no stop playing support
gaf has like 31 supports and 2 mids. we need mids.
Funny thing is that I stopped midding because I feel like I can't trust people in Solo to have my back when pressured (also cause I learned how to mid with Annie and I don't much like Annie. But now I have Ahri and Xerath who are both apparently good for Mid so yeah ... guess imma try that again).
Hell, the main reason I kept supporting after learning the game a bit was because I feel like I can't trust others to support well. Either I play Sup, ward, CC, help people and don't worry about CS or I play Trist and ... my lane partner wants to be ADC to OR they're "support" yet last hit everything they can and completely ignore the thought of harassing the enemy team. (Yesterday I had a Morgana just stand be-hide me and do nothing after they placed a ward and bitched at me to ward ... AS I'm facing off with the first minion wave and being harassed by the enemy at level 1. You think I should let this arrow shooting ass hole with more range than me shoot me in the back as I ward for a possible jank from a level 1 JG?!?! They tried to throw me under the bus by turning on the lane and leaving me alone to help the JG who was completely over reacted to me accidentally ksing one small rock monster and refused to do anything until I leashed him for the red buff. But he refused her help to. After I got some kills and pushed the lane she came back without saying anything. We won but It wasn't a real victory to me ... hate shitty communication and team work)
Either way I struggle to get last hits and suddenly people are left wondering how come we're getting beaten and I know I can't help cause I'm under fed and one of the over fed enemies kills me anytime I try to get some CS (I guess cause it's pretty well known that you don't want to fight a fed Trist if you can help it).
Guess I should take the same attitude I took with Trist to the mid lane champs I have. I had to pretty much decide that NO, if I called Bot before anyone else Im gonna play Trist. I don't care if some one auto locks Jinx before anyone can call anything, don't care if a twitch begs to do bout in the first min of the game and now I have to mid with Trist, I'm devoted to getting good with her. Gonna do the same with Lux, Vi and Jinx.