HestiaisChestia joined the room.
Newbkrew: gg
HestiaisChestia: what does it take
Neitter joined the room.
Daxenriva: Alright then, let's duke it out.
HestiaisChestia: to carry 3 retards
ATGrace: get better mundo
HestiaisChestia: 2 diamond smurfs
Steve Nashor left the room.
HestiaisChestia: LMAO
ATGrace: lol
ATGrace: i suck
HestiaisChestia: that legendary
HestiaisChestia: renek
SUPRCHRGD: 2heavy struggle
Blindelement left the room.
ATGrace: idk man ive never pleay this alegator
Newbkrew: cool story bro
KMAISSS left the room.
ATGrace left the room.
Daxenriva: Tank performance just to try and rotate for the bot lane, mundo likes to sit on his little mountain.
Newbkrew: its sad when our lulu just kept dying
Newbkrew: couldnt even dodge
Blue Newt: blame lulu
SUPRCHRGD: lulu was new i think
Daxenriva: Too much team play.
Blue Newt: lmao
SUPRCHRGD: so kinda not her fault
Blue Newt: as if that was team play
Blue Newt: pls
HestiaisChestia: the only team
Newbkrew: so when lulu gives draven 3 kills
HestiaisChestia: was me and draven
HestiaisChestia: :^)
Newbkrew: our lux lost to a lux supp
Daxenriva: Yes. You can ward. Claps for you.
Neitter left the room.
SUPRCHRGD left the room.
Daxenriva: I'm still waiting on that 1v1 vayne.
Blue Newt: wait
Blue Newt: inv me
Blue Newt: I wanna watch this
Blue Newt: 1v1
Newbkrew: LOL
Daxenriva: Git' outta hea draven

Newbkrew: ill 1v1 later im out hater
Daxenriva: chickenshit
Blue Newt: XD
Newbkrew: life>league bb
HestiaisChestia: l8r baddie
Daxenriva: ciao chickenshit.
Newbkrew: go get beat by some more supps lux
Newbkrew: 4/7
Daxenriva: Only after you feed em
HestiaisChestia: u lost to the supp lux tho
HestiaisChestia: who didnt have
Newbkrew: cant even get positive
HestiaisChestia: exhaust
Daxenriva: and I rotate to try and help you instead of getting ahead.
HestiaisChestia: or ignite
HestiaisChestia: or flash
Newbkrew: 172 cs is legit also
Daxenriva: cause you know, I don't keep trying to do the same fuckin thing over and over again
Newbkrew: 172 cs
Newbkrew left the room.
Blue Newt: lol...
Daxenriva: Ouch, big words for someone I rotated for.
Daxenriva: Beat the enemy mid out of lane to pull vayne out of their rut, and they can't do ****.
Daxenriva: ALSO
Daxenriva: wtf is with that vayne build.
Blue Newt: yeah
Blue Newt: I dunno
Daxenriva: They built pieces for 3 different items to start
Blue Newt: garage sale
Daxenriva: I said something about it and they went apeshit
Daxenriva: "omgosh ur so bad don't play"
Blue Newt: vayne's damage was low
Daxenriva: >.> adc main on my main account.
Blue Newt: same
Daxenriva: Eh. She probably didn't respect the early draven power.
HestiaisChestia: nah
HestiaisChestia: she just got pooped on
HestiaisChestia: because i somehow
HestiaisChestia: beat them with lux support LMAO
Daxenriva: >.> ... i'll play lux v lux if you'd like.
HestiaisChestia: no
Daxenriva: keep talkin ****.
HestiaisChestia: because i fkn hate lux
HestiaisChestia: level 3 accounts
HestiaisChestia: are annoying
HestiaisChestia: as ****
Daxenriva: Those rotations killed my chances. Should have let bot lane just wither and die
Daxenriva: happened anyway.
Blue Newt: of course
HestiaisChestia: u should know
Blue Newt: we weren;t gonna group for that reason
HestiaisChestia: never gank the retards :^)
Blue Newt: I don't want to deal witht that fed *** mundo
Daxenriva: the mundo didn't wanna deal with mundo
Daxenriva: he just stayed top.
Daxenriva: Mundo solo top split push too stronk.
Daxenriva: especially with a third item hydra.
Daxenriva left the room.