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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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♪ going ♪

orianna doesn't build nashors you silly
Dat 3 frame animation.
I just started watching valkrin, and he seems like a cool streamer. I looked at twitch chat and of course there guso suicide messages, twitch just being shitty.


Thresh is the best, so much play making ability.
Also i think people dont understand zilean at all, i was 1 v 1ing a nid and she kills me as i have my ult on then i get full health and kill her.

Nothing is worse than seeing your teammate go ham on a guy with hourglasses all over him. You're just screaming horror movie style not to go in there.


How does one's toplane Riven go 0/4 vs a Shen with no Keystone, yet manage to be so critical of everyone else's gameplay? Ugh.


Poppy almost up to a 49% win rate. Steadily climbing up the charts now that people are more used to her kit.

Her win rate is still terrible in ranked matches though (source na.op.gg). Like around 45% which is pretty low. I do see it is bout 47% for Diamond players. Didn't bother checking higher than that

Maybe your numbers come from a different region where they might have a better understanding of the kit

(Whoops double post, oh well)

I just spectated a Platnuim (?) ranked match. Was cheering for Poppy but her team lost. The player played well though, finishing with something like 10/7/7


So I was in bronze last season (didn't play much ranked) and i've been getting matched with plats in normal games for the last couple months. My normal mmr must be pretty high right?
Alright, I took yallz advice and used my IP to get some cheap champs.

First tried Sivir and Warweck. Warweck was ... boring as fuck.
Sivir was fun for the early game but then mid and late I'm feeling like "Hey ... my Captain America shield moves aren't doing shit, what else do I have?". I don't like her range.

Got Janna and played a ton with her until I started losing games because Jinx and Karma players would call bot (I'm pretty sure they were the same people in both my games) and the only none sup character I knew was the Gator. Took top with him once and the match went on for a damn hour because the hamster guy with the tiny robots was up there and I have no clue how to fight him close up so he got super fed very early. We won but only because he must have not capitalized on his huge lead in levels, allowing us to all hit 18.

Got Ahri and Tristana last night. I could see myself liking Ahri and I see a good bit of promise in Tristana even though I'm still learning. She just has a lot of features I like ... AOE damage, Movement Skills, Simple as fuck to understand but with hidden depth and decent range.

Gonna try her in PvP tonight. Going on level 16 btw.

Think I'm gonna try Lux or the new Hawaiian Champ next. The lady seems easy enough to understand and I get blasted by Lux too much not to respect her.
That laser gets me every damn time :(


So I was in bronze last season (didn't play much ranked) and i've been getting matched with plats in normal games for the last couple months. My normal mmr must be pretty high right?
well ranked mmr doesn't affect normals mmr so maybe they have lower than plat normal mmr and you have higher than bronze normals mmr

and sometimes the matchmaking is kind of bullshit
So I was in bronze last season (didn't play much ranked) and i've been getting matched with plats in normal games for the last couple months. My normal mmr must be pretty high right?

A lot of people just dump normals for ranked. They rarely play normals unless they feel like screwing around or playing with friends. Normal and Ranked MMR are completely separate. It's not unusual to get bronze and diamonds matched in normals. It's entirely possible for Challenger people to have silver normal MMR.


Alright, I took yallz advice and used my IP to get some cheap champs.

First tried Sivir and Warweck. Warweck was ... boring as fuck.
Sivir was fun for the early game but then mid and late I'm feeling like "Hey ... my Captain America shield moves aren't doing shit, what else do I have?". I don't like her range.

Got Janna and played a ton with her until I started losing games because Jinx and Karma players would call bot (I'm pretty sure they were the same people in both my games) and the only none sup character I knew was the Gator. Took top with him once and the match went on for a damn hour because the hamster guy with the tiny robots was up there and I have no clue how to fight him close up so he got super fed very early. We won but only because he must have not capitalized on his huge lead in levels, allowing us to all hit 18.

Got Ahri and Tristana last night. I could see myself liking Ahri and I see a good bit of promise in Tristana even though I'm still learning. She just has a lot of features I like ... AOE damage, Movement Skills, Simple as fuck to understand but with hidden depth and decent range.

Gonna try her in PvP tonight. Going on level 16 btw.

Think I'm gonna try Lux or the new Hawaiian Champ next. The lady seems easy enough to understand and I get blasted by Lux too much not to respect her.
That laser gets me every damn time :(

I am glad you are having fun. I must say though I love it when new players describe champs since they don't remember everyone's name yet.

You might like Annie as a newbie friendly mage if you haven't already 9she can also support botlane and is cheap).


I take it that, in higher elos, Twitch eats a dozen cc abilities as soon as he shows his face around a team fight

but damn, does it feel nice to out-hyper carry the enemy Jinx. I hate Jinx something fierce


Alright, I took yallz advice and used my IP to get some cheap champs.

First tried Sivir and Warweck. Warweck was ... boring as fuck.
Sivir was fun for the early game but then mid and late I'm feeling like "Hey ... my Captain America shield moves aren't doing shit, what else do I have?". I don't like her range.

Got Janna and played a ton with her until I started losing games because Jinx and Karma players would call bot (I'm pretty sure they were the same people in both my games) and the only none sup character I knew was the Gator. Took top with him once and the match went on for a damn hour because the hamster guy with the tiny robots was up there and I have no clue how to fight him close up so he got super fed very early. We won but only because he must have not capitalized on his huge lead in levels, allowing us to all hit 18.

Got Ahri and Tristana last night. I could see myself liking Ahri and I see a good bit of promise in Tristana even though I'm still learning. She just has a lot of features I like ... AOE damage, Movement Skills, Simple as fuck to understand but with hidden depth and decent range.

Gonna try her in PvP tonight. Going on level 16 btw.

Think I'm gonna try Lux or the new Hawaiian Champ next. The lady seems easy enough to understand and I get blasted by Lux too much not to respect her.
That laser gets me every damn time :(

Lets just say if you master Lux, you can be probably pretty good at many Skillshot based champs since she is Just pure Skillshot champ.

Good on you!


Woo, first Ahri mirror that I won.

I should probably be trying out more than Ahri and Soraka out of the roster, but I feel way more confident about them than anyone else and I hate to be the person who stumbles into a match not having any clue what they're doing.

pretty good performance to hit rank 5 on. team feeding nasus had me running from top to bottom like a chicken with my head cut off trying to save lanes from themselves. hard-fought, that one was.

It seems that most of my ekko games looked like this. I think I average about 15 kills and 5 deaths. Sort of wondering why I would ever want to run any other AP melee mid other than Diana/Fizz? Kat is so easily countered as to feel like she can't even be picked unless she's last-picked to avoid heavy cc comps. Kass is similarly hard-countered by cc, and though he can certainly pick his spots, he can't go ham. Akali is cool but meh. Cho feelin kinda meh these days too.


I used to play eve mid all the time when i started in season 3. Somehow always did well with it too

Then one day I was like wait this is awful
I sometimes miss the days where Eve was viable, then I remember that dealing with Eve ganks in the S1 days was the absolute worst.

Riot needs to take a serious look at entirely reworking her kit so she can actually be played without being an anchor.


I sometimes miss the days where Eve was viable, then I remember that dealing with Eve ganks in the S1 days was the absolute worst.

Riot needs to take a serious look at entirely reworking her kit so she can actually be played without being an anchor.

Eh? She's fine rn. Pretty much same as ever. Thunderlords has made her even more bursty early but her relevance decreases as the game goes on, just like always.

She's definitely not amazing but she's not the worst either.
Eh? She's fine rn. Pretty much same as ever. Thunderlords has made her even more bursty early but her relevance decreases as the game goes on, just like always.

She's definitely not amazing but she's not the worst either.

I guess that's just my Silver/low Gold ELO experience then, since people tend to not gank/teamfight/stop laning/etc as early/often as they should in that tier of play. I just can't remember the last time I saw an Eve that didn't end up bringing the team down, but maybe I should give her a shot since I've recently been playing junglers that need to gank early.
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