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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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So, I played my first couple ranked matches ever... won the first one, but then I got two awful games and a slightly bad one, and then won the last two. One of the bad games we ended 2/20 with a surrender, and the slightly bad one we began with an advantage but our lack of a tank ended up costing us the late-game; then two players went AFK and we lost all hope we had of makign a comeback.

Just like zky usually tells me, I found a decent player on my second win and paired up with him for the next game, which we won as well. Even though ranked only allows duos, it meant I knew that one of the four other players was at least somewhat decent instead of having a full team of random people.

I also pulled off my first ever tower dive, ulting with Nautilus against a Vayne which fled into the inhibitor turret, but since I was alongside Yi and at full health I got in tower range with my Q, activated W to tank the tower damage and helped Yi score a kill and win the game while the rest of the enemy team was busy on the other side of their base.
during a towerdive as a support you generally want to trigger turret aggro and then hang back at max turret range taking turret shots while you let your teammates do the heavy work. ideally you'll have exhausted all your useful spells while taking aggro but idea is that you hang back and just remove the tower element for your team so the dmg dealers get to do their job too. since yo'll be at max range you'll be able to easily step out and let someone else take aggro or just give everyone enough time to clear out

generally that's how it plays

Arclight or Arctic Ops Varus? Arclight has prettier effects but Arctic Ops Q aim is cool.
i like vanilla varus the best


really cool deadeye "survivors" (or something) fanart posted on reddit:





some of these pairings are weird but cait x vi and shen x zed ones are really great


I'm happy for all this stuff but all I really want is the new queue system. Though I'm getting a little bored with adc as a secondary role. I'm not sure what I should focus on second.


I would say about 40-60% of all my matches have 2 top 2 bot 1 mid on at least one side if not both. Not many people are comfortable with JG it seems. (then sometimes I get teams where 3 people wanted to be the JG. Hell, I soloed bot against a Soraka and Nami because 2 people decided they wanted to JG. But I couldn't do anything to them because I was also support. It was one of those shit teams where everyone refused to talk in chat and no one came to help so they took the lane and the game real fast. Had one where the enemy team ran MF and Jinx on top and Trist and the Shark thing on Bot ... and then they grouped up and zerged each lane as a group of 4 :/ )

And MANY times I play support on top because 2 people called bot and picked adc characters or ... we just happen to have 2 supports.

Maybe it's cause that's how the AI works in Co-op? It comes up fairly often enough in the select chats that you either have 2 top 2 bot 1 mid or 1 top 2 bot 1 mid 1 jg when 2 people have smite.

Julian is right in the advice he gave. Coop AI can be very fun esp at the beginning. Once you get to where you can stomp the AI on Intermediate it might be time to go PVP to at least dip your feet in (assuming you havent already)


Yeah great deadeye art posted above


<cry> Legend of Porro is gone. Guess I'll play something else this morning (just not in the mood for aram or SR right now).

I'm happy for all this stuff but all I really want is the new queue system. Though I'm getting a little bored with adc as a secondary role. I'm not sure what I should focus on second.

Right on. I was bout to queue for ranked but I'm thinking there's not much point right now (for me). I really just want to focus on jungle/supp right now.


Been seeing Vi players going Trintiy>Dead man lately. Seems like a strong ass combo considering how quickly they melt the squishies >_>


I went ahead and tried out Orianna. Really neat character, IMO. Cool design and cool skill set, though sort of awkward to utilize. Wasn't sure what I was doing at the start, but I was getting the hang of how her abilities link up to one another. Took me way too long to realize how her Q worked in terms of the placement of the orb, but it was pretty rewarding trying to see how I could best manage to pull that off. It's cool crossing up your opponent with self-casting the orb back to you, too on top of the bonus.

Wasted my ultimate like twice trying to figure out exactly what it did though, lol. It's cool to pull it off, though. Secured a few kills with it by the end.

Feels like she has really bad staying power, though, at least at the beginning. Fell really far behind at the start of the game because I kept losing so much mana trying to keep Brand off my back. Sort of wish that the ball worked like Lulu tagging people with Pix, though, in that you wouldn't need to keep them inside your range. It's how I expected it to work, at least.

I think this is the character I'll experiment with quick casting with. Strikes me as something that would make her play a little smoother in terms of moving the orb around and stuff.
It took a few games, but I think Taric Jungle might actually be very effective.


I find that with Taric, it doesn't really matter how much AP or AD dmg they throw at you, if you just stack armour and get one magic resist item, pretty much unkillable.

That said there is one build way better than tank and that is AP. The dmg is unbelievable but I haven't been able to make it work in solo que.
Julian is right in the advice he gave. Coop AI can be very fun esp at the beginning. Once you get to where you can stomp the AI on Intermediate it might be time to go PVP to at least dip your feet in (assuming you havent already)

I'm playing PvP, have been ever since peeps here told me to move on from AI asap weeks ago.
I was just saying I think it's a habit born from new players who played AI like I did.

There are many times when the enemy team didn't pick a JG so top lane is 1v2 in random blind pvp. There are many times where neither of our teams have a JG. But one thing never seems to fail, they normally have the common sense to bring a support with their ADC. I really don't know, maybe I just had really bad team picks last night but even though I adopted the "call ADC first" instead of saying "bot" things didn't change.

I'm the first to call anything, call ADC and select Trist ... some jakeoff calls ADC after me and locks Virus. I had just dropped a team because they were fighting over who could be what role so I had to wait 5 mins before I could solo again so I'm like "Fuck, hopefully we have a favorable match up ..". NOPE, enemy team was smart enough to bring fat cat-fish with their ADC. Fat ass bullied us right outta lane because neither of us can do anything to him at low levels, we lose.

Next match only I and 2 other people call anything ... some girl Autolocks MF and says nothing. I thought "MF seems like she may be a diverse character that could support?" ... nope, she went the ADC route and we eat it. Next a guy picks a fighter tank character after I called ADC and it coulda been good if he harassed the enemy and didn't run off to do w/e with the JG before I even reached level 6, so that game tanked. One time I did win with Trist was when someone who clearly didn't want to support picked Nami and just dicked around all game. Could tell they didn't care, laughing every time either of us died, never used a spell on me even though it's clear they knew how the character works and pretty much charged into things like a tank. But the early level CC from their Qs helped me get a decent CS early game so when things started going crazy mid game I could farm different lanes fast and still run away when approached. Was able to get my full build, get some kills and after all the enemies had to reset I stormed their base solo and ended the game by myself because Trist rips through structures like tissue late game.

Also tried Mid Lane with Xerath against a Katerina ... he is a true BEAST against people he can out poke. After killing her a few times the enemy team decided to run the pain train on me and just kept doing 3 man ganks after it became clear that he's best when at range. Team didn't pay attention to my explanation of why I shouldn't be alone so I had to pull back late game and spam his R but we won.

I'm gonna try not playing late at night and see if that helps with team selection.


I'm playing PvP, have been ever since peeps here told me to move on from AI asap weeks ago.
I was just saying I think it's a habit born from new players who played AI like I did.

There are many times when the enemy team didn't pick a JG so top lane is 1v2 in random blind pvp. There are many times where neither of our teams have a JG. But one thing never seems to fail, they normally have the common sense to bring a support with their ADC. I really don't know, maybe I just had really bad team picks last night but even though I adopted the "call ADC first" instead of saying "bot" things didn't change.

I'm the first to call anything, call ADC and select Trist ... some jakeoff calls ADC after me and locks Virus. I had just dropped a team because they were fighting over who could be what role so I had to wait 5 mins before I could solo again so I'm like "Fuck, hopefully we have a favorable match up ..". NOPE, enemy team was smart enough to bring fat cat-fish with their ADC. Fat ass bullied us right outta lane because neither of us can do anything to him at low levels, we lose.

The pre-level 30 games are always a mystery. That's half the reason the level system is in place to give a learning curve for people. It's kind of difficult to jungle without runes so those early levels will almost always be 2 people top. Once in awhile a person will try to jungle and the enemies will have two top lane and the solo guy will just die over and over because he doesn't know how to control the wave, CS under tower or even just play safe in general.

In all honesty, I wouldn't worry about roles too much. Just play a character you like, learn the mechanics and as much as you can about the game in general as you level and the meta will start to form slowly as you get there. Play team builder when you can and start playing normal drafts once you are 30 and have enough champs. Then you'll really get to experience summoners rift.

Smurfs ruin the curve a bit but new players are generally just going to be pretty clueless about most of the game. Just play and have fun. :)


during a towerdive as a support you generally want to trigger turret aggro and then hang back at max turret range taking turret shots while you let your teammates do the heavy work. ideally you'll have exhausted all your useful spells while taking aggro but idea is that you hang back and just remove the tower element for your team so the dmg dealers get to do their job too. since yo'll be at max range you'll be able to easily step out and let someone else take aggro or just give everyone enough time to clear out

generally that's how it plays

Yeah, but Vayne managed to get well behind the turret by the time my ult knocked her up and Yi was slightly behind me, so I absolutely had to Q into turret range and auto to pin her down a bit longer so that Yi could catch up. If I had just casually walked into turret range and used W to tank she would've gotten away, and the risk of me dying due to being low health after that play (still had around 60% HP left) was pretty low since the enemy team was too far away to capitalize on that as well as me having all abilities on CD.

That's precisely why it felt good, because it was a rare moment when I thought to myself "I called the shots, pulled it off and that really helped us win the game!", which felt really good since I'm still learning how to be more involved as a support rather than just waiting for my teammates to initiate.

I'm playing PvP, have been ever since peeps here told me to move on from AI asap weeks ago.
I was just saying I think it's a habit born from new players who played AI like I did.

What I really meant was that you should probably leave all your knowledge gaiend from AI games behind as you begin playing normals, since CPUs have probably taught you many bad habits by now.

And yes, starting out you're pretty unlikely to get paired with players that fight as a team, but that should improve over time. Even playing ranked at level 30, I got paired with four guys who all ended a match between 0/4/0 and 1/5/0 (team totals were 2/20, for crying out loud). Even though they were all level 30, it looked like none of them knew the basics of when to commit to an attack and when to not expose themselves to getting stomped. They'd keep doing stuff at the wrong times, all while our mid Ahri was blaming the rest of the team despite being 1/5/0 herself.

That match was absolute hell because I knew we were going to lose but was absolutely powerless to try and turn things around for the better. But then again I guess it's my ELO rating that's getting me paired up with all these bad players, so I dunno what to think about it...


So I've started taking Jax top to see what all the fuss is about. The 2 games I played, I took the 500 gold pot item to start. It doesn't seem like a great start imo, but I still crushed.

First item I built is rageblade. After its complete I won every trade, usually with a kill. Next I built ghostblade. Holy smokes, with those2 items and thunder lords and ult procs, people died before I could even activate his e.

Anyone have tips on a different build path? Early game was a real struggle to farm.


So I've started taking Jax top to see what all the fuss is about. The 2 games I played, I took the 500 gold pot item to start. It doesn't seem like a great start imo, but I still crushed.

First item I built is rageblade. After its complete I won every trade, usually with a kill. Next I built ghostblade. Holy smokes, with those2 items and thunder lords and ult procs, people died before I could even activate his e.

Anyone have tips on a different build path? Early game was a real struggle to farm.

With someone as late game focused as jax, early game should be a bit rough lol.

I don't like the refillable pots. I don't play toplane much but when I do I've generally found a dorans item plus real health potions to be a better start.
So I've started taking Jax top to see what all the fuss is about. The 2 games I played, I took the 500 gold pot item to start. It doesn't seem like a great start imo, but I still crushed.

First item I built is rageblade. After its complete I won every trade, usually with a kill. Next I built ghostblade. Holy smokes, with those2 items and thunder lords and ult procs, people died before I could even activate his e.

Anyone have tips on a different build path? Early game was a real struggle to farm.
Yeah early game is usually tough for him. The corruption potion is good, it give you bonus ad and ap when it is healing you which is strong to use early game.
So maybe you are level 3 and you are around 60%health use your corruption potion than q w e and get some good burst off.
This is what i build on him.
RB->hextech->then tank items for what there team has. Maybe throw in a ice fist for the sheen proc and slow.
The pre-level 30 games are always a mystery. That's half the reason the level system is in place to give a learning curve for people. It's kind of difficult to jungle without runes so those early levels will almost always be 2 people top. Once in awhile a person will try to jungle and the enemies will have two top lane and the solo guy will just die over and over because he doesn't know how to control the wave, CS under tower or even just play safe in general.

In all honesty, I wouldn't worry about roles too much. Just play a character you like, learn the mechanics and as much as you can about the game in general as you level and the meta will start to form slowly as you get there. Play team builder when you can and start playing normal drafts once you are 30 and have enough champs. Then you'll really get to experience summoners rift.

Smurfs ruin the curve a bit but new players are generally just going to be pretty clueless about most of the game. Just play and have fun. :)

Yeah, runes are a huge question mark for me. I watch tons of builds and such on youtube and on sites ... it seems like Runes are pretty important but it also feels like runes lower than Tier 3 are useless once you reach level 20 so I haven't bothered buying any. Figured that that's part of why I had such a hard time killing monsters with Rengar the few times I tried to JG. (Also part of why I think last night's Mirror Match Trist out DPSed me by a GOOD bit at level 1 in a duel )

Wanted to save up for Illaoi before focusing on using my IP for runes but I'm level 18 and 20 feels like it's around the corner :/

Not sure what team builder is so I never clicked on it..

What I really meant was that you should probably leave all your knowledge gaiend from AI games behind as you begin playing normals, since CPUs have probably taught you many bad habits by now.

And yes, starting out you're pretty unlikely to get paired with players that fight as a team, but that should improve over time. Even playing ranked at level 30, I got paired with four guys who all ended a match between 0/4/0 and 1/5/0 (team totals were 2/20, for crying out loud). Even though they were all level 30, it looked like none of them knew the basics of when to commit to an attack and when to not expose themselves to getting stomped. They'd keep doing stuff at the wrong times, all while our mid Ahri was blaming the rest of the team despite being 1/5/0 herself.

That match was absolute hell because I knew we were going to lose but was absolutely powerless to try and turn things around for the better. But then again I guess it's my ELO rating that's getting me paired up with all these bad players, so I dunno what to think about it...

Oh yes, playing against real people was shockingly different. Playing PvP has greatly improved how I play IMO, so much so that I can just stump all over the AI when I try a new character in Co-op so ... they bore me now and I just take my chances playing a new character in PvP first.

But it's also a struggle to keep good fundamentals in mind when half the time you're running around with a group of yolos just doing w/e. Gotta play with the hand you're dealt, right? And right now it seems like I play mostly with other new people.

But yeah, my thoughts about team setups is likely off for real team play. Like the 2 support thing .. only worked out 50% of the time. If the enemy team doesn't completely suck then it seems having 2 sup compared to a full DPS team is an easy why to lose.

On a side note, Riot did what I was afraid of.
They put the Jade Cassiopeia skin up before they made the Cassiopeia champ deal (So you can either get the champ with IP/ RP NOW and get the skin today if you don't have the character already or wait for tmr and get the champ for half the RP but no skin deal for you)... so I fear that the same will happen to Nami :/


Yeah, runes are a huge question mark for me. I watch tons of builds and such on youtube and on sites ... it seems like Runes are pretty important but it also feels like runes lower than Tier 3 are useless once you reach level 20 so I haven't bothered buying any. Figured that that's part of why I had such a hard time killing monsters with Rengar the few times I tried to JG. (Also part of why I think last night's Mirror Match Trist out DPSed me by a GOOD bit at level 1 in a duel )

Wanted to save up for Illaoi before focusing on using my IP for runes but I'm level 18 and 20 feels like it's around the corner :/

Not sure what team builder is so I never clicked on it..

Oh yes, playing against real people was shockingly different. Playing PvP has greatly improved how I play IMO, so much so that I can just stump all over the AI when I try a new character in Co-op so ... they bore me now and I just take my chances playing a new character in PvP first.

But it's also a struggle to keep good fundamentals in mind when half the time you're running around with a group of yolos just doing w/e. Gotta play with the hand you're dealt, right? And right now it seems like I play mostly with other new people.

But yeah, my thoughts about team setups is likely off for real team play. Like the 2 support thing .. only worked out 50% of the time. If the enemy team doesn't completely suck then it seems having 2 sup compared to a full DPS team is an easy why to lose.

On a side note, Riot did what I was afraid of.
They put the Jade Cassiopeia skin up before they made the Cassiopeia champ deal (So you can either get the champ with IP/ RP NOW and get the skin today if you don't have the character already or wait for tmr and get the champ for half the RP but no skin deal for you)... so I fear that the same will happen to Nami :/

Buy some tier 1 AD marks and quints to make last hitting easier. Buy some tier 1 armor seals for defense and some tier 1 magic resist glyphs for defense. That can be your page until level 20. Tier 1 runes are cheap and a worthy investment imo.

Do not buy tier 2 runes.

Buy tier 3 runes when you get level 20 for a big leg up. You can start with two pages:

AD - ad quints, armor pen marks, armor seals. Mr glyphs

AP - AP quints, magic pen marks, armor seals, Mr glyphs

After that start fleshing out your pages as you get IP. If you stick to only buying cheap champs with IP or just buying champs with RP in sale for your leveling phase, then you should have enough IP to get a decent set of runes by level 20, definitely by level 30.
not really worth buying t1 or 2 runes so early

you dont have enough spots on your page for them to matter yet and when you do they get outclassed by t3s
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