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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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By any chance is the ingame store kinda busted for anyone else?

I've been trying to buy a new champ for 3 days and the Champions tab never fucking loads -_- all other tabs do. It keeps trying to load the Champions tab and when I click anywhere else it throws up a "Session Expired" message
Finally got my first S+ and it's for my worst role! I only needed the most unfair lane matchup!



the massive grind that is leveling to 30 isn't really smoothing the learning curve because you're not taught anything along the way

if anything it's worse because you don't have flash right away so people don't get taught from game 1 that that's the one spell they're gonna use every game, they don't have lvl 3 runes so they're noobtrapped into wasting money on lvl 1 and 2 runes and they don't have access to team builder or arams for a long while for no particular reason

i think it's reasonable to have a small buffer before you can play ranked or whatever, maybe your first 20 games you get turret range indicators, helpful tooltips, an autobuy/autolevel option, auto summoner spells and whatnot and then after a while training wheels are off and you have to play for reals

i dunno, something other than a grind

they should have a smurf account option. so you don't get paired up with shitheads
i don't understand your reasoning

are newbies shitheads?

why are you making a smurf?

why should riot help you smurf?


For some reason Riot clearly thinks leveling is important to their FTUE because they actually keep making it take LONGER. The barrier to entry to ranked keeps going up. I assume that this is because ranked keeps getting more complicated, but it is kind of a surprising choice to me from a business perspective. But they have the data, and ultimately stuff like new user leveling curves are data driven design, so presumably they have a good reason.


or maybe they just want to keep selling exp boosts

i doubt that's a big chunk of their profits but it's probably money they don't see much of a reason to lose

i think riot is super aware that their ftue is pretty garbage and things like the kind costy's doing are attempts to alleviate that but i think the level grind is a very unnecessary part of the learning experience

and put a game win cap before you can ranked, but make it 30, not 200. you still have to buy 16 champions anyways.

if leveling was there to teach you they wouldn't be selling ways to speed it up, it's just a grind that exists primarly to sell exp boosts and deterr smurfs

edit: don't take this as a jab at riot, i just feel like the game has a pretty respectable monetization scheme and it's a pity that very crappy f2p things like this still exist when imo there's no need for them


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Leveling accounts is fine. Not really that big of a deal outside of Flash lock and weird rune stuff. The IP sink into runes is crazy for fresh accounts though.


Leveling accounts is fine. Not really that big of a deal outside of Flash lock and weird rune stuff. The IP sink into runes is crazy for fresh accounts though.

they made that a little better by making the most basic runes really cheap i guess

but imo having to grind 200 games to be 30 is insane, playing against people with flash or keystones when you don't have them, not being able to jungle until you have runes, that kind of thing is terribly outdated

if 2016 riot was releasing league no way it'd have this shitty leveling system

they'd probably do some impossible-to-perfect unnecessarily convoluted thing tho lol


talon is easier to deal with now than ever since pink wards are so cheap

unless you get to lane game where nobody has a slot for a pink and the pink trinket is gone

then he's going to obliterate your squishie in exchange for his own life.


I stumbled across a reddit (first time visiting that website actually) and they say Speed Attack scks on Kindred. WTF? I thought that is a must. They say because her ''Q auto resets''. What does that mean?
I stumbled across a reddit (first time visiting that website actually) and they say Speed Attack scks on Kindred. WTF? I thought that is a must. They say because her ''Q auto resets''. What does that mean?
Think of auto attacks as spells with very short cooldowns. Some spells when cast right as you auto attack ignore that cooldown so you auto attack again immediatly after
You basically cancel the end part of your auto attack animation by casting a spell. It's a small thing but really increases your overall effectiveness, like clear speeds, or pulling off good trades in lane. Eg, it's better to AA-Q-AA with Lucian rather than Q-AA. It works with a lot of abilities in the game, though I think you can cancel too early and not even hit the target with an auto before you cast your spell.


I stumbled across a reddit (first time visiting that website actually) and they say Speed Attack scks on Kindred. WTF? I thought that is a must. They say because her ''Q auto resets''. What does that mean?

Keep in mind that most of reddit is pretty clueless. You should ideally have a pretty good amount of attack speed on kindred mixed with pen and can generally afford to go light on raw ad because of her passive and the fact that her ad scaling is really bad. Warrior and something like ghostblade or maw is probably generally enough.

I don't even think I would think of Kindred's Q like a traditional reset because it has such a long animation


Lucian is probably not a good example since he does not have any auto attack resets, even if the combo you showed makes sense for avoiding the wind down animation.


some people mistake abilities for being a "reset" because the animation or cast time is just long enough for the attack speed timer to expire after the ability is done.

but those people are very dumb
Is there a more satisfying non ultimate spell in the game than Fiora's parry(when you pull it off)? Can be completely game changing. Parried a bard ult in my last game and it just felt so good. He thought he had me dead to rights then I turned around and got a double kill.

That spell is bullshit. Played Lissandra into Fiora yesterday. I use W on her BEFORE she parries (evidenced by her getting rooted and taking damage instead of blocking the spell entirely) and I still get fucking stunned. Spellshields are annoying enough, let alone one that does damage, slows movement and attack speed AND reflects CC.


Nasus Q is the best example imo because you basically have to use it to stack so i assume everyone knows it exists even if they're not conscious of it


need to choose between Gnar and Renek for a toplaner tank (I know I said that I generally dislike tanks, but these two are actually kinda okay). Renek appeals to me because DAMAGE, and I've seen some beastly Gnar players though I can't really make the champion work for me yet. I suppose there's also Trundle (who I could use as a jungler, too), though his damage output is seemingly not as impressive
need to choose between Gnar and Renek for a toplaner tank (I know I said that I generally dislike tanks, but these two are actually kinda okay). Renek appeals to me because DAMAGE, and I've seen some beastly Gnar players though I can't really make the champion work for me yet. I suppose there's also Trundle (who I could use as a jungler, too), though his damage output is seemingly not as impressive

Gnar is a far superior champ in both tankiness and effectiveness as the game goes on. If you can weather the storm versus Rene for the first 9 or so levels then he disappears from the game if he doesn't go tank - most Rene's are greedy so don't - at which point he starts getting out tanked anyway.
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