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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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ehh. I guess I can take some blame since I hinted a lot it was a champion, and also certain things being made known by video data (sadface) probably gave away the surprise

but I mean people were still thinking it was a skin line or ads for animated splashes or something until the name stuff got out. The payoff would have been a lot better had it not, and people would have seen the reveal at the end of the video and been like "oh shit, it's a champion! also he looks creepy as fuck!" and then looked at visuals and tried to guess stuff

instead we got all that after the leaked shit.

I will be less overt with my teasing going forward. fwiw, this isn't a story video or anything. it's not meant to be. it's to show you what his kills look like to him and the beauty in them, to give you a little sense of what his mind is like

I didn't expect people to think he literally shot trees into, out of, or at people

I think the video is fine from my perspective but I will say that if the champ doesn't make people into trees then I am bummed about it. You sold me the concept in the video and now I really want it, so your team better deliver or it's going to slightly negatively affect my average revenue per day.

Seriously though this is all anecdote so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I do think the leaks kind of spoiled that it was a champ, but honestly the only thing Riot ever promotes like this is a champ so anybody who didn't just assume that is silly.

rito should stop leaking stuff then :\

but it's not really about you building too much expectation, i think this mostly suffered from scheduling since it's been like three weeks without pbe, lcs or any other cool news so all we got was this guy and now instead of revealing the champion we get even more teasing.

it's just been too long, i'm tired of guessing at literally nothing (it's all in his mind or whatever, so why bother speculating), i just wanna see the kit already

I feel like you guys are basically saying "I want to see the actual thing right away because I'm really interested" so from the perspective of hype building I am not sure you are making a great case for the teasers not working!

However I do think that the Christmas holidays probably played into this scheduling a little bit, like this is probably really a two week cadence that got stretched over a break.


I feel like you guys are basically saying "I want to see the actual thing right away because I'm really interested" so from the perspective of hype building I am not sure you are making a great case for the teasers not working!

However I do think that the Christmas holidays probably played into this scheduling a little bit, like this is probably really a two week cadence that got stretched over a break.
not really, i'm thirsty for anything at this point, pbe, new skins, anything would do

i think the bio stuff would be much better if i actually believed it was lore related and not just some random thing of those 4 champions represent some things deadeye doesn't like or whatever


come on lux they just got back from break. Give them a few days to get over the shock of having to return to work from a long rest


i just realized i kind of really enjoy being called lux


shen update near.

i really wish it wasn't coming. maybe it'll be great, i don't know, but right now one of the reasons I win so much on Shen is that nobody really sees it very often anymore even after the buff and they just completely forgot that Shen can out trade so many common top laners while building full tank. not tahm kench levels of damage, but still high.
yeah, it's one of those times your champion is gonna be a bit less bullshitty for the greater good of league of legends

just gotta accept that he can potentially be a lot more fun to play at least


After listening to the Japanese voices of most characters I play, I'd say that sadly none of them are particularily enjoyable for me. Morgana and Lulu are okay but nothing amazing, and Nautilus, Thresh, Blitz and Nami are all kind of meh. I guess Tahm was also nice, but I just don't enjoy playing him all that much, sadly.

One that I didn't expect to like but did was Taric's and the reverse was true for TF, who didn't actually sound all that much like Dio in most of his lines. Saber Leona is okay, but I dunno...

Also, the announcer using English terms to refer to every single in-game element is really weird and results in lines such as "Teki no ansuttopaburu", as opposed to how all terms were localized for the latin version (and we also got a male announcer instead of a female one for some reason).


'enry 'ollins
Even though it wasn't a rework, I'm still salty that they made Brand OP through masteries and then nerfed him. Been playing him support since season 3 and hit plat with him. Now I can barely play him anymore since he's always pick/banned.
Last night I tried Nami for 4 games ... had a 50/ 50 Win rate with her. I just can't seem to figure out how to get the damage outta her and that's very annoying (I know, she's support ... but so is Janna and I could at least stand my ground under a tower with Janna. Nami DSP was like slapping people with wet paper. But like most things I figure it's a combo of not having the right/ full mastery skills and having zero runes...right??).

I could very well see myself using her though.

Anyway, after those 4 matches I wanted to end the night with some Trist. Got into the select, was again the first to call anything. Called Bot and moved my mouse to Trist .. who was grayed out? Looked down and the very next post was the guy who autolocked Trist calling ADC. First off, I don't get this thought process that calling adc > calling a lane. Shit has happened so often. Sure, I call Sup when I'm doing Support. But as Support you can be bot-top or w/e ... no one really cares where you go or what you do as long as you don't feed and there's no more than 2 Sup on the team. Some matches after I hit 8 I just wonder off and follow people I think are gonna do something more interesting when my lane is enemy free or ward/ try to de-ward places. Figured calling lanes was so that people could act like a team and figure out who would be best paired with who ...

But w/e, of course everyone calls and locks in all damage dealers in like 8 secs in ... and I'll be damned if I play sup because of autolocking bs so I noped right outta that and called it a night. It's becoming very clear that I need to not do random blind solos. I don't know enough characters or how they work together to just "fill" and people run to adc like it's the holy-grail.
so when can I change my voices to the jp voices? they sound awesome.
edit: in the back of my head, whenever anyone talks I'll want to know where the subtitles at lol


Glad I took a break for a few days to refresh. I feel like I've returned to top form. Will have to go back to ranked play now


edit- Funny part bout this match every lane was getting lost early on. I was getting summoned to every lane. I barely got to kill mobs. Finally helped babysit the lanes and got them confident in themselves and we won the thing

Last night I tried Nami for 4 games ... had a 50/ 50 Win rate with her. I just can't seem to figure out how to get the damage outta her and that's very annoying (I know, she's support ... but so is Janna and I could at least stand my ground under a tower with Janna. Nami DSP was like slapping people with wet paper. But like most things I figure it's a combo of not having the right/ full mastery skills and having zero runes...right??).

I could very well see myself using her though.

Yeah but Janna is true god tier support. Nami is god tier cute. I'm buying her with RP when she goes on sale this month


Anyway, after those 4 matches I wanted to end the night with some Trist. Got into the select, was again the first to call anything. Called Bot and moved my mouse to Trist .. who was grayed out? Looked down and the very next post was the guy who autolocked Trist calling ADC. First off, I don't get this thought process that calling adc > calling a lane. Shit has happened so often. Sure, I call Sup when I'm doing Support. But as Support you can be bot-top or w/e ... no one really cares where you go or what you do as long as you don't feed and there's no more than 2 Sup on the team. Some matches after I hit 8 I just wonder off and follow people I think are gonna do something more interesting when my lane is enemy free or ward/ try to de-ward places. Figured calling lanes was so that people could act like a team and figure out who would be best paired with who ...

Actually, no. Support is always played in bottom lane alongside ADCs, so calling bottom lane is ambiguous since nobody knows which of the two roles you'll be in. Calling top and mid makes sense since they're always solo lanes, unlike bot.


Well.... You can play Top lane as Support (sort of- but that's team support/dps, not adc support like Julian eludes to). In LCS (or shortly after rather), I saw a pro Korean team run Karma Top. But--- during blind pick you simply call 'top'. Better to make sure the team comp works. I personally look at team comps and make sure we got 1 tank if I'm around last pick. Since a tank can go jg/top/supp. But if Tank is filled I'm more likely to go Bruiser, etc
Yeah but Janna is true god tier support. Nami is god tier cute. I'm buying her with RP when she goes on sale this month

She's great but a bit on the boring side kit wise. LuLu is far more fun as a troll to the enemy team ... but I don't feel like I help as much with her.

Actually, no. Support is always played in bottom lane alongside ADCs, so calling bottom lane is ambiguous since nobody knows which of the two roles you'll be in. Calling top and mid makes sense since they're always solo lanes, unlike bot.

I would say about 40-60% of all my matches have 2 top 2 bot 1 mid on at least one side if not both. Not many people are comfortable with JG it seems. (then sometimes I get teams where 3 people wanted to be the JG. Hell, I soloed bot against a Soraka and Nami because 2 people decided they wanted to JG. But I couldn't do anything to them because I was also support. It was one of those shit teams where everyone refused to talk in chat and no one came to help so they took the lane and the game real fast. Had one where the enemy team ran MF and Jinx on top and Trist and the Shark thing on Bot ... and then they grouped up and zerged each lane as a group of 4 :/ )

And MANY times I play support on top because 2 people called bot and picked adc characters or ... we just happen to have 2 supports.

Maybe it's cause that's how the AI works in Co-op? It comes up fairly often enough in the select chats that you either have 2 top 2 bot 1 mid or 1 top 2 bot 1 mid 1 jg when 2 people have smite.
Nami can be a lane bully support. Always auto before you W, and always use W when youre not actually ar full health. It's a solid trading tool. Not difficult to pull off AA-W-AA.

Use E to setup Q. Your ADC is not the only recipient of your E.

Her stall/waveclear is absolute crap. I wouldnt want to be stuck defending a tower with her.
Random question, in the project overdrive video, was it ever explained who the guy Yi mistook for Zed was?

Was it a past version of Zed or someone from Yi's past?


The biggest challenge here is that the teasers are made by marketing and the champion design is made by, well, design. At the point that you kick off a promo with marketing it's very likely that abilities like these aren't even final as to design, much less final as to art and animation. So it'd be somewhat hazardous to try to be too direct about champion abilities because if they change close to launch you just paid an outside studio $5k for a video about a character that no longer exists.

I understand why it just makes me sad.

I know I can't expect every champ to get reveals like Ekko and Jinx. Doesn't mean i don't want em though. :)


Tragic victim of fan death
I understand why it just makes me sad.

I know I can't expect every champ to get reveals like Ekko and Jinx. Doesn't mean i don't want em though. :)

To be fair the the theme of the character should come off from the teaser and I understand what others are saying to a degree. I think with the Jinx teaser we got the point that she was crazy and love explosions and chaos. Plus it was long enough to get that message across. The same can be said for the Ekko trailer. You got the hint that he had the ability to manipulate time to a degree. That's neat. With this teaser, until Phillip explained what was up, I didn't get the vibe that he was into arts and stuff. Plus it's so short. While I think this current teaser is serviceable I think if Riot expects the community get hyped more then they can definitely do a better job with their teasers.


Maybe it's cause that's how the AI works in Co-op? It comes up fairly often enough in the select chats that you either have 2 top 2 bot 1 mid or 1 top 2 bot 1 mid 1 jg when 2 people have smite.

Ah, so you're playing co-op vs AI... that explains a lot. Anything goes there because the AI is so simple it doesn't matter what you go.

Actually, I'd recommend that you transition into Normal games ASAP since they're a whole different beast that playing against AIs, and CPUs teach you lots of bad habits such as not ever needing to worry about warding or ganks, and the AI going stupid mode and heading back to base in a straight line whenever they have low HP. You'll always be matched against players with a similar skill level to yours, so you don't have to worry about getting stomped by five level 30 guys with lots of experience and runes (but going up against low-level "smurf" accounts by those people can and does happen sometimes).

Edit: I've just learned the woes of Yasuo "mains". Guy left his lane all the time to do absolutely nothing, he never used an ult despite me being Nautilus and our top laner being Malphite, and late-game I could clearly see him wandering aimlessly into the enemy jungle while their whole team was there. Needless to say, both mid turrets fell ridiculously fast and teamfights were awfully one-sided as Ahri would charm random people and the whole enemy team would jump on them, killing them in seconds while the rest of our team stood back or was somewhere else entirely.

The worst part is that I was really confident in my lane since I was denying Leona any and all chances to use the shield item that shares gold on minion kills, and the enemy Ezreal wasn't even focusing on me, which allowed me to stand right behind our minions to make sure Leona wouldn't even try getting close. We got killed the first time when Ahri left mid (and nobody told us because Yasuo was who-knows-where), and from then on we got periodically visited by Ahri who had already taken the first mid tower (and the second fell shortly afterwards) to make our life hell.

I must've jinxed it by saying "I guess ranked matches really aren't as bad as normals, huh" right before the match after winning my previous one.


Last night I tried Nami for 4 games ... had a 50/ 50 Win rate with her. I just can't seem to figure out how to get the damage outta her and that's very annoying (I know, she's support ... but so is Janna and I could at least stand my ground under a tower with Janna. Nami DSP was like slapping people with wet paper. But like most things I figure it's a combo of not having the right/ full mastery skills and having zero runes...right??).

I could very well see myself using her though.

Anyway, after those 4 matches I wanted to end the night with some Trist. Got into the select, was again the first to call anything. Called Bot and moved my mouse to Trist .. who was grayed out? Looked down and the very next post was the guy who autolocked Trist calling ADC. First off, I don't get this thought process that calling adc > calling a lane. Shit has happened so often. Sure, I call Sup when I'm doing Support. But as Support you can be bot-top or w/e ... no one really cares where you go or what you do as long as you don't feed and there's no more than 2 Sup on the team. Some matches after I hit 8 I just wonder off and follow people I think are gonna do something more interesting when my lane is enemy free or ward/ try to de-ward places. Figured calling lanes was so that people could act like a team and figure out who would be best paired with who ...

But w/e, of course everyone calls and locks in all damage dealers in like 8 secs in ... and I'll be damned if I play sup because of autolocking bs so I noped right outta that and called it a night. It's becoming very clear that I need to not do random blind solos. I don't know enough characters or how they work together to just "fill" and people run to adc like it's the holy-grail.
Nami is fantastic at trading. She'll out trade anyone if you keep it a short trade since her W is as effective as two spells in one.
Just gotta make sure you use autos. They add up.


I feel like i've been playing too much support lately. Ya we're winning games and getting delicious IP, but more and more when I'm playing anything other than botlane I know i'm not carrying.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I haven't played for a few weeks because of router issues/other stuff. First game back today and everyone had Tunderlord in the game but me...


I can get that, but like...the supports were using it too.
Well if I support doesn't utilize windspeaker or bond of stone it's probably worth it. I'd even take it on some bond of stone supports because it's like crazy good on Alistar.
both of the 13-17 point slots in cunning are super strong and most mage supports just take tlords because its too easy to proc and does high base damage.


I haven't played for a few weeks because of router issues/other stuff. First game back today and everyone had Tunderlord in the game but me...

Most of the other keystones are far more specific for supports, and it's a significant amount of free extra poke dmg in general.


So, I played my first couple ranked matches ever... won the first one, but then I got two awful games and a slightly bad one, and then won the last two. One of the bad games we ended 2/20 with a surrender, and the slightly bad one we began with an advantage but our lack of a tank ended up costing us the late-game; then two players went AFK and we lost all hope we had of makign a comeback.

Just like zky usually tells me, I found a decent player on my second win and paired up with him for the next game, which we won as well. Even though ranked only allows duos, it meant I knew that one of the four other players was at least somewhat decent instead of having a full team of random people.

I also pulled off my first ever tower dive, ulting with Nautilus against a Vayne which fled into the inhibitor turret, but since I was alongside Yi and at full health I got in tower range with my Q, activated W to tank the tower damage and helped Yi score a kill and win the game while the rest of the enemy team was busy on the other side of their base.
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