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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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yeah i know her poor back

just thought stone might like her face for an avatar

looks really good


okay, gimme a quick rundown of Talon vs Zed

I had a few arams with Talon and the guy is honestly pretty fun. Zed obviously has a much higher skill ceiling (I mean, just check out the win rate by experience on champions.gg). Talon has no real escapes, not counting his ultimate. Doesn't get countered as hard by Banshee's?


pinks were more costly and people didn't buy them

trinkets had CDs

wards at 75bones is OP until nobody can carry them anymore but games dont get to that point anymore


I like 75g pinks a lot. Maybe just nerf the blue trinket.
yeah i agree with this

you can tell champions like talon are really dumb if you're gonna say a consumable being 25g less expensive is a huge nerf to them

invisibility in this game is really bad because it's balanced around pinks imo. like i said before, make pinks only work on wards and then find other solutions for invisible champions, probably straight up kit solutions or new items

ppl were killing for a cripple to show up? why don't we have more true sight spells in the game? why don't we make invisibility only work when not looked at directly? or whatever

anything is better than "oh well i guess talon ulted so imma do this really involved thing of placing this really cheap consumable whatever and making him useless..."


I'm not even sure the game is balanced around pink wards showing invisible units, I think that might just be there.

Like, imagine if pink wards just didn't see through stealth and nothing else changed, who's suddenly OP? Eve maybe? Shaco? Rengar? Everybody else is like, basically still fine. Nobody buys pinks to kill the real Leblanc, so it's irrelevant. I've never even seen anybody buy pinks to fight Twitch, and he's got the best stealth in the game after the three junglers!

Honestly I think if they just removed pink ward stealth sight and also nerfed Rengar because fuck that guy, game probably fine.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Pink wards destroy Twitch around brush based objectives in mid/late game. Makes it really hard to advance on areas. In general higher pink coverage does a lot to thwart Invis champs like Eve and Rengar working around denying map vision on their approach.
I've never even seen anybody buy pinks to fight Twitch, and he's got the best stealth in the game after the three junglers!
Well they're baddies then. You can afford a high pressure lane vs Twitch with a pink in your bush so he can't engage on you. Given his lack of escapes you can zone him out quite easily.


I'm not even sure the game is balanced around pink wards showing invisible units, I think that might just be there.

Like, imagine if pink wards just didn't see through stealth and nothing else changed, who's suddenly OP? Eve maybe? Shaco? Rengar? Everybody else is like, basically still fine. Nobody buys pinks to kill the real Leblanc, so it's irrelevant. I've never even seen anybody buy pinks to fight Twitch, and he's got the best stealth in the game after the three junglers!

Honestly I think if they just removed pink ward stealth sight and also nerfed Rengar because fuck that guy, game probably fine.
there are champions that get hard countered (by that i mean some of their mechanics just cease to work) by pinks like akali, talon and vayne

there's a more indirect countering for twitch, rengar and eve since that depends on placing pinks in different spots on the map, but still

pinks are too binary and too simple to serve as a proper mechanic that counters stealth in an interesting way. it's not really good gameplay to just place a pink in the middle of a fight just to not have to worry about vayne's ult

i think the game would be much healthier without that (and with the balance changes that would ensue)
Shen pretty strong right now. That morde jungle though. Seems like a blast of a game.

Feeling Malphite top a bit now that the meta has stabilised a little bit. I still think Thunderlords is a problem, but I find that as a game goes on, the usefulness of it starts to fall off. I was Top lane vs a Kennen. I didn't really have any hope to kill him and instead just wanted to farm and stay alive. Lvl 8 onward he couldn't kill me.

Question though. What would you guys change to the masteries now to even them out?

Thunder lord I would decrease the dmg it does, but offer better scaling.


sealed with a kiss
Shen pretty strong right now. That morde jungle though. Seems like a blast of a game.

Feeling Malphite top a bit now that the meta has stabilised a little bit. I still think Thunderlords is a problem, but I find that as a game goes on, the usefulness of it starts to fall off. I was Top lane vs a Kennen. I didn't really have any hope to kill him and instead just wanted to farm and stay alive. Lvl 8 onward he couldn't kill me.

Question though. What would you guys change to the masteries now to even them out?

Thunder lord I would decrease the dmg it does, but offer better scaling.
better scaling would make it even worse
Thunderlords ain't that much of a problem, the problem is masteries that could "counter" it like Warlords being shit and Precision giving a considerable amount of flat mpen which makes it too strong against people with no MR


Yeah and the patch that should even things out is taking an eternity to get here with holiday break and all that so it seems like it's been all thunderlords forever


sealed with a kiss
finally figured out what kiting is and how to sorta do it O:

honestly riot does a terrible job explaining how their game works

Had to give it a shot after red's video. Think I did ok overall, just so much damage/tankyness on their end. Fun running around.

The whole mid going frost queen is just a farm thing? Takes the place of Morellos?


Took a few new champions out for a spin!

Lulu: Got blown the fuck out my first game with her. Maybe should have taken her into co-op first, because I'm really not sure how her toolkit meshes together. At top, at least. Took me a while to realize that tagging enemies with Pix extended the range of Glitterlance, but by the time I figured some of this stuff out I fed Graves super hard. Feels easier yet harder to last hit with her, which feels a bit hard to explain. It feels like there's more wind-up to her attacks than Ahri's, but the little follow-up you get also makes it a little more lenient. I also kind of don't get how her ultimate works, but I didn't really run into any situations where it seemed like it was useful.

Kayle: I got her because she was kind of cheap and I really liked her design, and I almost regret it because she's by far the weirdest character I've ever tried out in the game with the transition between ranged attacks and melee attacks. She's just, I dunno, weird feeling. Maybe I made a mistake not using her as a support, but I didn't feel like I was capable of doing much with her whenever my ranged attack was on cooldown. It seems hard to die with her, at least, because of her movement speed buff/heal ability, but yeah, she's kind of awkward to mess around with. Her ultimate seems really useful, but I over-thought it a lot and wound up not using it much, lol.

Graves: I don't think I've ever played a champion like him! That is, anyone who seems so reliant on basic attacks. I'd like to call him straightforward, but honestly I had zero idea what I was doing with his abilities. His skillshot with the weird hitbox and the delay, and everything, it was weird. Very satisfying to wipe out half a mob with a single auto-attack, but it makes last hitting kind of weird because you wind up unintentionally pushing some guys out of your timing. Maybe I should put a few more games in as him, but I'm not sure how I feel about him.

Played a real dumb game as Soraka after to try boosting my confidence afterwards. Two people called top in lane, worked it out into a top/jungle split, someone called mid, and I called support, and some other guy selects Graves after that, so I'm like 'okay, we have our ADC'. Dude doesn't say anything at all, and as soon as the game begins camps out on top, refuses to leave top, so I'm stuck in bot solo with my first point in healing, trying to keep the lane from being a total lost cause. Luckily, it didn't seem like their botlane was that well thought out either because it didn't strike me that Warwick and Trundle belong together in that kind of situation, so I managed to get a lot off Starfall since neither of them tried playing around it much.

Nasus wound up going to bottom for me and it was just about the silliest thing I've ever directly been involved in in a game because everyone seemed to have tons of health and no one seemed to have enough damage, but we won lane/the game anyways.

Took a peek at the next free champion rotation and I'm kind of keen on checking out Orianna. I'm not so good at puppet characters in fighting games, but maybe this will be different. Rek'sai seems cool, but I don't have enough stuff to jungle, and that's the only thing I've ever seen it in?
Played a few games last night. First was with Janna. Defeat.
Half way into it I told everyone I feel like I shoulda gone with a DPS champ. Janna is awesome and I have saved fights more often than not with her ... but when the enemy team is running DMG support champs it becomes a lil noticeable when the team comp isn't pumping out enough DPS and team fights become a mess.

So the next match I decided to grit my teeth and go with Tristana. No matter how goes bot with me or how much CS they take .. just farm and play safe. And it worked! Was on a winning streak with her and each match got progressively better! (First I feel like I got carried a bit. Was against the fat Shark thing and that mother fucker annoys me. I got no clue what he can do but I feel like he puts a dot on you >_>)

And the few times the matches lasted long enough for me to get the bloodthirster ... OMFG! I LOVE THE THING! I remember getting that when I first played with Jinx but I wasn't paying attention back then so I had no clue what the item was called or how to get that red shield again but I knew I liked it. I still don't understand the game enough to know numbers wise why you WOULDN'T rush for this item but I trust the build I'm following that says to rush Rapidfire in most cases, then go to IE then bloodthirster as the 3rd or 4th item.

So yup, if I keep getting better with Trist Imma get that Dragon Skin. :)

On a side note, I got 50 bucks of RP last night. IMO this is a game even though it's F2P ... and if it gives me the enjoyment of a console game that cost 50-60 then I'm ok with spending that much at least. Did the same with Tera not long ago. They have a few champs in this months deal that I would like to buy, like Jinx and Lux (Saving my IP for Illaoi. Figured that by the time I get her I still wont be level 20 and she's in the deals cause she's new) Got the hook reaper guy (Thresh?) yesterday cause he's supposed to be beefier support and was half price.

May get Xerath because he's like half off for the next few days and though I never thought about him he seems rather cool (I like AOEs).


the mana regen, price and active are the things that are important about fqc

rito is nerfing two of those next patch so it's back to roa for everybody

or something
Just pray Rito doesn't go into cycle of life and death mode like how they balance ADCs until Zhonya's looks attractive in comparison to other items


♫ we can do this ♫

♪ stay positive ♪

♫ we can do this ♫

♪ with superior tactics ♪
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