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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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What is this?

Promo Helper.

Because you recently had a series where you lost, then qualified for another series, you get a free game, up til Gold I think.

Basically if you're repeatedly qualifying for promotion series, you clearly should just get promoted, so they want to make it easier for you to get through them to avoid the constant Reddit complaint of getting trolls every single promotion series. It's just a smoother.


This makes sense, but I also think that people (especially late teens early twenties i.e. the target audience) are just typically bad at soft skills (that's literally why they are called soft skills, because people don't understand them as skills) because they don't get much opportunity to learn them except via practical use. But maybe now that MOBAs are mainstream we will see lots of gamers with better soft skills because they're actually rewarded for them?
yeah it's just something i feel like riot and the game in general should value more and teach more to players. game sense is probably the most important skill to have in the game, and it's so underrated vs vayne 1v5ing that it really brings the whole playerbase down

so i'm pretty happy rito seems to be pulling the game more and more in a team oriented direction, even if releasing champions like fiora feel a bit like a step back sometimes (i so wish her ult was actually a well balanced spell)

This is an interesting idea. You're right that my immediate reaction is that it's a little bit dumbing down, mostly because almost every piece of information about global game state is already accessible by pressing Tab. People just don't process and use that information well.

It might be interesting to actually put in the team gold totals when you press tab, the way that they have them in LCS. That is probably one of the stronger overall status indicators, and one of the hardest things to back out from Tab (CS value values, assist value varies, basically you have to roughly calculate the value of everybody's inventory).
yeah, i feel like having the gold difference would be way too much information so that's why i was thinking something a little less transparent, tho that's probably problematic in its own way.

just think it'd be an interesting experiment

it's a new system. If you reach series and fail it, your next series will start with 1 win up until like Plat 1 I think?

it's only until plat5 (so last one you get is from g2 to g1)

sadly i'll have to work if i want to get anywhere lol


i just wish ppl would remember this is a team game and if you're doing bad because you're camped or something it's likely someone else is doing good because you're taking all the jungler pressure

i try to remind myself that even tho league is a game that's really painful to play when you feel powerless (aka invisible fed rengar oneshotting you with no counterplay)

yeah it is a team game for real. I was having my way with Fiora (I was on Illaoi) and her team came to help her out. they even got one of my towers. they still lost bigtime but I was shocked how that team tried to rally and fight me. most teams just stand by and watch top lane get lost

[edit] btw is Illaoi broke? she just seems god tier strong. I love picking her when she slips through bans


Illaoi seems kinda weak to me.

She has a strong laning phase but just fizzles out after that, like old Darius except with less cc.


[edit] btw is Illaoi broke? she just seems god tier strong. I love picking her when she slips through bans

Nah, she's just a juggernaut. Basically the entire challenge of playing Illaoi is getting into melee with somebody you want to kill. Once you do that it's pretty easy to kill them and hard for them to kill you.

Illaoi specifically is a teamfight-focused juggernaut, so in the right situation, which is melee with five dudes, she does totally ridiculous stuff. But it's also pretty easy, if you don't have a good way to engage, for the other team to kite and kill you. So good job avoiding that!

I actually think Fiora should probably beat Illaoi because Fiora probably beats every juggernaut (I think Fiora might arguably beat everybody in the game 1v1), so good job winning that matchup too.

Illaoi seems kinda weak to me.

She has a strong laning phase but just fizzles out after that, like old Darius except with less cc.

I don't think her laning phase is even that good. Illaoi is an area control juggernaut, but the area is really pretty small. Even in the confines of the lane, all you have to do is kite away from the tentacles and she can't really do anything about it except try to hit you with E. Doing the right thing with E is probably the hardest part of the lane.


illaoi in general is pretty weak

she has one trump card, when a team is stupid enough to try and fight her and her team in an enclosed space

yeah, don't do that. if you don't do that, she does nothing. if you do do that, you deserve to lose because you walked into the one thing she can do well


ThomasShoe the 2nd said:
The fact that it was being used so often by assassins is what bothered me. If an AD assassin really wanted to kill a priority target come early game, they'd be better off buying a flat armor penetration item like Serrated Dirk and Ghostblade, because they want to make champion picks in the early game, to snowball a game out of control. Late game, picks are harder to make as an ADC has likely built some sort of defensive item and team fights are more common. Assassins don't even want games to get to that point, because the only way they can get a kill is by catching a target out of position or getting a good flank. I believe slight buffs for the LW line are necessary, but it has a fine purpose ATM.

TL;DR: Assassins are about early game kills and snowballing. Flat armor pen is fine. % pen is for mages and ADCs as niche buys if necessary.

yes im alive say hell to gaf for me

tommy shoe shoe said hi in my reddit thread guys


Best way to play Lilowie:

Build Cleaver+pure tank. Jump into a teamfight 1v5. Bring their entire team down to 50% while your team chills in a bush. Wait 5-10 seconds until they spread out a bit. Have your team flank them. They're at 50%. Kill 2-3. Repeat. Win game.
Don't save your laners as the jungler. Your objective is to get a laner fed, not to prevent all enemies from getting fed. Think of yourself as a middle manager. You don't want to spend all your time trying to help your underperformer. Just fire that guy and use your management energy to enable your actually good guys to succeed.

My first objective is to gank any winning lanes. For example, if one of my lanes wins a 1v1 early, that enemy laner better be ready because I'm going to show back up to his lane every single time he gets to his turret (this goes double if he used teleport to get back to lane).


she isn't.
I'm just not seeing it. She has a really low win rate and I've never seen her have a large impact later in the game. Her lane opponent that probably lost lane is typically more relevant than illaoi come mid game. Perhaps it can change if the meta allows some more beneficial team comps.


To be clear, if you love picking her and you win with her, keep playing Illaoi all the time. Doesn't matter if she's ostensibly weak if you have a good win rate with her.

But if you're worried she will get nerfed, she probably won't.
I'm just not seeing it. She has a really low win rate and I've never seen her have a large impact later in the game. Her lane opponent that probably lost lane is typically more relevant than illaoi come mid game. Perhaps it can change if the meta allows some more beneficial team comps.


For the record, I went 18/7/20 that game against her.


She's alright in lane.

If the rest of your team is behind though I feel she's kinda useless as her teleport presence is a pretty weak with her lack of CC and gap closers. Just gotta hope the enemy team fights in narrow places in the jungle so your tentacles can hit easily.


To be clear, if you love picking her and you win with her, keep playing Illaoi all the time. Doesn't matter if she's ostensibly weak if you have a good win rate with her.

But if you're worried she will get nerfed, she probably won't.
Indeed. If you get good results then by all means keep playing her.

For the record, I went 18/7/20 that game against her.
If she gets behind she's most likely useless, but to be fair that seldom happens.


you're wrong about pantheon

new itemization makes pantheon a huge threat mid and late game. he doesn't fall off like he used to.

i've seen so many streams where by midgame, he has so much pen that his E literally does 2k in an aoe to everyone in it in like a second
you're wrong about pantheon

new itemization makes pantheon a huge threat mid and late game. he doesn't fall off like he used to.
Yeah, lemme rephrase that, like S5 Panth. Ghostblade + Precision + Thunderlords is fucking insane on him

He's still relatively weak late but it's a lot less timed


Yeah, lemme rephrase that, like S5 Panth. Ghostblade + Precision + Thunderlords is fucking insane on him

He's still relatively weak late but it's a lot less timed

"weak" is a relative term. s5 pantheon couldn't kill a carry most of the time late game because of natural defenses, but this season there is SO MUCH flat pen that it's ridiculous. one rotation murders squishies at every point in the game now, and it only takes a second to get the rotation off. i'd be playing him right now top if quinn wasn't so broken.
I think she's pretty weak. If you literally walk around in between your spells and autos, she can literally do no damage because her tentacles always miss.
Lol that is what you do with most people.
I wouldn't say she is weak but she is not that great right now, after playing against her a few times it is easy to win lane. You just have to learn how to and when to attack and if you dont know when to fight she will destroy you.

You guys know who is really strong right now, Quinn.


Am I just getting lucky? Been winning my lanes as Jayce today. His poke is just plain unfair to the avg top laner.

* My opponents were Darius and Riven.
Well that happened

Rengar never connects until they're hitting our nexus + Lee doing one of those "my mind is telling me no" moments + Blitz staying mid after their invade for some reason forcing me to deal with Trist+Trundle level 1 somehow just made the entire team go "open mid" lol
Well that happened

Rengar never connects until they're hitting our nexus + Lee doing one of those "my mind is telling me no" moments + Blitz staying mid after their invade for some reason forcing me to deal with Trist+Trundle level 1 somehow just made the entire team go "open mid" lol
Oh ok that make sense.
Tbh i rather open mid if i have an afk than play the match. Unless it is ranked.
I'm just not seeing it. She has a really low win rate and I've never seen her have a large impact later in the game. Her lane opponent that probably lost lane is typically more relevant than illaoi come mid game. Perhaps it can change if the meta allows some more beneficial team comps.

I see. Well add me and we can play a game with her. I'll go top. I'm sure I can be fairly serviceable. I tend to be pretty good with champs that aren't particularly popular. I expected her to be shit, if you'll recall. Then I ended up shitting on everyone with regularity.

I think she's pretty weak. If you literally walk around in between your spells and autos, she can literally do no damage because her tentacles always miss.

Oh no doubt, but as with most things they are easier said than done. I unexpectedly found a great deal of success with her. I don't even remember the last time I lost my lane with Illaoi. As with all things, YMMV.


I see. Well add me and we can play a game with her. I'll go top. I'm sure I can be fairly serviceable.

Oh no doubt, but as with most things they are easier said than done. I unexpectedly found a great deal of success with her. I don't even remember the last time I lost my lane with Illaoi.
I would love to, but I'm in EUW and I'm fairly certain you're in NA.

If you're having good results with her then more power to you. I don't wish to dissuade anyone with good results.


bro, rex and i constantly get zeds and yasuos in almost every lobby unless we scout people out and ban/take their called lane. and even then we still get them.


I'm just not seeing it. She has a really low win rate and I've never seen her have a large impact later in the game. Her lane opponent that probably lost lane is typically more relevant than illaoi come mid game. Perhaps it can change if the meta allows some more beneficial team comps.
her late game kinda falls off from in game exp


You're dropped into a group of 5 randoms, the other team is also 5 randoms, you're all approximately equally skilled, so the game is really about whether your team of 5 can organize, communicate, and support each other better than the other team of 5, or whether you will just fall apart into blame, disagreement, and split pushing. Which is totally about learned skills, not magic or luck.

nah, there's always the 1/7 Shaco around somewhere that you can conveniently shoulder the blame on
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