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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Yeah high impact early game junglers can be really good right now. Plus the change to rylais was really good for her iirc. I can't say for sure but maybe people you play with are building her glass cannon and just dying immediately?

In that same vein I personally think pantheon is pretty underrated atm.


Alright, I took yallz advice and used my IP to get some cheap champs.

First tried Sivir and Warweck. Warweck was ... boring as fuck.
Sivir was fun for the early game but then mid and late I'm feeling like "Hey ... my Captain America shield moves aren't doing shit, what else do I have?". I don't like her range.

Got Janna and played a ton with her until I started losing games because Jinx and Karma players would call bot (I'm pretty sure they were the same people in both my games) and the only none sup character I knew was the Gator. Took top with him once and the match went on for a damn hour because the hamster guy with the tiny robots was up there and I have no clue how to fight him close up so he got super fed very early. We won but only because he must have not capitalized on his huge lead in levels, allowing us to all hit 18.

Got Ahri and Tristana last night. I could see myself liking Ahri and I see a good bit of promise in Tristana even though I'm still learning. She just has a lot of features I like ... AOE damage, Movement Skills, Simple as fuck to understand but with hidden depth and decent range.

Gonna try her in PvP tonight. Going on level 16 btw.

Think I'm gonna try Lux or the new Hawaiian Champ next. The lady seems easy enough to understand and I get blasted by Lux too much not to respect her.
That laser gets me every damn time :(

Yeah, Warwick is boring since he starts very weak and relies a lot on hitting level six so he can start surpressing people with his ult. The times I tried jungle champions on free rotation against bots I liked Rek'sai the most, but I won't be buying her for a while since she's a 6300 champ and I'm looking to fill the 16-champion quota to get into ranked now that I've finally hit level 30 (just two more champions to go, so I guess 900 IP more).

To whoever asked, I'd agree with getting Lulu since she can kind of work as a support, mid or even top depending on your team, so in the case that your favorite roles get taken you can still use a champion you're fairly comfortable with. As for Lux, I like her too but she's very very skillshot-dependant, which makes landing her cool combos a lot harder as you get matched up against better opponents that don't just walk into Es and Qs for days.

Nautilus has been fun so far, but my win rate with him has been really low thanks to a mix of afk players, people doing weird picks (adc Lulu?) and me still not being fully comfortable with walking into the fray and tanking hits while keeping track of all the action that's going on. On that matter, I feel like characters who have more passive kits such as Morgana (CC people, shield allies) or Blitz (QER for days) are "easier" but more boring by virtue of how their kits work, while with Naut I'm always asking myself which ability I should use first and there doesn't appear to be a clear, 100% certain answer in most circumstances. Another big issue I've found is that being a melee champ that relies on landing auto attacks makes things a bit harder for me, and also makes it a lot easier for me to get caught in a maze of minions as I try to flee unless I'm really careful about how I go approaching enemies; still, I love the feeling of saving teammates by tagging pursuing enemies with my anchor, and how good his ulti is at telegraphing who to target to the rest of my team (note: initiating with an ult when there's an enemy Morgana anywhere around the target is a very dumb idea).


why would you want to play a melee champion :p

(for mid) decent laner, good even when behind, kind of depends on your adc doing good cos her damage doesn't scale great

really fun to play imo

She's lots of fun to play. I used to play her top a lot, but now I mainly just support with her. She does a great job of keeping the damage alive.
Okay, thanks for this! Think I'll take her out for a spin.


Yeah that E is silly

Also though i think people get hit with love tap and are like oh damn she hurts without realizing the next shot is gonna do significantly less.


Tragic victim of fan death
Yeah that E is silly

Also though i think people get hit with love tap and are like oh damn she hurts without realizing the next shot is gonna do significantly less.

In fights she might seem inconsequential but when you're laning and you're just hitting them while CSing, MF does a really good job. Skirmish-wise she's a bit rough around the edges before level 6.
I am glad you are having fun. I must say though I love it when new players describe champs since they don't remember everyone's name yet.

You might like Annie as a newbie friendly mage if you haven't already 9she can also support botlane and is cheap).
Annie was the first champ I got because I remember over hearing years ago that she was easy from a random convo.

She's ok but I don't like her. Simple, yeah .. but I easily feel naked without the stun being up or when the bear is on cd.

Lets just say if you master Lux, you can be probably pretty good at many Skillshot based champs since she is Just pure Skillshot champ.

Good on you!

Would be an interesting change of pace, sadly I only have 2566 IP right now so I won't know for a bit. Played 3-4 games today and man ... did not go well. Tried Tristana bot, got a Lu Lu support ... who freely ate all my damn CS. (Thought they would know better seeing how she had the Dragon Tamer Lu Lu skin so they SHOULD be invested in the character ..) We pushed too fast and and lost the match to the Purple Hulk.

The next game I went back to Janna support ... I AM POSITIVE that this team was on skype and premade or something. They were making too many complex plans too damn fast. My Team thought they were smurfs.

Last one was an hour long head banger where Janna had to put on her DPS pants and spam CC with burning effects. They were ... double Jgling? Seemed like they had 2 people who NO ONE could place on the map and they where just running around together janking us in waves. I'm on top lane playing support, my partner is some big purple/ blue guy holding a huge sword that doesn't talk much and we're against a solo "Jax" (purple with the goggles). We kill him, Jg jumps us and kills my guy, I kill him right after then fucking Fizz outta no where tips me right into the gray screen.

He's somehow super fed through out the game! We were all wondering how the fuck he got like a good 4 level lead on us and how the other players were leading us by 1-2 levels as well. I really don't know how EXP works in this game ... I told them that I think they were all rotating camps in their wondering periods but IDK, maybe soloing a lane gets you more EXP?

Fizz hit 18 when I was like 9 and our highest was 16. Somehow we held out so long that we all hit 18 and pushed really hard ... Fizz was the first person to leave the room. The salt was real! But IDK if it was worth it :/ ... game took a lot outta me and I wanted to try another tristana game before clocking out (I want to learn her so damn bad. I feel like if I have a support who doesn't take all my cash -and whine that I left em to die when we pushed too fast and she ends up getting janked because she's chasing with 1/3 health- I could get something going and see her true strength.
Can anyone tell me how Lulu is? She looks sort of neat.

She's fun, I had no clue what she could do the first time i played her but since then I have learned that she can transform people into cute animals to shut em down with annoys people GREATLY!

I mean damn ... much like with certain games as Janna I became the prime focus for the enemy team because they realized that the lil cute elf thing is tripping them up in ever play by slowing them and transforming them when they try to do something fancy. But I guess that's just the way it is with support.

That's why I wanna try Illaoi Support. She seems really cool and simple/ straight forward with power behind her. Plus she's new so not everyone will know what she can do. (I wont be in the minority, wondering "WTF is that and how do I fight it?!?"! )

Edit- It actually DID take me a bit of time to figure out that support isn't supposed to share the minions. Came from watching vids of people doing support and bitching about how boring it is. Before that I was spamming my Q and backing to recharge as often as I could. Now I just try to annoy and hinder the enemy as much as I can and sometimes help lower the minion wave hp, only going for the kills when they ADC is gone or when we really need to push.
Just make it so Thunderlords needs 3 separate spells/attacks to proc instead of getting a proc from a multi hitting spell

There MF is balanced again
Yeah, Warwick is boring since he starts very weak and relies a lot on hitting level six so he can start surpressing people with his ult. The times I tried jungle champions on free rotation against bots I liked Rek'sai the most, but I won't be buying her for a while since she's a 6300 champ and I'm looking to fill the 16-champion quota to get into ranked now that I've finally hit level 30 (just two more champions to go, so I guess 900 IP more).

To whoever asked, I'd agree with getting Lulu since she can kind of work as a support, mid or even top depending on your team, so in the case that your favorite roles get taken you can still use a champion you're fairly comfortable with. As for Lux, I like her too but she's very very skillshot-dependant, which makes landing her cool combos a lot harder as you get matched up against better opponents that don't just walk into Es and Qs for days.

Nautilus has been fun so far, but my win rate with him has been really low thanks to a mix of afk players, people doing weird picks (adc Lulu?) and me still not being fully comfortable with walking into the fray and tanking hits while keeping track of all the action that's going on. On that matter, I feel like characters who have more passive kits such as Morgana (CC people, shield allies) or Blitz (QER for days) are "easier" but more boring by virtue of how their kits work, while with Naut I'm always asking myself which ability I should use first and there doesn't appear to be a clear, 100% certain answer in most circumstances. Another big issue I've found is that being a melee champ that relies on landing auto attacks makes things a bit harder for me, and also makes it a lot easier for me to get caught in a maze of minions as I try to flee unless I'm really careful about how I go approaching enemies; still, I love the feeling of saving teammates by tagging pursuing enemies with my anchor, and how good his ulti is at telegraphing who to target to the rest of my team (note: initiating with an ult when there's an enemy Morgana anywhere around the target is a very dumb idea).

I can't bring myself to play melee anymore. Had a different 1 hour head banger the other day because I didn't know how to go about fighting a ranged enemy with my Croc.

Dude got super fed ... but we still won.
I feel like the only way I would like it is if it's a character like Vi who has really cool movement skills and fun AOE. I plan to give her a go.


Just make it so Thunderlords needs 3 separate spells/attacks to proc instead of getting a proc from a multi hitting spell

There MF is balanced again
nah that makes it not cool with some multipart spells like ahri q

nerf mf's e, no need to nerf thunderlords only because of mf


yup, that spell shouldn't be about damage

no one even plays ap mf

And the people who do somehow think they are not useless
nah that makes it not cool with some multipart spells like ahri q

nerf mf's e, no need to nerf thunderlords only because of mf

It wouldn't be only due to MF though, everyone is taking thunderlord's.

It's either that or buffing the others and we can all consider the likeliness of the latter.


I used to play eve mid all the time when i started in season 3. Somehow always did well with it too

Then one day I was like wait this is awful

Yeah eve is really awful right now. shes like a forgotten hero

Eh? She's fine rn. Pretty much same as ever. Thunderlords has made her even more bursty early but her relevance decreases as the game goes on, just like always.

She's definitely not amazing but she's not the worst either.

Oh? guess I need to play her more. I thought she was awful but it was a first impression


pretty good performance to hit rank 5 on. team feeding nasus had me running from top to bottom like a chicken with my head cut off trying to save lanes from themselves. hard-fought, that one was.

It seems that most of my ekko games looked like this. I think I average about 15 kills and 5 deaths. Sort of wondering why I would ever want to run any other AP melee mid other than Diana/Fizz? Kat is so easily countered as to feel like she can't even be picked unless she's last-picked to avoid heavy cc comps. Kass is similarly hard-countered by cc, and though he can certainly pick his spots, he can't go ham. Akali is cool but meh. Cho feelin kinda meh these days too.

Is there multiple people with your name? Just tried to pull you up in the client but got a different dude I think? This person does not have Ekko or LeBlanc at mastery 5 in NA region that I see. Unless the client only lists the top 3 master characters that have the most xp

edit- I guess that is how it works. It lists only Jayce, Ashe, and Blitz at master 5. It does not even show ekko or LB at all. I guess that makes since they're not considered "in progress". mystery solved. But its a bummer when ppl go to your profile that dont see all the master characters


Guys, silly question. Anyone tried AD Lulu? Kept playing her in ARAM and she can be powerful, but never tried her in normal games.


It wouldn't be only due to MF though, everyone is taking thunderlord's.

It's either that or buffing the others and we can all consider the likeliness of the latter.
there's already buffs to pretty much every other keystone on pbe

let's see how that goes before nerfing thunderlord i think, riot believes that ppl taking thunderlord also has a lot to do with the crazy amounts of flat arpen in that tree, so that's getting nerfed

generally i'd just hope rito doesn't nerf the one keystone that i think it's fun to use :<
Is there multiple people with your name? Just tried to pull you up in the client but got a different dude I think? This person does not have Ekko or LeBlanc at mastery 5 in NA region that I see. Unless the client only lists the top 3 master characters that have the most xp

edit- I guess that is how it works. It lists only Jayce, Ashe, and Blitz at master 5. It does not even show ekko or LB at all. I guess that makes since they're not considered "in progress". mystery solved. But its a bummer when ppl go to your profile that dont see all the master characters

No that's me. And that's odd, but I'm not sure what site you're using. FWIW, currently rank 5 with:

Miss Fortune

- next up -



there's already buffs to pretty much every other keystone on pbe

let's see how that goes before nerfing thunderlord i think, riot also believes that ppl taking thunderlord also has a lot to do with the crazy amounts of flat arpen in that tree, so that's getting nerfed

generally i'd just hope rito doesn't nerf the one keystone that i think it's fun to use :<
Ah I see, cool. I haven't been caught up on pbe this patch. I'll go take a look.
where's the Fiora maaaaaaaan

I think I've only played her 3 times in life. Like zky, melee isn't my preferred experience. The only mid/top exceptions that I've really enjoyed (ever) are Diana, Kass, Garen, Illaoi and Ekko. I think it's because I don't like being abused in the laning phase. Where with those melees, I can usually out-trade if need be and get my farm along the way.

I know she's strong even with some nerfs. I'll probably give her another go sooner or later. Along with Fizz/Husbando.
is ali fun to play? he seems so patently unfun. seems like he just bumps people around and has a random-ass heal in his kit for...who knows why

He is fun. His heal is used with his passive to get past minions/tanks and send the squishy to die. His passive gives him ignore unit collision after casting a spell.


the thing about lux is that she's a multifaceted character unlike some other crappy characters in this videogame

she can be dark and brooding and she can be a crazy stalker and she can be like 7 different kinds of military
Anyonew on EUW getting crazy lag spikes? I'm usually at 25-35ms but it's been crazy today in the three games I've played going up to 400ms.


I can't bring myself to play melee anymore. Had a different 1 hour head banger the other day because I didn't know how to go about fighting a ranged enemy with my Croc.

Dude got super fed ... but we still won.
I feel like the only way I would like it is if it's a character like Vi who has really cool movement skills and fun AOE. I plan to give her a go.

AFAIK, the way to go aroud that is playing it safe and not focusing on poking (since you'll have to spend your gap-closer to get in with no way to escape afterwards), but rather on making sure you last-hit creeps reliably so that you can, come the mid-late game, have good enough items to help as much as possible in teamfights. But then you'll have to come up with some convincing mind-games to make it less obvious when you're going in because your jungle is about to show up for a gank.


there's already buffs to pretty much every other keystone on pbe

let's see how that goes before nerfing thunderlord i think, riot believes that ppl taking thunderlord also has a lot to do with the crazy amounts of flat arpen in that tree, so that's getting nerfed

generally i'd just hope rito doesn't nerf the one keystone that i think it's fun to use :<

Frankly, Riot should really just get rid of flat pen altogether. It's a totally unintuitive stat, because you would assume that an ability to penetrate defenses would be stronger against enemies with stronger defenses, but it's not the case.

I guess they want a multiplicative stat for physical abilities, though. I'd kind of rather have spell crit, but that ship has kind of sailed now that they went through and made ADC abilities scale with normal crit.

Maybe just change its name to "physical multiplier stat".


the build path for rageblade should be reworked, and the cost should rise

They already raised its cost by 300 and nerfed its AoE. Rageblade's not really tearing up the charts any more -- it's not a high win-rate item or associated with high win-rate champions -- so I doubt Riot is &#9835; going &#9835; to do anything else right now, unless it starts turning up in pro games at the beginning of the split.


Frankly, Riot should really just get rid of flat pen altogether. It's a totally unintuitive stat, because you would assume that an ability to penetrate defenses would be stronger against enemies with stronger defenses, but it's not the case.

I guess they want a multiplicative stat for physical abilities, though. I'd kind of rather have spell crit, but that ship has kind of sailed now that they went through and made ADC abilities scale with normal crit.

Maybe just change its name to "physical multiplier stat".
yeah, i agree

if they wanna make assassin items maybe make them % missing health based or something
They already raised its cost by 300 and nerfed its AoE. Rageblade's not really tearing up the charts any more -- it's not a high win-rate item or associated with high win-rate champions -- so I doubt Riot is &#9835; going &#9835; to do anything else right now, unless it starts turning up in pro games at the beginning of the split.
Increasing the cost by 300 doesn't matter when the item has like 5000 gold worth of stats

It's an overtuned pos that will become a problem again sooner or later just like DFG was
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