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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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y'know it pisses me off when you're on a winning spree then in the final game of your promos, someone troll picks teemo jg even though we already had a jg, then in the next game, dude picks ezreal even though we already had an ezreal so dude lucian jg instead. All I need was one win.. but no. The trolls.


y'know it pisses me off when you're on a winning spree then in the final game of your promos, someone troll picks teemo jg even though we already had a jg, then in the next game, dude picks ezreal even though we already had an ezreal so dude lucian jg instead. All I need was one win.. but no. The trolls.

Hmm that tells me I should probably wait a bit with queuing again after I just lost a game because of a troll on my team
y'know it pisses me off when you're on a winning spree then in the final game of your promos, someone troll picks teemo jg even though we already had a jg, then in the next game, dude picks ezreal even though we already had an ezreal so dude lucian jg instead. All I need was one win.. but no. The trolls.

It happens to me a lot, maybe you are in Bronze like me?


Another day I play a normal match, another game where we start really well, one player leaves because they've got something else to do, and we lose. While we had a hefty advantage and were able to win teamfights easily since the enemy didn't group up effectively at first, our now 4-player team doesn't actually take objectives so things begin to stagnate. After Nasus and I take Baron, I make the mistake of trying to split push while the whole enemy team pushes mid in retaliation, kills two of my teammates and takes down both mid and bot lanes, including both inhibitors and the nexus turrets.

Then I had to spend the next fifteen minutes in base trying to hold off beefed-up creep waves, and our whole team was eventually forced to do nothing but focus on super-creep waves, which gave the enemy team the chance to take several dragons and overcome any advantage we used to have while we were busy in base attacking those damn golem minions.

We even managed to wipe the whole team out and two guys went to push while they were on 1-minute death timers, but all the golem minions that were headed to our base made it extremely hard for me as support Nautilus to control them all.


Honestly the most enjoyable games in ranked for me were around Gold 4 - 2 as my teammates barely talked except when going for objectives/making plays or saying good job.

Its around that rank as well that I didn't really mind losing as I didn't have raging teammates and most of the time I felt that we lost cause the other team played better.
gold is elo heaven, ppl are so happy to even be there

I'm not. I rather climb to Diamond/Masters for season 6.

Better start perfecting my support skills. So far...

Can play with confidence: Bard, Braum, Soraka, Trundle

Still mixed results on: Tahm Kench, Janna, Nami, Lulu, Nautilus, Leona, Alistar

Need to practice: Thresh, Blitzcrank, Zilean, Karma.

Still avoiding: Sona until she get reworked again. Either buff or change how her Aura works or just change her ult so it can't be cleansed. She's pretty much a terrible version of Nami at this rate. It's sad because I own the DJ skin for her.

Guilty pleasures: Taric, God I can't wait for his rework.



so good


I was just wondering because she's seemingly not a very popular pick at the moment. Just purchased her with IP, she'll fill my support role for now. I got a couple other champs for mid and top

and yeah, I don't much like playing support. Tanking and/or babysitting the carry is not particularly my style, and I'm not good at it either

No she's not a popular pick, and likely never will be. She does a bit of everything but there's a champion who can do it better out of the support role. She pokes well but not at the level of Sona, Lulu, or Zyra. She can pick people off well, but not at the level of Zyra, Morgana, or Nami. She can protect/sustain her carry(ies) but not to the extent of Braum, Janna, or Soraka. She can do a bit of everything, which sounds nice on paper but in practice it's a double-edged sword. She can lane well with almost every ADC, but she doesn't have synergy on the level of Graves-Leona, or Ashe-Zyra, etc.

But don't let that stop you if you like playing her. If you have some time check out the statistics on champion.gg and have a look at the win rates as a function of games played graph for various supports. The majority fall somewhere around ~52% with 125+ games played. A few top ~55%; Karma is one of them. It's not a direct correlation of her strength by any means, but it does show that if you put your time in she's a perfect viable support so you shouldn't worry about her rarity in games.

D5 is the worst.

Don't you mean Plat1?

nyuck nyuck


Not like normals is any indicative for anything, mind you, but after buying Forecast Janna I've been enjoying her even better! I've gotten better at using her Q to stop Amumus/Jax's and the like. And her peel is just <3


Also managed my first S+ with her. Tbh their botlane was either stoned or something. Teeto was S5 but the Morgana was P5 and was playing way worse than him. Idk, super weird game tbh. Managed to get 25 stacks on that game too.


Pd. Is it ok to use Puush here?

If all goes well, Season 6 I'll probably just play around Janna/Nami/Thresh, maybe I should try to give Braum another chance idk.
ranked stresses me out so I don't even bother, I would rather be unranked than have the bronze stamp of shame on my profile

only time I ever did ranked was my placements in season 4, I was pretty excited when I was put into silver 2. I probably could have made gold if I tried but I was afraid to lose my shiny silver border by losing too many games.


ranked is terrible

2/7 top gnar and 4/15 jungle sej. plus our corki went full on stupid and decided to roam enemy every chance he got.


ranked is terrible

2/7 top gnar and 4/15 jungle sej. plus our corki went full on stupid and decided to roam enemy every chance he got.

Honestly, stop playing ranked. I find myself playing with idiots everytime I play ranked (I am bronze IV in ranked mind)



I haven't tried Mobi boots on Bard since CDR are same price now, thoughts? I feel most of the time I rush 45% CDR for perma-Qs but idk!

I go Mobility Boots on most supports. For Bard, I really like getting around for the chimes and ganks as fast as I can.



I haven't tried Mobi boots on Bard since CDR are same price now, thoughts? I feel most of the time I rush 45% CDR for perma-Qs but idk!

Mobi boots is a must for supps if you are roaming. I can get CDR or def from other items, but mobility is a must. You alos get to turrets faster, save your jungler from invasion and just all round better items than other boots.

Faridmon-I am actually going to stop playing ranked till the season starts. I went from silver 1 to low silver 4. Time to learn by normals.

also bought kindred.

Yeah, normals is just all round more enjoyable. The thing is your mmr in Normals is separate from your ranked lv, so the more you win games the better player you play with and against, which for better or worse, just change your perception on ranked (if you main supp, you are fucked, if you can carry games you are golden)

I am bronze IV in ranked but raised my mmr on normals to be high Silver/low gold and its just plain fun.

Speaking of Kindered, I still suck at Kindered!


Pd. Is it ok to use Puush here?

If all goes well, Season 6 I'll probably just play around Janna/Nami/Thresh, maybe I should try to give Braum another chance idk.

Just noticed, WTF is Morgana trying to build


I mean I know what mobi boots are.. I used to build them before, I just feel with Bard it's kinda wasted since sometimes you set up a gank with ult, and then your mobi's fall off.

I honestly feel mobi's have fallen off, considering the 10% summoner's CDR on Ionian, and I absolutely loved mobi's before.


I mean I know what mobi boots are.. I used to build them before, I just feel with Bard it's kinda wasted since sometimes you set up a gank with ult, and then your mobi's fall off.

I honestly feel mobi's have fallen off, considering the 10% summoner's CDR on Ionian, and I absolutely loved mobi's before.

I haven't played Bard that much, does the Ult and the tunnel result in the fall of the mobi's passive increase in mobility? I though you had to take dmg in order for that to happen.


I haven't played Bard that much, does the Ult and the tunnel result in the fall of the mobi's passive increase in mobility? I though you had to take dmg in order for that to happen.

If you enter combat, either by attacking or being attacked, they stop. So I don't think his magical journey stops them, but I guess his ult ccing the enemy counts as combat.
Is there a thing such as counterplay when it comes to Rengar and his ult? cause.......

Don't feed him as it gets worse. But as mentioned, if you have a Naut or Morg on your team and *gasp* group up, he becomes a lot less effective at deleting people.


This got me thinking I have seen a lot more of him recently, but he's not in the top 5 wins of ranked players until Challenger (63%) and has a fairly normal success rate overall (50%)

Interesting/expected that the emphasis shifts from CC-to-win down in Bronze (Amumu, Brand) for solo Q top Champs, up to ADC success in Challenger.


new cj adc is kramer from flash wolves, who's had an iffy worlds but probably attributed to communication issues

jungler and mid are apparently top solo q talent

no big names is interesting
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