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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Happy new years lads/lass'

Played 2 games with Kindred. Won both with 7/3 and 9/1 respectivally. I am getting hang on her way of playing.


happy new year you jerks, love you all

specially nev

2016 is gonna be great, champ select that lets me mid every game, taric rework, mages rework (don't fuck this up rito), more shitty syndra skins and voyboy is back to pro play

Happy new year gaf

My league resolutions

-Play more aggressive

-Diamond (not sure I'm capable of traversing the god forsaken wasteland that is plat elo so this is unlikely but gotta dream big)

-achieve 30%+ win rate with reksai (another tall task for me)

-Zac pentakill

-Dodge every yasuo

i kind of have the plan to make the run for diamond once ranked team builder is up so i can just play mid since i really don't like playing anything else at this point, but i know i'm gonna let other stuff get in the way and i'm not in any way good enough to get there without a bit of a grind, so probably not gonna make it.

would be nice to have my ori winrate as high as my ahri winrate, that would feel kind of great at least, as well as having my ranked 5s team break plat


I'm really looking forward to the new ranked team builder. I think it's going to shake things up quite a bit -- no more fill is a big deal.

The problem is figuring out what my second role should be besides top!


I'm really looking forward to the new ranked team builder. I think it's going to shake things up quite a bit -- no more fill is a big deal.

The problem is figuring out what my second role should be besides top!
they're working out how to add "fill" as an option in a later date


they're working out how to add "fill" as an option in a later date

I think it's just a bad choice, though. If I could choose between somebody who chose two roles, one of which was the role they got, and somebody who chose one role and would fill otherwise, and didn't get their one role, I'd want the first one. They're probably better at the job.

I think I just need to relearn jungle. I just haven't done it since s4.


I think it's just a bad choice, though. If I could choose between somebody who chose two roles, one of which was the role they got, and somebody who chose one role and would fill otherwise, and didn't get their one role, I'd want the first one. They're probably better at the job.

I think I just need to relearn jungle. I just haven't done it since s4.

i think idea with "fill" is that you don't get a #1 choice at all


Do you think crowd control could go with some changes? Like if you get hit by another CC that one overrides the previous CC you had?


First game of the year. Starts out as a 4v5 since Malz got pissed at Lux for whatever reason. Anyways, I go to my lane and I'm shocked to see a supp Swain (I looked at his match history apparently he actually plays support Swain lmao). Anyways, this supp Swain feeds his ass off, and our Lux gets fed by their mid Veig too. Up top, Lee Sin is feeding the shit outta this enemy Wukong. Swain continues to feed bot while Lucian gets zoned by the Sona/Kalista terror lane. Suddenly our Malz comes back and he's pissed that we're winning. He goes top and feeds more kills to Wukong. We have a teamfight and Wukong 1 shots me and Sona. I'm like wtf and I see Sona is all AP and I'm like zzz. Meanwhile, Swain continues to feed. In response, the Malz decides to give up feeding/trolling because quote: "I'll never surpass this Swain, he's next level" (Swain is playing for real btw). Anyways, I tank up to deal with this stupid ass Wukong champion that riot should have never released. We then somehow win the next few teamfights and then eventually the game. Stay golden ponyboy (soloqboy).



Is there anything in the pipeline about new reform/report systems? I keep getting jerks in my game and it's so frustrating :/ between the intentional feeders and AFKs, I'm having a lot of trouble enjoying matches lately (doesn't help that I've been playing hit and miss too).

The current system is so useless.


You think there would be some tone but nah just long skinny arms. Could be the artists interpretation though as it sorta makes her look vulnerable I guess.
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