Peanut Butter
no more fucking ♪ going ♪
no more fucking ♪ going ♪
.no more fucking going
Stay positivefuck you
♫ we can do this ♫
♪ stay positive ♪
♫ we can do this ♫
♪ with superior tactics ♪
Right, I feel like I need to buy Lux now.
Right, I feel like I need to buy Lux now.
Right, I feel like I need to buy Lux now.
hey now
that's ezreal's job[/MG][/QUOTE]
ever lewd
When are we not on the border of lewd territory.We're getting into lewd territory now
fucking DO IT.
League grants few feelings as satisfying as nuking someone from range with her ult. It's literally a salt shaker.
ever lewd
it's cute!
So is vanilla porncmon!
it's cute!
ghost where is your heart
So you're saying I can be the Ying Yang Twins?
PBE will probably be just the Lunar Revel splashes/login and some balance changes, this patch has already cooked for long enough
Ezreal fanart without Taric smh fam.
Where is xin he would fit perfect in there.suits are cool
Where is xin he would fit perfect in there.
LameNah females only