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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Guess I should take the same attitude I took with Trist to the mid lane champs I have. I had to pretty much decide that NO, if I called Bot before anyone else Im gonna play Trist. I don't care if some one auto locks Jinx before anyone can call anything, don't care if a twitch begs to do bout in the first min of the game and now I have to mid with Trist, I'm devoted to getting good with her. Gonna do the same with Lux, Vi and Jinx.

No, just no.

Calling positions is okay and all but locking champions ASAP is a bad, bad idea. Of course it feels bad to have some random guy lock the role you called, but not locking your champion means you at least have time to arrange with the rest of the team in case of emergency, or even dodge the match by not picking a champion at all if you feel someone's going to be trolling the rest of the team.

I've even seen a couple games where someone got stuck in a role they would allegedly sucked as, and the rest of the team would try to swap roles around in order to maximize their chances of winning. Bitching around and ending up with two of a single role will often result in you getting stomped even harder than if you just groaned at whoever locked and rearranged your team accordingly instead.


yeah its a dick move to auto-lock a champ unless its a versatile champ that can do multiple roles (Karma can, in theory, go top/mid/support). But--- its all about the team composition. Karma Top might not work in the majority of comps.

Once you get to L25 you can Team Builder

This is where HoTS has the edge. You can just pick your desired champ and the game auto-builds the team comp. Yep- the fans on that end cries a river to no end that the matchmaker sucks but I always like it myself. And when I want to build team comps I hit up Hero League

At the moment though I'm im on break from both LoL and HoTS. Just giving comparisons.

Team Builder is the best shiznit bar none tho. Its a stupid shame lowbies cant do it

edit- (So I take that back HoTS does not have the edge once you get to Team Builder queues!!!!!)


yeah its a dick move to auto-lock a champ unless its a versatile champ that can do multiple roles (Karma can, in theory, go top/mid/support). But--- its all about the team composition. Karma Top might not work in the majority of comps.

Once you get to L25 you can Team Builder

This is where HoTS has the edge. You can just pick your desired champ and the game auto-builds the team comp. Yep- the fans on that end cries a river to no end that the matchmaker sucks but I always like it myself. And when I want to build team comps I hit up Hero League

At the moment though I'm im on break from both LoL and HoTS. Just giving comparisons.

Team Builder is the best shiznit bar none tho. Its a stupid shame lowbies cant do it

edit- (So I take that back HoTS does not have the edge once you get to Team Builder queues!!!!!)

From my experience (over at LAS servers), it has taken me over ten minutes to find a Team Builder match as support (which is a role people rarely ever call in normals), then ten to fifteen minutes more to have the whole team ready, and finally ten to fifteen minutes on top of all that to find a match (and that is if somebody doesn't get tired and leaves before then, which returns us all the way back to step one). I've played less than five team builder games so far as a result, since the half hour plus I spend waiting to play I could actually use to play a whole normal game to completion, give or take ten minutes.

And there was that one time where we got matched up against five ADCs all going bot and we still got stomped hard.
No, just no.

Calling positions is okay and all but locking champions ASAP is a bad, bad idea. Of course it feels bad to have some random guy lock the role you called, but not locking your champion means you at least have time to arrange with the rest of the team in case of emergency, or even dodge the match by not picking a champion at all if you feel someone's going to be trolling the rest of the team.

I've even seen a couple games where someone got stuck in a role they would allegedly sucked as, and the rest of the team would try to swap roles around in order to maximize their chances of winning. Bitching around and ending up with two of a single role will often result in you getting stomped even harder than if you just groaned at whoever locked and rearranged your team accordingly instead.

I actually didn't know you could wait out the clock if you wanna back out.

If I get the call on a lane I never lock my character in, I just select them to give my partner an idea of who I plan on using. But no one ever pays attention to that so I rarely get someone going bot with me that's a support.

I legit only know how to play 4 characters decently so far ... 2 are support and one's Annie (who I find ok early to mid game but by late game .. not so much ). Wouldn't have improved with Trist at all so far without doing that though it's may be a bad habit. Mainly because so few people are willing to support in solo it seems and if I try to pick to round out the roles instead of picking to practice then like 70-80% of all my games are gonna be support Janna.

But yeah, I will try to talk in the selection chat more and if I feel like things are gonna go south then I will wait out the clock.


I actually didn't know you could wait out the clock if you wanna back out.

If I get the call on a lane I never lock my character in, I just select them to give my partner an idea of who I plan on using. But no one ever pays attention to that so a rarely get someone going bot with me that's a support.

I legit only know how to play 4 characters decently so far ... 2 are support and one's Annie (who I find ok early to mid game but by not so much late). Wouldn't have improved with Trist at all so far without doing that though it's may be a bad habbit. Mainly because so few people are willing to support in solo it seems and if I try to pick to round out the roles instead of picking to practice then like 70-80% of all my games are gonna be support Janna.

But yeah, I will try to talk in the selection chat more and if I feel like things are gonna go south then I will wait out the clock.

Yeah, no need to be the mediator guy and get burned out by trying to talk sense into people who might not give a damn about it, but if you get angry and start raging at people then you become part of the problem, since you're more likely to start flame wars that do nothing but make people less likely to work with each other and way faster to blame their teammates for anything and everything.

For example, there were times when someone would get support before I did and I was forced to go jungle, but then I told the rest of the team I had absolutely no experience with the role and they often offered to swap roles with me. And the times they didn't they couldn't complain about my crappy-as-hell Master Yi (even though one or two did). Just let your team know which other roles you might be able to fill and see if you can arrange something.

Regarding team compositions, all I often care about when picking mine is whether I can go mage support or if we're a squad of squishy champions that requires me to pick Nautilus, Blitz or Thresh so I can help as a tank. Other situations I look for are things such as picking Lulu whenever the team has any champions that lack mobility and could benefit greatly from whimsy, shields and her ult... but most of the people playing normals don't care about that at all when picking their champions, so you can try to talk some sense into them but more often than not they'll be playing whatever they feel like without consulting with the rest of the team at all.


If you're playing blind, call order > pick order. If you called it first, just lock in and don't worry about it.

Of course in draft or ranked pick order >>>>> call order.
Illaoi is broken but it just feels sooooooooooooooooooooo good to play as her lol. You're inherently a douche for playing her the moment you get a kill. Just moments after, that /all chat is bound to pop up.


Also, dodging a match by failing to pick a champion makes you unable to join any games for around six minutes whenever you do it, and I guess the game might be tracking repeate offenses, so it's best if you don't do it often.

You can also pick a joke champion and summoner spells (such as Clarividence and Clarity last season) to make it obvious you're going to troll the team and have somebody else dodge for you instead, but that's not something I'd ever do.


Funny thing is that I stopped midding because I feel like I can't trust people in Solo to have my back when pressured (also cause I learned how to mid with Annie and I don't much like Annie. But now I have Ahri and Xerath who are both apparently good for Mid so yeah ... guess imma try that again).

Hell, the main reason I kept supporting after learning the game a bit was because I feel like I can't trust others to support well.

Haha, this is exactly why I learned to support first and foremost. There's nothing wrong with it per se, but doing it most of the time/all the time, especially as a newer player, can make it feel more jarring when trying another role (for example, I had a hard time learning to properly CS under pressure as an ADC for awhile, or as a melee mid, and doing well at that can stop an enemy snowballing). All the other lane roles have you actively learning how to CS and farm and roam, preferably all 3.Doing other roles can also help you look at what the enemy is doing to give you a bad time/what someone else does as a support well that you don't so you can take that knowledge with you.

As long as you don't get one trick pony syndrome out of it you should be ok.


I actually won a game with a support MF who built ap. they didn't win lane of course but we won teamfights early.

I think I might buy her

Also the Wukong, Morg, and Cait splash arts that have been revealed look hot. Especially wukong.


Yeah, no need to be the mediator guy and get burned out by trying to talk sense into people who might not give a damn about it, but if you get angry and start raging at people then you become part of the problem, since you're more likely to start flame wars that do nothing but make people less likely to work with each other and way faster to blame their teammates for anything and everything.

For example, there were times when someone would get support before I did and I was forced to go jungle, but then I told the rest of the team I had absolutely no experience with the role and they often offered to swap roles with me. And the times they didn't they couldn't complain about my crappy-as-hell Master Yi (even though one or two did). Just let your team know which other roles you might be able to fill and see if you can arrange something.

Regarding team compositions, all I often care about when picking mine is whether I can go mage support or if we're a squad of squishy champions that requires me to pick Nautilus, Blitz or Thresh so I can help as a tank. Other situations I look for are things such as picking Lulu whenever the team has any champions that lack mobility and could benefit greatly from whimsy, shields and her ult... but most of the people playing normals don't care about that at all when picking their champions, so you can try to talk some sense into them but more often than not they'll be playing whatever they feel like without consulting with the rest of the team at all.

weird. As a support you should get team instantly. If you don't- simply keep searching for the next team. ADC is probably the second easy role to fill. Team not full? Simply keep searching til you get a full one

I'm pretty sure we told you to do this. I have a good memory. I vividly recall your posts a few weeks back bout the trouble you had

Now Top & mid can be tough sometimes though esp at non-peak hours
Did Wraith Cait have pointy ears in game? I didn't notice

God fucking damn it Riot not this shit again, why the hell do you mirror shared splashes wrong? It's her right arm that is blue, not her left, this bothers me big time


weird. As a support you should get team instantly. If you don't- simply keep searching for the next team. ADC is probably the second easy role to fill. Team not full? Simply keep searching til you get a full one

I'm pretty sure we told you to do this. I have a good memory. I vividly recall your posts a few weeks back bout the trouble you had

Now Top & mid can be tough sometimes though esp at non-peak hours

Maybe people in LAS just don't play team builder or something. The game always guesstimates a "very low" wait time whenever I choose the support role, but all five or six times I tried to play the mode I was waiting upwards of ten minutes just to get into a team, and several times the team would disband after ten or so extra minutes and I'd be back to waiting for a new team I could join.


oh I'm Ryotian in the LoL client. just logged in to check but didnt see any invite

Hm, darn you, now I'm tempted to play now that I've logged in.

check now

and lol just beat my second fizz player in a row with malz. I swear once I get rods of ages I tend to rekt.


zkylon league awards 2015! (not including preseason 2016 so no poppy and adc stuff)

best new skin: star guardian lux - after so many years of military crap finally a skin perfectly designed for lux
worst new skin: battle boss blitzcrank - just lame in every possible way, i don't know what they were thinking
creepiest skin: heartseeker annie - yeah i'm not sure what rito was thinking here either

best new skin line: playing cards - really good skins individually even for 750rp. project was nice but also really overdone
worst new skin line: challenger - started out with an ahri skin after she has a ton better ones and now this nidalee one is pretty bad too

best new champion kit: bard - never annoying and ever the playmaker, bard is unique and fun for everyone involved
worst new champion kit: tahm kench - pretty much the opposite, a walking anti-play thing who's only merit is not being soraka

best new champion design: kalista - great example of monster-like female champion
worst new champion design: reksai - terrible example of monster-like female champion

best rework: tristana - sadly poppy is 2016, so award goes to trist who got a really cool new look and a deawfulization of her kit
worst rework: morde - let's forget anything about morde ever happened

best gameplay thing: new neutral objectives - new baron and new dragon made games more interesting and varied, as did the little fights around scuttlecrab. overall improvement for the game with very little negatives for it
worst gameplay thing: runeglaive ezreal - should've been hotfixed a lot quicker, runeglaive ezreal made the game unbearable for the patch he was in

best other thing: bilgewater event - really cool thing in general, skins, lore, new aram, reworks, it was great all around
worst other thing: chromas - overpriced, meh-looking, another example of riot pretending to know better what we want than us. just sell them separately and everybody's happy
zkylon league awards 2015! (not including preseason 2016 so no poppy and adc stuff)

best new skin - star guardian lux
worst new skin - battle boss blitzcrank
creepiest skin - heartseeker annie

best new skin line - playing cards
worst new skin line - challenger

best new champion kit - bard
worst new champion kit - tahm kench

best new champion design - kalista
worst new champion design - reksai

best rework - tristana
worst rework - morde

best gameplay thing - new neutral objectives
worst gameplay thing - runeglaive ezreal

best other thing - bilgewater event
worst other thing - chromas

Agree with best skin, best kit .. (fuck tahm kench, won't die ass), I'd shove all the juggernaut reworks in the worst rework spot, tears at runeglaive ezreal.. i think my worst is definitely either Sated Devourer or .. then again you said no preseason so no Rageblade, okay, Sated Devourer .. on yi.


i had a bunch of runner ups in mind for some of those categories but figured i'd just make a simple list, see how it turned out

i'd definitely like to shout out nasty things like tp meta and ryze's permasnare and some great things like ap itemization update, but u know, gotta make the cut somewhere :p

also wanted to put some esports stuff but i feel less confident making an opinion about that since i can't remember the best series or the best drama or whatever lol


3 game win streak with malz

Just played the hardest mid battle of my life against Azir. Not only does he out poke me but he counters my minions. Probably the best azir player I have seen in my elo.
still got the first kill on him solo


Maybe people in LAS just don't play team builder or something. The game always guesstimates a "very low" wait time whenever I choose the support role, but all five or six times I tried to play the mode I was waiting upwards of ten minutes just to get into a team, and several times the team would disband after ten or so extra minutes and I'd be back to waiting for a new team I could join.

you waited that long for a support role during peak hrs? Yeah that's quite horrible. I'm in NA region. didnt realize you were in a different region. Now that makes sense. I assumed you were in NA lol


My Awards that Don't Actually Matter even a Little Bit* (name pending)

Best New Bot Laning Buddy: Tahm Kench! "Why yes I do believe I can deal with your bullshit sirrah.. ". (Runner up: Ekko)

He IS B.S., but in reality? He's only countering your own B.S., so you can only get so mad at him. Mispositioed ADC? Nope, they'll get back to the tower and his sizable glutes will block your shots and insults. The play ruiner who isn't near as bad as Soraka or Janna (Janna should never get a free pass for the most boring laning phase ever outside Soraka, wtf ppl?) cause he actually has to be on the front line and thus make himself a target. He also will take one for you as a result so you can get away like a true* brofish. Yes, this is Tahm Kench and you just have to show him respect even if you don't want to! (hope he gets more skins soon).

Ekko gets the runner up cause he's got style in his kit and his design (hell yea, a LoL character to match my skin tone so i can cosplay without getting arrested for holding fake guns. Sorry Lucian).

Worst New Bot Laning Buddy: Kindred! We are more familiar with dying than anyone we know! (runner up: Illaoi support)

Ok, I actually think Kindred is quite strong, I just don't want to see them in lane. Stay in the jungle plz, no ADC bot plz. ONLY thing laning Kindred has is innate sustain, and that's not worth the downsides.

Same with Illaoi. it's not even the worst thing ever but once ppl realize she can't peel for her ADC or CC much at all they can safety ignore her in a gank and go after everyone else first. Hope someone else has CC!

Best New Skin: Snow Day Bard! *penguin agreeing sound* (Runner up: Dragon Trainer Tristana)

Whether you're sipping on cocoa, sliding down an icy tunnel or lobbing penguins at your opponent's face, this skin has it all (except boobs, sorry waifu brigade). Felt like I robbed Riot for buying this on sale, hope the creator got their props.

DT Trist caught me off guard, Splash isn't great but holding Riggle and watching him shoot fireballs (and hear their dialogue) is about the most adorable thing you can imagine. And their death animation? Tears were shed.

Worst New Skin: Chromas! "A skin for your skin so you can...yea ugh" (runner up: Battle Bum Blitzcrank)

They should have been either free or VERY CHEAP as a Mastery related award, not the laziest cashgrab i have ever seen out of LoL. Riot Plz.

Blitzcrank gets the runner up nod cause they failed to one up his much better (and cheaper) skins yet charge more for it.

The rest i haven't decided on and probably won't since this is taking a while to think about. Too much werk.
the real ghost awards

Best ADC: Kalista
Worst ADC: Still Urgot :^)

Best Mid: Lulu
Worst Mid: Yasuo

Best Top: Malphite
Worst Top: Yasuo

Best Jungle: Kindred
Worst Jungle: Master Yi

Best Support: Janna
Worst Support: Draven
the real ghost awards

Best ADC: Kalista
Worst ADC: Still Urgot :^)

Best Mid: Lulu
Worst Mid: Yasuo

Best Top: Malphite
Worst Top: Yasuo

Best Jungle: Kindred
Worst Jungle: Master Yi

Best Support: Janna
Worst Support: Draven
Saying janna is the best support when your avatar is already the best support.
The Dream Awards

Best New Skin - Omega Squad Teemo
Worst New Skin - Forsaken Jayce
Most Underrated New Skin - Cosmic Reaver Kassadin
Most Hyped Skin That's Actually Wack As Fuck - Dragon Trainer Trist
Why Did You Make This New Skin - Void Illaoi
Close But You'll Never Be Better Than The Skin That Came Before You - Spirit Fire Brand (Zombie now and forever)


Best New Champ - Ekko
Worst New Champ - Tahm
Most Satisfying New Champ - Illaoi


Best New Song - DeLux Jam


i think there's a good case for penguin bard for best skin of the year too

and for forsaken jayce to be the worst

damn that skin was lame



every time i play shen, i tell myself "just play shen only. you'll win so much more" but then I stop playing shen.

i really should play more shen


Best new mode: Legend of the Porro King

I love that mode. Perhaps they've run it winter season prior but I wasnt here then


Speaking of Shen I need to watch a vid of how to play him right.
Best new mode: Legend of the Porro King

I love that mode. Perhaps they've run it winter season prior but I wasnt here then


Speaking of Shen I need to watch a vid of how to play him right.

They had it last year.
What where the new games modes this year? All that i can think of was that bilge water one.
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