectiveness, making it the perfect time to trade with her. In addition, hitting her while your soul is out reduces its timer. There are a lot of champs who can really put the hurt on her, especially early. Just gotta dodge those Qs


Just remember when she pulls your soul pre 6 she's either gonna Q it or aa it. I think she has the slowest aa in the game iirc so her autos aren't gonna do a lot and if she Qs it she has nothing left and just burned her only big ability for 20% effectiveness, making it the perfect time to trade with her. In addition, hitting her while your soul is out reduces its timer. There are a lot of champs who can really put the hurt on her, especially early. Just gotta dodge those Qs
Was too scared of her for my own good, haha. I let her get away with a lot of stuff for free. I'll keep this in mind next time I ever run across Illaoi, though!

Ahri, meanwhile, is still great fun, but I'm still kind of atrocious with her. Hitting more Charms now, but not getting a lot off of them a lot of the time. Double hit of Orb at most, I think. And I occasionally forget/frequently mistime Fox Fire, lol. I'm choking a lot with the inputs. Really enjoying playing her all the same. It's pretty rewarding to actually get a kill with her once in a while. :v

Wish this game had a replay system. There was a really killer Shyvana on my last team, and it'd be nice to go back and see what he was doing that I don't.


Been thinking of expanding my junglers atm. I usually play with my friends and get stucked with jungle more often than I'd like to. Usually I pick Vi (kinda too yolo lately), J4 (nice flag assists helps with gold) and Amumu (kinda not worth when we don't have wombo combo).

Lately I've been thinking of dumping some IPs into Rek'sai or Kindred. Both look interesting in their own unique way but considering I like tanks a bit more I'm leaning more towards Rek'sai.

Preferably would choose the simplest mechanically speaking (but not as brain-dead as something like Nunu for example), so any other champion suggestions would work. Here are all the junglers I own: Amumu, Ekko, Evelynn, Fiddle, J4, Kayle (???), Nunu, Poppy, Tahm, Vi, WW.

Would anyone mind giving me a bit more in-depth guidance? Much appreciated! Also in the good spirit of these festivities, merry christmas!!


Mundo is hilariously strong in the jungle right now. Max RQEW. Build pure tank and still do loads of damage.

I thought about it, but I want to kinda steer away from FotM or ugly characters (lol). Why is there no Pool Party Graves-kinda sexy in the jungle baffles me


Was too scared of her for my own good, haha. I let her get away with a lot of stuff for free. I'll keep this in mind next time I ever run across Illaoi, though!

Ahri, meanwhile, is still great fun, but I'm still kind of atrocious with her. Hitting more Charms now, but not getting a lot off of them a lot of the time. Double hit of Orb at most, I think. And I occasionally forget/frequently mistime Fox Fire, lol. I'm choking a lot with the inputs. Really enjoying playing her all the same. It's pretty rewarding to actually get a kill with her once in a while. :v

Wish this game had a replay system. There was a really killer Shyvana on my last team, and it'd be nice to go back and see what he was doing that I don't.

I use replay.gg personally. Don't have to dl anything. Just change a mastery? page name once or twice.


is wits end any good on Kindered?

I have a feeling I have asked this question before,

so as Kindred, you basically never want to approach adcs alone, right? Jinx just destroys you before you even get the first hit in

Early game

Kindered > Jynx

Mid game

Kindered > Jynx

Late game

Kindered < Jynx

high stacked Kindered > Jinx

although Vayne and Tristana (and to some degree Kalista) sort of counters Kindered early game because they can keep distance.
why do people complain about champ picks in team builder. you fucking accepted it dumbass.

I think the waits can be so long that people just press to accept before really looking at the team comp. Then the captain sends it into search mode before you can properly react. Before you know it, bam! Jungle Blitz and ADC Yasuo. Mistakes were made.


Heh I haven't been using Pillar as effectively as I thought, bt it has helped my team secure some kills and escapes.


Gold Member
it's not just his ice pillar though it is a part of it. He was just really weak a few dozen patches ago and rito buffed him every patch although not noticeable. This resulted in his current strength right now. Sleeper op.


Why does Champion.gg show Trundle so high in its rankings?

Whenever the game favours tanks Trundle benefits from the shift because of his ult. The unnecessary buffs he received periodically throughout Season 5 made him strong in general, but the popularity and strength of soft/no engage tanks makes him all that much more valuable.

Would anyone mind giving me a bit more in-depth guidance? Much appreciated! Also in the good spirit of these festivities, merry christmas!!

For simple but not completely brain dead jungle tanks how about Nautilus? He's extremely forgiving early game for players who don't jungle much (to a full initial clear of the jungle can be done comfortably with a single health pot) and from there on sustains extremely well, both health and mana. There will be lots of nay sayers as usual with supposed "weak" picks and will back that up with his so-so win rate in the jungle, but fact is that 80% of jungle Nautilus max W first - those who max E first are currently enjoying some of the highest win rates in the game out of the jungle. As an added bonus you're also picking up a champion that can be played extremely well in support and can be a competent top laner.

If you want to play Kindred, but at the same time want to avoid something highly mechanical, how about Quinn jungle? Her repositioning skill (E- Vault) isn't as mechanically intensive as Kindred's mini dashes and her ultimate is much more reliable in impact than Kindred's - you want have to worry about fucking up a fight like you do with Kindred. Quinn is also a capable top laner and the better bot laner between the two.

Honestly, there's so many capable jungle picks right now it's hard to nail it down unless you provide more information regarding what you're looking for. Are you looking for a jungler that can replace your Vi, Jarvan, and Amumu picks, or are you looking for a champion that fills a role in a composition that your picks don't?
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