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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Increasing the cost by 300 doesn't matter when the item has like 5000 gold worth of stats

It's an overtuned pos that will become a problem again sooner or later just like DFG was

I dunno, man. It's got 5000 gold worth of stats that are almost never useful on the same guy, because it's a hybrid AD/AP item that wants you to auto a lot but provides no attack speed. It's a perfectly designed item for exactly one champion (Jax) and his win rate in Diamond+ is 47%. Deathfire Grasp was useful for literally anybody who did a lot of magic damage, so of course it was going to warp design. But what's the hypothetical situation where Rageblade warps the game? It stops Riot from making champions with better hybrid scaling? Riot hates doing that anyway! They haven't released a champion that actually wants to build hybrid in like 5 years!
it does give atk spd tho

its also rly good on irelia kayle and sorta good on a ton of other champs like yi and xin just because it gives all 3 of the big offensive stats at a ridiculously low cost


We'll probably never get another hybrid champ and that's fine. They are usually just trouble.
i still don't get why anyone would want hybrid champions in the game

what's interesting about that?
In theory, you could get a more adaptable build. Old Kata could be built AD (stronger Q and stronger ult against squishies, strong auto attacks and lifesteal) or AP (stronger E and stronger ult against tanks, more utility from Rylai) and it was kinda ok. It sucked that you were forced to all in on either AD or AP because the ult would scale only from the higher number.

In practice on most hybrid champs you build either AD or AP because stacking one is almost always better unless the hybrid-specific items are broken because %pen works the way it does.

So yeah, no point in hybrids to be quite honest.

edit: Corki is cool though.
Just raising it by 300 gold doesn't do shit for the amount of stats it gives you, that's just a few waves and one back then you come back to lane/jg and wreck face. I'd just rather it get nerfed to dirt like it used to be. I mean, there are so many things about pre-6 I hate, but rageblade is pretty high on that list.


In theory, you could get a more adaptable build. Old Kata could be built AD (stronger Q and stronger ult against squishies, strong auto attacks and lifesteal) or AP (stronger E and stronger ult against tanks, more utility from Rylai) and it was kinda ok. It sucked that you were forced to all in on either AD or AP because the ult would scale only from the higher number.

In practice on most hybrid champs you build either AD or AP because stacking one is almost always better unless the hybrid-specific items are broken because %pen works the way it does.

So yeah, no point in hybrids to be quite honest.

edit: Corki is cool though.
i think it's much more healthy to the game to create different items and allow players to build their characters differently based on different item effects than based on a different stat. dfg or rylais or something like that
str int and agi only matter on the type of hero. they have no bearing on the scaling of your spells which means you can be much more flexible with what items you buy.


i still don't get why anyone would want hybrid champions in the game

what's interesting about that?

Or in the least bit hybird scaling champions. I don't mind champions that deal significant mixed damage but tend to skew towards one type of damage item (e.g. Shyvana).

Rageblade wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for how it meshes with Sated Devouverer. God damn I hate that item. Such a stupid thing. I can't bring myself to even play Xin anymore. The changes to Warriors and Youmuu's hurt Xin's AD-centric builds and forced me to use devourer centric builds.

My whole jungle pool is in flux right now. Still rocking Elise, Nautilus, and Skarner, but I don't know who I want to add. Right now it's Ekko and Poppy. Sometimes I think I should vary things a bit and learn jungle Quinn. I need to just start playing more. Thought about starting to play Volibear and Trundle again to pick up a true damage soaking tank, but if I want to go that route I'd rather just play jungle Sion. Love me some jungle Sion.


str int and agi only matter on the type of hero. they have no bearing on the scaling of your spells which means you can be much more flexible with what items you buy.
i know what they mean, you do get the bonus AD though if you have the right type of hero. The few heroes that have scaling spells usually have scalings with int etc though, other than that you have no scalings.

More active stuff and utility like in dota is cool, the str agi int system is not cool.


Or in the least bit hybird scaling champions. I don't mind champions that deal significant mixed damage but tend to skew towards one type of damage item (e.g. Shyvana).

Rageblade wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for how it meshes with Sated Devouverer. God damn I hate that item. Such a stupid thing. I can't bring myself to even play Xin anymore. The changes to Warriors and Youmuu's hurt Xin's AD-centric builds and forced me to use devourer centric builds.

My whole jungle pool is in flux right now. Still rocking Elise, Nautilus, and Skarner, but I don't know who I want to add. Right now it's Ekko and Poppy. Sometimes I think I should vary things a bit and learn jungle Quinn. I need to just start playing more. Thought about starting to play Volibear and Trundle again to pick up a true damage soaking tank, but if I want to go that route I'd rather just play jungle Sion. Love me some jungle Sion.
is jungle darius a thing?

maybe that?


No that's me. And that's odd, but I'm not sure what site you're using. FWIW, currently rank 5 with:

Miss Fortune

- next up -


I was using the LoL Client. Apparently it only lists the top 3 master characters you own to other visitors. I always thought visitors to a profile could somehow see a list of all the master characters

Myself I've only mastered Leona, Vi, and Karma. But none has nowhere near as much xp as what you put into Jayce.


rageblade is an overrated item on irelia and not worth rushing ever

who the fuck wants to sit on a god damn blasting wand for 8 minutes, delaying your powerspike?


Ekko is rapidly turning into my strongest jungler by a long shot. Fits well into a lot of team comps, decent early game and stays relevant throughout. I need a skin for him though. Don't like sandstorm and like academy even less.

I've fallen off with Elise unfortunately. Last few games have been rough. Going to pull pantheon out of retirement and check him out with a ghostblade rush and precision. Armor pen for days.


Panth is great right now. His bonus ad scaling is through the roof so i think if anything new warrior is better on him

And his first clear is really good as long as you're using your passive well
Panth is great right now. His bonus ad scaling is through the roof so i think if anything new warrior is better on him

And his first clear is really good as long as you're using your passive well

Isn't the loss of Brutalizer as a recipe a huge loss? You won't have CDR and Arpen once you hit 6.


Isn't the loss of Brutalizer as a recipe a huge loss? You won't have CDR and Arpen once you hit 6.

The amount of flat armor pen in the game at early levels is nuts right now, and allows pantheon to transition to mid and late squishy murdering machine. He's better than he's ever been, but still has problems if his team doesn't have proper follow up


i hope patch hits early on tuesday so we can move to the new pbe stuff

these past few weeks have been grueling without pbe


With the holidays over now I'm expecting it as well as the new champ.

Looking forward to the balance changes as I'm not satisfied with the current state.


better players win more with more difficult to play champions, nothing fancy to it :p

someone like kindred has to kite around jungle creeps and plays really different from other jungles which i'm sure is not an easy transition from ppl used to just play vi or j4 or whatever

that's my guess anyways


It's a little bit satisfying to play with somebody who's constantly toxic even though your team is winning, then go to their op.gg and see that they have an abysmal win rate.



and what's the reason for this distinction?

what are top 5 "gold+" and what are top 5 "diamond"?

How do you mean, like specifically which champions are top 5 in either category or why is she top five in one but not there other (i.e. top 5 is top 5 period mentality).

better players win more with more difficult to play champions, nothing fancy to it :p

someone like kindred has to kite around jungle creeps and plays really different from other jungles which i'm sure is not an easy transition from ppl used to just play vi or j4 or whatever

that's my guess anyways

Better players is part of it, another part is that the game at Diamond is different than in lower tiers. Teammates are more conscious of meta picks and team compositions, and they're often good enough at their role/champion picks to not be idiots and let lanes snowball at level 1, stuff like that. So in Kindred's case that means a higher likelihood of a top lane tank (freeing the jungler from that need) and less "team triage" and more reliable time to scale up.



yeah i know her poor back

just thought stone might like her face for an avatar


Also Kindred is a playmaker with ult (well, kind of an anti-playmaker, but it's the same thing) and playmakers always exhibit win rate variation across ELO because a bunch of their power budget is tied up in high-skillcap abilities.
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