It's a teaser, it's not supposed to be deep or tell whaat the character is, it's supposed to get people speculating.
League of Legends is extraordinarily popular, and has one of the largest reddit userbases. Of course it's not really going to be surprising that there's heavy amounts of attention on a new champion release, but is any of that discussion or excitement even remotely meaningful? The speculation is so off base that clearly whatever clues or hints exist in the tease don't carry enough of a guys are in the minority though. If people didn't respond well to this stuff and find it engaging, I would imagine we wouldn't do it.
it's only one metric, but when this thing shoots to the top of r/all with a comment thread full of people being hyped and theorycrafting, it adds to the pre-launch stuff. People like to be teased and have content like this to discuss.
No, I'm the soda police.Oh man here comes the fun police!
you know what would actually be nice
actually telling people what the fucking champion is.
Should have made teasers for these. Making of stuff for the Japanese VA work would turn out really cool.
I am pretty sure I watched this when it came out. I wish it had English subtitles. Seeing the barrier broken down between the character and the voice actor is interesting.
I am pretty sure I watched this when it came out. I wish it had English subtitles. Seeing the barrier broken down between the character and the voice actor is interesting.
Yeah all of the people in the video where cool.I like her
Wouldn't it be nice to maybe make a small in-game teaser of them doing something somewhere in the video prior to official reveal? Or maybe an animation of some of their real in-game moves like the Ekko stuff?
I'd like that.
Edit: As an example, I would have been a lot more hyped to see Ekko's clone following him or see Tahm eat an ally and that really wouldn't have spoiled everything. Speculation is fine with me but I can understand getting frustrated with almost totally baseless speculation since aesthetics do not consistently match mechanics in LoL (again, hi there Lam- I mean Kindred).
The league system is a bit dumb at times. Prefer elo a lot more.
JP voices are just now being pulled down and posted here:, so all voice clips have been uploaded? Cool!
I love varus but he is not a good adc.he's a little better mid where he can function as a long range poke and control champ.
I'm not even sure what to do to make him better tbh. It's been ages since I played him.
I wish they'd stop making videos like this. They're just total flops. Completely meaningless without context and probably not very meaningful with context. Nothing about these cryptic videos really sends any message about the champion it's depicting. The champion should be able to sell its theme in game. Use the out of game stuff to deliver more personality or story.
i kind of agree that this video isn't too great but i'm pretty sure this must've been a low cost thing that's easy for them to slot in their schedule compared to something a lot more complex like the ekko video. i guess you could achieve more with a similar budget like with with that velkoz video, but i can see how not all champions need to be teased the same and at least this one tickles your imagination a bit moreI wish they'd stop making videos like this. They're just total flops. Completely meaningless without context and probably not very meaningful with context. Nothing about these cryptic videos really sends any message about the champion it's depicting. The champion should be able to sell its theme in game. Use the out of game stuff to deliver more personality or story.
the argument is that it could be a lot better scheduled and produced since we've been like two weeks of seeing random changes on champion pages and now we get a video that's kind of exactly that same thing?you guys are in the minority though. If people didn't respond well to this stuff and find it engaging, I would imagine we wouldn't do it.
it's only one metric, but when this thing shoots to the top of r/all with a comment thread full of people being hyped and theorycrafting, it adds to the pre-launch stuff. People like to be teased and have content like this to discuss.
I will be less overt with my teasing going forward. fwiw, this isn't a story video or anything. it's not meant to be. it's to show you what his kills look like to him and the beauty in them, to give you a little sense of what his mind is like
I didn't expect people to think he literally shot trees into, out of, or at people
rito should stop leaking stuff then :\ehh. I guess I can take some blame since I hinted a lot it was a champion, and also certain things being made known by video data (sadface) probably gave away the surprise
but I mean people were still thinking it was a skin line or ads for animated splashes or something until the name stuff got out. The payoff would have been a lot better had it not, and people would have seen the reveal at the end of the video and been like "oh shit, it's a champion! also he looks creepy as fuck!" and then looked at visuals and tried to guess stuff
instead we got all that after the leaked shit.
I will be less overt with my teasing going forward. fwiw, this isn't a story video or anything. it's not meant to be. it's to show you what his kills look like to him and the beauty in them, to give you a little sense of what his mind is like
I didn't expect people to think he literally shot trees into, out of, or at people
i meant the reveal, azir was like announced overnight without any sort of teasing or anythingThey literally created a new game mode and did the entire lore of Shurima in videos for Azir, like, did you forget? Now that's a bummer for the marketing team!
Miss Fortune
Make it Rain (E) damage lowered to 80/115/150/185/220 from 90/145/200/225/310
I realized I haven't seen Fiddle in a game in something like a year. Why is this?