My Awards that Don't Actually Matter even a Little Bit* (name pending)
Best New Bot Laning Buddy: Tahm Kench! "Why yes I do believe I can deal with your bullshit sirrah.. ". (Runner up: Ekko)
He IS B.S., but in reality? He's only countering your own B.S., so you can only get so mad at him. Mispositioed ADC? Nope, they'll get back to the tower and his sizable glutes will block your shots and insults. The play ruiner who isn't near as bad as Soraka or Janna (Janna should never get a free pass for the most boring laning phase ever outside Soraka, wtf ppl?) cause he actually has to be on the front line and thus make himself a target. He also will take one for you as a result so you can get away like a true* brofish. Yes, this is Tahm Kench and you just have to show him respect even if you don't want to! (hope he gets more skins soon).
Ekko gets the runner up cause he's got style in his kit and his design (hell yea, a LoL character to match my skin tone so i can cosplay without getting arrested for holding fake guns. Sorry Lucian).
Worst New Bot Laning Buddy: Kindred! We are more familiar with dying than anyone we know! (runner up: Illaoi support)
Ok, I actually think Kindred is quite strong, I just don't want to see them in lane. Stay in the jungle plz, no ADC bot plz. ONLY thing laning Kindred has is innate sustain, and that's not worth the downsides.
Same with Illaoi. it's not even the worst thing ever but once ppl realize she can't peel for her ADC or CC much at all they can safety ignore her in a gank and go after everyone else first. Hope someone else has CC!
Best New Skin: Snow Day Bard! *penguin agreeing sound* (Runner up: Dragon Trainer Tristana)
Whether you're sipping on cocoa, sliding down an icy tunnel or lobbing penguins at your opponent's face, this skin has it all (except boobs, sorry waifu brigade). Felt like I robbed Riot for buying this on sale, hope the creator got their props.
DT Trist caught me off guard, Splash isn't great but holding Riggle and watching him shoot fireballs (and hear their dialogue) is about the most adorable thing you can imagine. And their death animation? Tears were shed.
Worst New Skin: Chromas! "A skin for your skin so you can...yea ugh" (runner up: Battle Bum Blitzcrank)
They should have been either free or VERY CHEAP as a Mastery related award, not the laziest cashgrab i have ever seen out of LoL. Riot Plz.
Blitzcrank gets the runner up nod cause they failed to one up his much better (and cheaper) skins yet charge more for it.
The rest i haven't decided on and probably won't since this is taking a while to think about. Too much werk.