Ghost is Bad
just make a gmail lol
Is it better to build hybrid Xin Zhao with a leaning towards AP?
The only AP item i get on Xin is Rageblade. Though I only take him jungle and not top.
it is only human to crave for swimsuitsu just want a swimsuit skin.
y'know it pisses me off when you're on a winning spree then in the final game of your promos, someone troll picks teemo jg even though we already had a jg, then in the next game, dude picks ezreal even though we already had an ezreal so dude lucian jg instead. All I need was one win.. but no. The trolls.
y'know it pisses me off when you're on a winning spree then in the final game of your promos, someone troll picks teemo jg even though we already had a jg, then in the next game, dude picks ezreal even though we already had an ezreal so dude lucian jg instead. All I need was one win.. but no. The trolls.
So gold everyone is not trolling.nah thats plat and silver 100%
So gold everyone is not trolling.
It happens to me a lot, maybe you are in Bronze like me?
gold is elo heaven, ppl are so happy to even be there
I was just wondering because she's seemingly not a very popular pick at the moment. Just purchased her with IP, she'll fill my support role for now. I got a couple other champs for mid and top
and yeah, I don't much like playing support. Tanking and/or babysitting the carry is not particularly my style, and I'm not good at it either
D5 is the worst.
ranked is terrible
2/7 top gnar and 4/15 jungle sej. plus our corki went full on stupid and decided to roam enemy every chance he got.
play jannaIs there a thing such as counterplay when it comes to Rengar and his ult? cause.......
play janna
Def feels great to break a streak of mediocre games.
I haven't tried Mobi boots on Bard since CDR are same price now, thoughts? I feel most of the time I rush 45% CDR for perma-Qs but idk!
I haven't tried Mobi boots on Bard since CDR are same price now, thoughts? I feel most of the time I rush 45% CDR for perma-Qs but idk!
Faridmon-I am actually going to stop playing ranked till the season starts. I went from silver 1 to low silver 4. Time to learn by normals.
also bought kindred.
Pd. Is it ok to use Puush here?
If all goes well, Season 6 I'll probably just play around Janna/Nami/Thresh, maybe I should try to give Braum another chance idk.
Fucking grossmarvel < dc
I mean I know what mobi boots are.. I used to build them before, I just feel with Bard it's kinda wasted since sometimes you set up a gank with ult, and then your mobi's fall off.
I honestly feel mobi's have fallen off, considering the 10% summoner's CDR on Ionian, and I absolutely loved mobi's before.
I haven't played Bard that much, does the Ult and the tunnel result in the fall of the mobi's passive increase in mobility? I though you had to take dmg in order for that to happen.
Is there a thing such as counterplay when it comes to Rengar and his ult? cause.......