Cinderhulk era was honestly great.
red lizzy is quite ok
really nice particle effects and i love her bloody red icy feet things
Cinderhulk era was honestly great.
yeah i wish they amped her q dmg just a little bit. also the push indicator like on sion e would help quite a bitYeah but I hate playing Liss. Damage feels so weak, and Q hitbox feels like half of what it shows.
Sejuani with that nice freelo
Yeah assassins where terrible then, because it was a tank top and a tank jungler, trying to kill anyone was impossible, unless it was a mid or adc alone.Everyone was using her , rip Shaco
I have been maining sej in the jungle since season 3 and even with the nerf to cinderhulk I still have close to a 60 percent win rate with her. I just love her champ designEveryone was using her , rip Shaco
Yeah it is weird how long it took for then to nerf that, it was fun to mess around on gangplank and other people.i think the really really bad thing this year was runeglaive ezreal and how fucking long they took to kill him
that thing should've been hotfixed day one
Cinderhulk was just awful for botlane in every way.
i'm starting to think the attack speed mastery is kind of garbage right now, too. 4% attack speed? ehhh, your runes should have you covered. for a caster adc, sorcery just seems so much more appealing.
2% spell damage is worthless lol
I keep my team-mates on a leash.just lost my first 5vs4 because of the dumbest teammates.
When you are 38 mins in the game against a fiora and annie why would you ever face check a brush in the enemy jungle?
Sorcery will give you what, 2~3 extra damage on a spell early game? lol
Meanwhile AS is a lot harder to get and much more valuable these days.
this is the silliest thing ever. Exhaust? laning kindred? why. Least you didn't expect to win:/
Guys, don't ask about that match
It's harder to get as in sure, AS items are cheaper and easier to get but you get less AS overall outside of edge cases since Riot was kinda counting on people getting Warlords for that. Once it's buffed then yeah, Fury is meaningless, but right now where you basically have less bonus AS than a season 5 ADC with just PD? many times have you been in a situation where an extra 20-25 damage would've made the difference between wiping in botlane vs getting the kill?
by level 6, the bonus is substantial not in numbers, but in effect. i feel like a lot of people in this community discount a lot of the little things that add up over time because it's not a big up front number a lot.
also, attack speed is one of the easiest stats in the game to get.
It's harder to get as in sure, AS items are cheaper and easier to get but you get less AS overall outside of edge cases since Riot was kinda counting on people getting Warlords for that. Once it's buffed then yeah, Fury is meaningless, but right now where you basically have less bonus AS than a season 5 ADC with just PD? Eh.
And you need to cast what, 10 spells to get that 20 extra damage? Between cooldowns, mana pools and HP5 most of that damage will be mitigated before it adds up. Sure it might be important if you get a good MF or Lucian ult but for overall laning both masteries are whatever.
Bf, rapidfire finish IE then what ever you need life steal, armor pen , qss.So, how do I build Tristana, cuz new skin and all
I decided against Wonderland skin even though it looks adorable and I want to own all her skins. Still not a significant enough change from her base animations/effects that I can justify an 1820 RP tag.
Even with a free mystery skin you get for buying a legendary?
Haha, it seems i have been playing her wrong.
Can't wait to get home and play with those in mind!