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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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It'll come back. When I started last season I placed gold III, got to gold II promos then went on such a nosedive. I lost 15 in a row and was at 0lp gold V. It seemed like there was nothing I could do to win. I took a ranked break. Played a lot of normals. Then climbed back to almost gold III before season ended.

You aren't alone :)
because of you I won't unistall. Just gotta get through it


10 game losing streak sigh about to uninstall.

I had 7 loss streak yesterday. Today i had 5 out of 7 wins.
Happens because of bad teammates, tilting, bad mmr or all of above.

Just play different champ each time and play normals. I don't play ranked because of the loss, but Normals is stll fun.


rumble is my go to top since he doesn't rely on mana.

my naut was bot lane with a kindred. I told her if we win I will buy kindred...we won lol


Shen in my game getting slaughtered by a yasuo in lane and builds SV first. I ask him why he isn't building armor.

"This is my build"
I heard assassins had silence removed from their kits because getting 1 shot while being unable to fight back or even flash offered zero counterplay. So why does Garen still exist?


I heard assassins had silence removed from their kits because getting 1 shot while being unable to fight back or even flash offered zero counterplay. So why does Garen still exist?

Because he literally has to walk up and auto you to apply it. Talon lost silence because he could do it from 700 units. Garen has to be within 175. The counterplay to Garen is buying boots.
Garen cant nuke.

Kass had a lot higher bases back then. He can spam RQE anytime to nuke you then walk away without any spell retaliation. You cant cast spells, and you cant retaliate with autos because youre slowed. He can decide when to trade and he'll always win them.

Current Kass has no silence and garbage base numbers. Hitting 6 isnt auto win anymore because he still needs to build a mana item so he wont have AP to back up his decent ratios.


played malphite for the first and second time in ranked. I did amazing and won lane. but not enough damage when Q and R are on cd. lost both games and promo


I have a riven losing badly to a ignite Garen.

My support says, "Great job ganking. I think top needs some help though."

My Riven said, 'No. I can't do anything here. Keep camping mid and bot"

Blew my god damn mind.

The guy gets carried, picks up some kills in team fights and ends the game doing pretty well.

This is how you get carried.
Ultimate (R): Ghillied Up-

Can only be used in the jungle. Deadeye locks in on a target and snipes him for 800 (+200) damage and applies a stack of whatever minigame Riot has cooked up.


I feel like I'm cursed to have every game where I do OK (by my standards) with Ahri wind up with toplane feeding insanely and the enemy team snowballing teamfights from there.

EDIT: Chasing people down with Spirit Dash is the coolest, though. Need to figure out how to use it better in team fights, though.






No, Xerath.

i dunno about xerath, he has the range but because of the spammy nature of his kit he doesn't feel like much of a sniper to me

he's more like artillery, whittles you down with constant fire, while lux is more of a one shot one kill kind of thing with her combo


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i dunno about xerath, he has the range but because of the spammy nature of his kit he doesn't feel like much of a sniper to me

he's more like artillery, whittles you down with constant fire, while lux is more of a one shot one kill kind of thing with her combo
I wasn't really envisioning a sniper as a one shot one kill sort of thing. Lux ult definitely feels like a sniping tool but it's not as intensive with aiming as Xerath's, and the heavy amount of crowd control Lux utilizes removes aspects of her that would feel weighted towards landing long range shots. Sniping someone that's rooted in place is a little less impressive.

Either way...pretty sick of guns/ranged attackers with the champ releases we've had and the AD overhaul.


I wasn't really envisioning a sniper as a one shot one kill sort of thing. Lux ult definitely feels like a sniping tool but it's not as intensive with aiming as Xerath's, and the heavy amount of crowd control Lux utilizes removes aspects of her that would feel weighted towards landing long range shots. Sniping someone that's rooted in place is a little less impressive.

Either way...pretty sick of guns/ranged attackers with the champ releases we've had and the AD overhaul.

yeah fair enough
Deadeye looks cool but if he's another ADC I'll be pissed.
Edit: So this riot employee basically confirmed on that reddit page.. bleh. Marksman makes me wary.
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