No trees!
Think of the flowers and roses and trees as the backdrop and compliments to his masterpieces. Like I said, he's all about perfection. His kill and methods of doing it are the important part, the setup also being key. That's true for his kit as well as his personality...
The trees don't make them beautiful. His kills do.
So he is an adc right?Yes. Plays and works very differently to others in his role.
Dunno if he's similar to Cohen. Haven't played Bioshock in years
So we're getting another Draven/Kalista type of deal? OooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhYes. Plays and works very differently to others in his role.
Don't ask questions he probably isn't allowed to answer. Gotta be roundabout with this shitSo he is an adc right?
Community champ idea is not connected at all.
This guy also isn't about covert sniping (doesn't even use a sniper rifle), he enjoys his art a little too much. Not elemental, no 3 stacks. He's all about the perfect performance.
And yes, this is the cool thing. Holy shit I can't wait for you guys to hear his VO.
He's such a cool character. Very twisted, eccentric.
So he is Cohen from Biosock
Why am I the only one reminded of Shaco from that teaser?
So he is Cohen from Biosock
I hope this means he's basically a stylish action character.
Any chance the reveal is this week or is Riot gonna keep twisting that knife till PBE dayNothing more from me til reveal![]()
Community champ idea is not connected at all.
This guy also isn't about covert sniping (doesn't even use a sniper rifle), he enjoys his art a little too much. Not elemental, no 3 stacks. He's all about the perfect performance.
And yes, this is the cool thing. Holy shit I can't wait for you guys to hear his VO.
He's such a cool character. Very twisted, eccentric.
"perfect performance" = bullshit minigame incorporated
riot stop
Twitch with ult on, kinda sortaIm waiting for a champ where his or her autos are skill shots, now that would be amazing.
Looking forward to spamming RUINED in all chat when I miss a killSander Cohen + Bob Ross = new champ
I fed fizz in lane and of course team blames me for the loss. Even though they were losing lanes before fizz even roamed.
I ended up 4/8 and my team kept telling me to kill myself and and that I am the worst malz in history.
sigh fuck toxic game. That was my first loss with malz in almost a week and first loss against a fizz. smh
Im waiting for a champ where his or her autos are skill shots, now that would be amazing.
Any chance the reveal is this week or is Riot gonna keep twisting that knife till PBE day
I mute ppl after the first ragin/negative comment in games. Saves you a headache.
yeah I keep forgetting muting is a thing, but I am turning my all chat off.
Let's be real you know how toxic it can get especially in low elo.Obviously if it bothers you turn it off but for the most part all chat is MUCH more fun than team chat. I'd say 8/10 times all chat is friendly banter or "well that was stupid of me" type stuff over trash talk/flaming.
Haha I will probably keep it on for the preseasonIdk everyone's experience is different obviously but I'd honestly rather turn off team chat than all chat lol. If it bothers you then by all means turn it off because it doesn't really help you in any way, just gives you a way to interact with your opponents that can also be fun.
Also more than doubles your statistical chance of running into a toxic player but still
It's important to keep all chat on so that you can identify who on the other team is tilting off their ass and target them
new champ video teaser reveal thing
he's pretty creepy looking
I wish they'd stop making videos like this. They're just total flops. Completely meaningless without context and probably not very meaningful with context. Nothing about these cryptic videos really sends any message about the champion it's depicting. The champion should be able to sell its theme in game. Use the out of game stuff to deliver more personality or champ video teaser reveal thing
he's pretty creepy looking
I wish they'd stop making videos like this. They're just total flops. Completely meaningless without context and probably not very meaningful with context. Nothing about these cryptic videos really sends any message about the champion it's depicting. The champion should be able to sell its theme in game. Use the out of game stuff to deliver more personality or story.
I would say there's a pretty massive difference in budget/production between something like that and this new video, so it's not really right to compare them.More stuff like Ekko's?
It's a teaser, it's not supposed to be deep or tell whaat the character is, it's supposed to get people speculating.I wish they'd stop making videos like this. They're just total flops. Completely meaningless without context and probably not very meaningful with context. Nothing about these cryptic videos really sends any message about the champion it's depicting. The champion should be able to sell its theme in game. Use the out of game stuff to deliver more personality or story.