Ghost is Bad
Well taking a new account in ranked feels weird lol. Nobody tries to kill me. I feel loved.
I really want to see how the new queue system turns out.Congrats on hitting 30 on it.
I'm pretty excited that the new season is almost here and I can do placement games.
I really want to see how the new queue system turns out.
what the heck is a fantasy LCS league? Is this like fantasy football? Can I draft Faker and that former skt top laner Mahrin, etc? For real I have no clue what you're refering to lol
Yeah taking breaks from league is smart, i can get really tired of league after playing awhile. Also this preseason hasn't been that fun to play. I want to see what they change before the season starts.what the heck is a fantasy LCS league? Is this like fantasy football? Can I draft Faker and that former skt top laner Mahrin, etc? For real I have no clue what you're refering to lol
Guys other day I kid you not I think I lost like 9 Normal matches straight. Felt like a total loser. Happened right before new yrs. Was so tempted to wish I could stay away from this game forever for my new yrs resolution lol. But its all good I went with Jaina and got an easy win. Scrubs like me just need to stick with easy-to-play champs. maybe after a year or so I can challenge myself with more difficult champs
Going to try to take a short break though cause losing all those games took its toll (Fantasy LCS sounds good tho)
How exactly does buying skins work?
Gotta have the character first, right? Cause I looked at the jan list of deal characters and skins ... only want one skin but it's for a champ that gonna be half off sometime this month and idk if they match the date of the skin and champ deals when they over-lap.
Trist should always shit on vayneForgot how fun Trist was (and safe) Legit forgot I got her DT skin and was tired of practicing Sivir/losing on Varus. Was 4-0 by the end of the laning phase, Bard and I shat all over Vayne/Braum.Our other lanes fed and started getting mad but I just said to keep playing cause seesaw matches can be fun (this was definitely fun, I love her skin despite the weird splash face).
Of course this meant the enemy Malph, Zac and fed Yas made a beeline for me and I couldn't peel multiple ults like that. We still won but i ended like...8-7 (by making a beeline for me they ignored our Jax which was a bad idea, he ended up like 21-7). I am looking and I got +5 Teamworks? How is it possible to get more than 4? (I have only gotten 2 max before now lol). Guess I will still have this green ribbon thing for awhile.
I know people say Khazix has fallen outta grace this pre-6 but mid Khazix is kinda fun. Decided to give it a try after watching Redmercy's video and had good results. Just gotta know when to jump in and e-tiamat-q while in air and see their health plummet. I might be scum for loving asssassins so much. I'm kinda hoping Jhin is something like Nova from HoTS.
What y'all think about this one VelKoz telling me people like Zed, Talon and Yasuo are braindead in that we just press r and kill someone and eqw till someone dies? (Was Zed against him mid at the time)
Zed and Yasuo are not braindead, their players are
enemy morg kept saying "yawn" everytime I or my support would die. Probably the most bm I have seen in a long time because she would say other rude shit. Even after they won she was still bad mouthing me.
yeah I should of just muted to begin with. I won my next game after that though so yayMute instantly and report after. As tempting as it is to indulge people like that, they are doing it to get a rise out of you. Muted there is no rise to be had. Why risk tilting yourself from their rude comments?
You can almost always come back from a tough start. It's exponentially tougher to do so when you are getting frustrated and tilted from some tool making comments.
♪ going ♪♪ we can do this ♪![]()
♪ Stay Positive! ♪
♪ illuminate the enemy ♪ banish the shadows ♪
Lol sure.Its the sequel with a reworked game engine, sandbox mode and a replay system.