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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Only thing about Smurfing that I find apparent is that with the lack of runes and masteries, the damage is really low and among other things.


Gnar is a far superior champ in both tankiness and effectiveness as the game goes on. If you can weather the storm versus Rene for the first 9 or so levels then he disappears from the game if he doesn't go tank - most Rene's are greedy so don't - at which point he starts getting out tanked anyway.

nice, I was leaning on Gnar anyway. His win rate also picks up late, late game for whatever reason so that's a plus
For some reason Riot clearly thinks leveling is important to their FTUE because they actually keep making it take LONGER. The barrier to entry to ranked keeps going up. I assume that this is because ranked keeps getting more complicated, but it is kind of a surprising choice to me from a business perspective. But they have the data, and ultimately stuff like new user leveling curves are data driven design, so presumably they have a good reason.

fyi, a change to the levelling system is currently being tested on the CIS server that halves the amount of XP needed to level up.

IMO though, there are reasons it's long. Getting people more prepared for ranked, for instance is one. Even putting people into games with other level 30s can lead to bad experiences for players. Things like runes, masteries and summoner spells are perhaps different conversations, but considering the learning curve in League I think a longer levelling process is good. But we'll see what comes of it.

Lucian is probably not a good example since he does not have any auto attack resets, even if the combo you showed makes sense for avoiding the wind down animation.

Lucian's E is an auto attack reset.

Well, I knew Neko mentioned Quinn top is crazy but jesus christ watching Darshan play her is fucking disgusting

Quinn with Ghostblade rush does so much damage I love it
It's not, actually. You can try it by attacking and instantly E-ing; there's still a delay until you can auto again. It's very noticeable on low levels when you have low attack speed.

weird, cos it's supposed to be. It's in the tooltip I think.


Poppy almost up to a 49% win rate. Steadily climbing up the charts now that people are more used to her kit.
Does anyone play Velkoz mid? Other than Zed, he seems like a super safe and strong lane.

I rush rylai and morello as his core build. Velkoz does stupid amounts of damage regardless of items thanks to his passive of true damage. Spamming the field with aoe slow is strong in so many situations and the extra health guarantees Velkoz can get a few rounds of spells out during early teamfights even if assassins jump him. I don't think any champion uses rylai better.


weird, cos it's supposed to be. It's in the tooltip I think.


Poppy almost up to a 49% win rate. Steadily climbing up the charts now that people are more used to her kit.

It's not on the tooltip but it does reset the auto timer

Auto E gets you a near instant passive proc afterwards at level 1

yeah, I remember it being patched in. Unless it's not functioning as it should be.

I tried it just now and it worked so if it doesn't work sometimes then there's a bug somewhere. Can't say more than that since I don't usually play Lucian.
All right, thanks for the correction. I must've missed it in the patch notes. For curiosity, when did it happen?


Still free mystery skin with a legendary? I neglected to get any. Wish there was something I really really wanted but still might get the trist one.


Flat AD marks and quints
Flat armor seals
Flat magic penetration marks
Flat AP quints
Flat AD quints
Flat MR glyphs

These will cover every champion in the game to a good extent

The only thing to add to that if you ever plan on jungling is attack speed quints or marks. One or the other will do.
Yeah but when you're just starting flat AD will do the trick for jungling/ADC and you get to use it on bruisers/AD assassins too.

Better leave specialized stuff after you get all the basic runes IMO.


They say because her ''Q auto resets''. What does that mean?

It's a bit innaccurate to simply say it "cancels" the auto-attack.

An auto-attack has three animations to it. A short "wind-up" animation at the start, an intermediate animation as the auto-attack strikes (or in the case or ranged champions, the moment the projectile leaves the champion's model) and a "wind-down" animation that can vary quite a bit from champion to champion and is almost always the longest of the three. In a sense, your champions attack speed determines the amount of time necessary to complete all three animations and ready another auto-attack.

An auto-attack reset restarts the total animation at the wind-up. Optimally, you want to land the auto-attack (i.e. apply damage) and then used the auto-attack reset to remove the wind-up animation. That will dramatically shorten the time necessary to start the next auto-attack. Since the wind-up and intermediate animations are generally short, an auto-attack reset can allow the player to land two auto-attacks in a very short period of time (i.e. burst damage).

A really good champion to see how this all works is Nautilus because all three portions of his auto-attack animation are longer than average, but he also possesses an auto-attack reset when casting his W (Titan's Wrath). After you land your auto-attack on target with Nautilus, he has a long wind-down animation where he has to pick up his anchor from the ground. But if you cast W right after damaging the target, he's immediately back to his starting swing animation (his wind-up). Since his wind-up is fairly long as well (relative to other champions) you can also cast his auto-attack reset easily during his wind-up. You'll see the whole auto-attack animation restart at the wind-up without having applied damage. The same can be done on any champion with an auto-attack, but generally these champions (Vi, Trundle...many, many others) have wind-up and intermediate animation short enough that mistakenly resetting your auto-attack animation before applying damage doesn't happen often, if at all.

The reason that it's somewhat inaccurate to say that an auto-attack reset "cancels" the auto-attack is that many champions can do that manually. Nautilus is also a good candidate to demonstrate this. After landing an auto-attack (particularly one that proc'ed his passive since the animation is so pronounced) Nautilus can move around, which effectively stops his wind-down animation. Unlike with an auto-attack reset, Nautilus can't immediately auto-attack again - the total animation time must elapse before another auto-attack can be used even though the player can move around.

As far as how Kindred fits into all of this, her Q doesn't reset her auto-attack animation - it's a spell not an auto-attack modifier. The guys you were talking to were full of shit.


The reason that it's somewhat inaccurate to say that an auto-attack reset "cancels" the auto-attack is that many champions can do that manually. Nautilus is also a good candidate to demonstrate this. After landing an auto-attack (particularly one that proc'ed his passive since the animation is so pronounced) Nautilus can move around, which effectively stops his wind-down animation. Unlike with an auto-attack reset, Nautilus can't immediately auto-attack again - the total animation time must elapse before another auto-attack can be used even though the player can move around.

Wait, is this always true of orb walking? I thought the whole point was that orb walking to cancel the wind-down reduced your total animation time per attack.
Wait, is this always true of orb walking? I thought the whole point was that orb walking to cancel the wind-down reduced your total animation time per attack.
No, orb walking is to keep you mobile while the auto attack is winding down, which lets you kite/chase/dodge skillshots without wasting damage or time.
So, its bad to put attack quints on ADs? I usually use them instead of attack speed quints because I feel I do low damage on champions on the first minutes as Cait or Jinx


fyi, a change to the levelling system is currently being tested on the CIS server that halves the amount of XP needed to level up.

IMO though, there are reasons it's long. Getting people more prepared for ranked, for instance is one. Even putting people into games with other level 30s can lead to bad experiences for players. Things like runes, masteries and summoner spells are perhaps different conversations, but considering the learning curve in League I think a longer levelling process is good. But we'll see what comes of it.
the problem i see is that for you to become competent at league you need to do outside-the-game learning, not just play a shit ton of games. playing 200 or more games to get to 30 doesn't prove anything, any just lvl 30 player is going straight to bronze

also i don't know what "Even putting people into games with other level 30s can lead to bad experiences for players" means?


Just got this notification in a language that makes no sense to me. Also had to queue 3-4 times for 10 minutes each before I actualy got into a normal game later in the day..


Think of auto attacks as spells with very short cooldowns. Some spells when cast right as you auto attack ignore that cooldown so you auto attack again immediatly after

You basically cancel the end part of your auto attack animation by casting a spell. It's a small thing but really increases your overall effectiveness, like clear speeds, or pulling off good trades in lane. Eg, it's better to AA-Q-AA with Lucian rather than Q-AA. It works with a lot of abilities in the game, though I think you can cancel too early and not even hit the target with an auto before you cast your spell.

Keep in mind that most of reddit is pretty clueless. You should ideally have a pretty good amount of attack speed on kindred mixed with pen and can generally afford to go light on raw ad because of her passive and the fact that her ad scaling is really bad. Warrior and something like ghostblade or maw is probably generally enough.

I don't even think I would think of Kindred's Q like a traditional reset because it has such a long animation

Yeah, I don't think Kindred's Q is a reset either

some people mistake abilities for being a "reset" because the animation or cast time is just long enough for the attack speed timer to expire after the ability is done.

but those people are very dumb

Auto attack resets are usually modified autos anyways.

It's a bit innaccurate to simply say it "cancels" the auto-attack.

An auto-attack has three animations to it. A short "wind-up" animation at the start, an intermediate animation as the auto-attack strikes (or in the case or ranged champions, the moment the projectile leaves the champion's model) and a "wind-down" animation that can vary quite a bit from champion to champion and is almost always the longest of the three. In a sense, your champions attack speed determines the amount of time necessary to complete all three animations and ready another auto-attack.

An auto-attack reset restarts the total animation at the wind-up. Optimally, you want to land the auto-attack (i.e. apply damage) and then used the auto-attack reset to remove the wind-up animation. That will dramatically shorten the time necessary to start the next auto-attack. Since the wind-up and intermediate animations are generally short, an auto-attack reset can allow the player to land two auto-attacks in a very short period of time (i.e. burst damage).

A really good champion to see how this all works is Nautilus because all three portions of his auto-attack animation are longer than average, but he also possesses an auto-attack reset when casting his W (Titan's Wrath). After you land your auto-attack on target with Nautilus, he has a long wind-down animation where he has to pick up his anchor from the ground. But if you cast W right after damaging the target, he's immediately back to his starting swing animation (his wind-up). Since his wind-up is fairly long as well (relative to other champions) you can also cast his auto-attack reset easily during his wind-up. You'll see the whole auto-attack animation restart at the wind-up without having applied damage. The same can be done on any champion with an auto-attack, but generally these champions (Vi, Trundle...many, many others) have wind-up and intermediate animation short enough that mistakenly resetting your auto-attack animation before applying damage doesn't happen often, if at all.

The reason that it's somewhat inaccurate to say that an auto-attack reset "cancels" the auto-attack is that many champions can do that manually. Nautilus is also a good candidate to demonstrate this. After landing an auto-attack (particularly one that proc'ed his passive since the animation is so pronounced) Nautilus can move around, which effectively stops his wind-down animation. Unlike with an auto-attack reset, Nautilus can't immediately auto-attack again - the total animation time must elapse before another auto-attack can be used even though the player can move around.

As far as how Kindred fits into all of this, her Q doesn't reset her auto-attack animation - it's a spell not an auto-attack modifier. The guys you were talking to were full of shit.

Thank you so much guys, that explained alot. So basically, don't listen to Reddit!

So I assume my build of Attack Speed and Armour Penetration should suffice along with warrior. Q doesn't cancel anything, so I suppoe when clearing the jungle I should just AA-move-AA, especially with her passive needing movement between attacks.


apparently there's some more stuff on thai league about about deadeye

translation from reddit

The bullet pierced her with searing heat....
Upon entering her, though it did not tear through like most bullets
Struck a crimson flame, capable of reducing any weapon to ashes
Impossible to be used ever again
All prayed for her survival
Though it was but...false hope...

The echo of a gunshot...piercing the hearts of all those who could hear it
A round so sharp nothing could stop it, not even the armor of a man of justice
Growing leaves of crystal, lights dancing off its facets...a beauty to behold
All at once....the hopes and dreams of Demacia shattered........

A light flared into existence
Its luminescence beckoning the gaze of all
Drifting lazily in the wind
Transforming into a butterfly, its wings reached for flight
Flying amidst the smokey haze
But when all settled and was still
She who struck our heartstrings....left, never to return....

sounds like deadeye shoots people into oblivion


just a stupid aram game, but it's about time I get the Arclight Vel Koz skin

the problem with Syndra I currently have is that I'm much, much better with Koz

say, aside from Azir and Teemo, what other champions build Nashor's Tooth?
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