i dont get it
looks like a normal shitter to me
^^ And I would hope elo boosting would get him into a higher bracket than just gold 5
(Oh I see, that's the point. But still I'd expect to see the same duo in his matches)
i dont get it
looks like a normal shitter to me
i dont get it
looks like a normal shitter to me
With a 90% win rate on Rumble even though he mains ADC.
Mid Morgana is so safe, you can bake cookies, do homework, and fold laundry during the laning phase.
Bait out her Q and what does she have to defend herself? Oh...nothing.
is dis da reel keeth mc breefuh is Morgana mid like the safest pick everyone can chose and do well with?
Just had a ranked where I was mid but didn't feel like playing any of my usual suspects (GP banned) and I felt like trying morg (vs Kata). Easiest laning of my life. All around strong pick. Works well with Frostqueen meta.
Basically a recommendation if you get to play mid when not being comfortable with mid. Obviously not as useful vs AD mids.
uh is Morgana mid like the safest pick everyone can chose and do well with?
Just had a ranked where I was mid but didn't feel like playing any of my usual suspects (GP banned) and I felt like trying morg (vs Kata). Easiest laning of my life. All around strong pick. Works well with Frostqueen meta.
Basically a recommendation if you get to play mid when not being comfortable with mid. Obviously not as useful vs AD mids.
Man, what does it take to get an S+?Fizz went 5/0 early on, but I was getting Trist just as fed. She made so many close call dives but thankfully did it only when I was around (which was nearly all the time).
Shit like this is incredibly repulsive to me, even if it's on the other team.
I'm fine with support Voli actually lol, he functions a lot like a worse version of Blitz that's slightly more tanky.Did you embrace the support Volibear with a warmth and kindness, or did you only go through with that game because you dodged a lot today?
Does upgrading trinkets still work? :^)Man, what does it take to get an S+?Fizz went 5/0 early on, but I was getting Trist just as fed. She made so many close call dives but thankfully did it only when I was around (which was nearly all the time).
That lane is like, what do you even do besides hoping laning phase is over as soon as possibleoh man, watching QT against Karma and E-max MF. that's a nasty fucking lane.
Thunderlords + high base damage and range + Precision giving MF flat MpenAre MFs maxing E because of thunderlords?
I've noticed I've gotten a shit tonne of the "once a month players" to avoid decay. They are always the ones feeding and ruining games by themselves.
I guess thats for practice as wellLiquid doing a 10 man roster, what the fuck, they're gonna try and do the Faker/Easyhoon thing on every position? lol
No decay. Problem solved.
Liquid doing a 10 man roster, what the fuck, they're gonna try and do the Faker/Easyhoon thing on every position? lol
The run from 3.5-5 was best described as dominant as per the pic above.
Yeah when playing an assassin you have to change the way you play alot.ty good sir
turns out I'm okay with LB. Unless there are like 3 knockups and roots, I can do a lot of work. But I'm sure that's true for all assassins.
Yeah when playing an assassin you have to change the way you play alot.
I get mad when a random jungler or my adc starts killing my minions as Swain.