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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I tend to feel like that's more the Rengar discrepancy rather than the MMR one, tbqh.

IE/RFC common on him in high elos? Saw someone mentioning pen is the way masters/challengers build and he wrecked with it. Makes me want to give it a shot lol.

normals doesn't use ranked mmr

What is the MMR listed? I knew normals used hidden one in the client. Thought op.gg used the normals mmr for the avg mmr thing.


What is the MMR listed? I knew normals used hidden one in the client. Thought op.gg used the normals mmr for the avg mmr thing.
all mmr is hidden and every queue has its own mmr (not sure about arams)

whatever number you get in any site is not your actual number but a guesstimate based on your ranking, wins and losses, maybe lp gains (i dunno if that data is exposed in the api or not), etc.


The problem I always have with nidalee is if you don't carry hard early and make plays across the map you just end up as a poke bot end game. Following a spear can get you completely demolished in the end game


some opinions about mages for the reworks

I agree with a lot of this.

Ziggs isn't bad per se but I think out of all the mages he's one of the ones most hurt by mediocre item choices.

His burst isn't bad, but it's not as high as the usual suspects (Brand/Annie/Veig/assassins). Same with lacking utility vs champs (Ori/Lulu/Azir/Anivia) who provide similar burst to him, Satchel and slows got nothing on group stuns and walls. Same with long range kills (XerathLux). And he's still got the issues of being bursted down pretty easy himself if he gets fed, since he's not a lategame hyper type like Veig or Cass.

If they want to make him UNIQUE:

-Emphasis his empowered auto on champs as well, not just structures. He's a bomb chucking maniac and his auto is also a bomb. Give it more damage, some other effect in addition to dmg, a shorter CD to reactivate, ect.


-Let him be a demolition specialist. it's in his lore after all. Let all his abilities (or at least Q and R) do some damage to towers.

Failing that, some more basic things:

-Mana help. He's one of the few champs with mana problems still, and his basic ability to dmg/harrass (Q) is harder to hit than most. His passive demands him using his abilities often, so why doesn't he get to?

-Alternatively, could have a mechanic like Karthas Q where it does more dmg to one target, or some other single target bonus effect.

-Shorter CD on W. it's real good but the CD is super high and even with max CD reduction stays high for comparative utility.

That's all I got right now. As I said, items suited to him (and new items are coming) might actually help a lot.


After Juggernauts and the ADCs reworks, I'm not holding out high hope for the mage reworks. For the most part everything felt half-baked, even for champions that still like playing (e.g. Skarner). The only mage I play is Zyra and I'm going with the assumption that she'll no longer be a viable support.
After many months of being stuck in silver V , I've finally rose out of it. My chances of winning games will come faster once ranked teambuilder hits
Finally got a S+ that isn't Hecarim or Zed.



After Juggernauts and the ADCs reworks, I'm not holding out high hope for the mage reworks. For the most part everything felt half-baked, even for champions that still like playing (e.g. Skarner). The only mage I play is Zyra and I'm going with the assumption that she'll no longer be a viable support.

They said they were fine with her staying support and mid though. So they will probably keep it in mind

And the champs i used to play that were more heavily touched upon (MF/Corki/Cait/Trist) do feel pretty different than they used to, and I do think the overall item spread for ADCs is good now (outside of a few questionable design idea things like buying a second BF before finishing an item being a good idea).

Riot did say that the mage rework wouldn't be as big as the ADC one though. I'm hoping the stick to their plan and reveal stuff before the end of the month so we can see some ideas.


Nidalee is a better early game rengar, worse mid game and a nonexistent late game if the enemy chooses to group as 5 all game.

Literally useless against team comps who hard intiate and have a peel support.


3 - 0 in Renekton games today, nice.

Just win lane, destroy the tower, and split-push to apply pressure. The map pressure is so valuable, and denying the enemy laner CS is even moreso. Time to take this bad boy into ranked when I get back.


Screens been stuck on the loading screen for a match for about 5 mins now ... is this normal or did I get disconnected without knows?

if your screen didn't freeze it might be someone else not loading in. You can see who is at 100% and who is still loading in
if your screen didn't freeze it might be someone else not loading in. You can see who is at 100% and who is still loading in

Screen has been the same since it got stuck.
Shows one person not connected yet, another at zero and 2 of my team mates at 98 and 42.

Everyone else is at 100.


Screen has been the same since it got stuck.
Shows one person not connected yet, another at zero and 2 of my team mates at 98 and 42.

Everyone else is at 100.

the important part is, is your ping fluctuating? if your ping is static and unchanging, you've frozen and need to reload. the game's already going on. if your ping is changing, then the game is still stuck at the loading screen
the important part is, is your ping fluctuating? if your ping is static and unchanging, you've frozen and need to reload. the game's already going on. if your ping is changing, then the game is still stuck at the loading screen

I closed out and reloaded LoL.
It reconnected me to a game in progress ... everyone was level 11.

They had to toss up the /FF before I could even try to leave base :(

Sad cause it seemed like it was gonna be a fun game. Had sup and the enemy team DIDN'T have fat ass cat fish or MF ...

Oh well ..


not the perfect way to measure it but yeah i'd say nidalee is pretty bad if she doesn't snowball

it's the problem of being a champion with no cc, if you're behind and can't afford dmg you provide nothing for your team

I agree with a lot of this.

Ziggs isn't bad per se but I think out of all the mages he's one of the ones most hurt by mediocre item choices.

His burst isn't bad, but it's not as high as the usual suspects (Brand/Annie/Veig/assassins). Same with lacking utility vs champs (Ori/Lulu/Azir/Anivia) who provide similar burst to him, Satchel and slows got nothing on group stuns and walls. Same with long range kills (XerathLux). And he's still got the issues of being bursted down pretty easy himself if he gets fed, since he's not a lategame hyper type like Veig or Cass.

If they want to make him UNIQUE:

-Emphasis his empowered auto on champs as well, not just structures. He's a bomb chucking maniac and his auto is also a bomb. Give it more damage, some other effect in addition to dmg, a shorter CD to reactivate, ect.


-Let him be a demolition specialist. it's in his lore after all. Let all his abilities (or at least Q and R) do some damage to towers.

Failing that, some more basic things:

-Mana help. He's one of the few champs with mana problems still, and his basic ability to dmg/harrass (Q) is harder to hit than most. His passive demands him using his abilities often, so why doesn't he get to?

-Alternatively, could have a mechanic like Karthas Q where it does more dmg to one target, or some other single target bonus effect.

-Shorter CD on W. it's real good but the CD is super high and even with max CD reduction stays high for comparative utility.

That's all I got right now. As I said, items suited to him (and new items are coming) might actually help a lot.
hmm, i don't really agree with these suggestions.

- i don't like buffing the passive cos ziggs should be really weak when you close the gap so giving him that extra dmg is a bad idea
- he got mana cost buffs not long ago and mana is one of the ways of gating poke champions so that's imo ok
- karthus q paradigm for his q sounds counteractive to his blow shit up personality. if anything, it should be the opposite, it should promote hitting multiple targets, not just one.
- shorter w cd is a big no cos that's his escape so you give him too much safety when ziggs shouldn't have so
- spells dmg turrets is something that's also a big no since his q has like 1400 range lol

i feel like a fun buff could be that his q has a larger aoe area if it hits a champion or something like that, but tbh i don't really think ziggs has big problems, his winrate isn't terrible and he's picked often enough and he seems to have pretty decent strengths and weaknesses.

he's a poke and zone control champion. his e is a strong as hell spell and if he gets farmed his poke is really strong too. he pays for that through low mobility, tho he has a simple escape in case someone gets to him, and with limited cc.

i think his numbers right now are pretty good and he's mostly struggling with the meta like pretty much every other low utility mid champion that's not ahri :p

After Juggernauts and the ADCs reworks, I'm not holding out high hope for the mage reworks. For the most part everything felt half-baked, even for champions that still like playing (e.g. Skarner). The only mage I play is Zyra and I'm going with the assumption that she'll no longer be a viable support.
they say the idea is for her to be mid+support, but that's always hard to balance

as for the reworks, i see what you're saying, but i personally still feel exciting, specially cos i think the smaller scope reworks like caitlyn and corki were pretty good.


she's broken in competitive

she's been 100% pick or ban for like two years

she has a ton of utility and waveclear and she's strong at every stage of the game in one way or another, plus she can be played in multiple positions


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

cmon, what's it been then? a year and a half?
No. I can't really find numbers that encompass all of 2015 or something, but these are just various things:

if you go back further there are times when she was not that relevant. really it was just most noticeable at worlds. In those situations it wasn't even that Lulu was too strong, but she could do a lot to enable the real power picks at the time. CC chains with stuff like Kalista or the mobility boost to other pick ups like Jinx, Darius, etc.


No. I can't really find numbers that encompass all of 2015 or something, but these are just various things:

if you go back further there are times when she was not that relevant. really it was just most noticeable at worlds. In those situations it wasn't even that Lulu was too strong, but she could do a lot to enable the real power picks at the time. CC chains with stuff like Kalista or the mobility boost to other pick ups like Jinx, Darius, etc.
yeah i guess recent memory was playing tricks with me, since she seems to have skyrocketed during playoffs leading up to worlds


she was really popular in 2014 tho, with 60% pb rate in all tournaments shown here but one (wtf happened in iem sao paulo lol)

sadly there's no similar summary for 2015


do not buff ziggs' passive

he's my favorite champion but dear god if you ever built a lich bane on old ziggs passive pre-nerf, you could throw a Q and it didn't matter if it hit, because his next auto was going to do 1/2 the HP of its target


Personally, I'd love to see Ziggs' satchel charge on a charge system, but can no longer be detonated ahead of time, can damage structures, and can be destroyed like wards by enemies. Kind of like a "defuse the bombs" mini game during sieges to really hit home his place in a team comp.

Just throwing that out there. It's late and I'm likely not thinking things through. One thing that's always irked me about Ziggs even though he's one of my favourite mids is that outside of Q he had really long CDs. He kind of mechanically lethargic in contrast to his personality.


hmm, i don't really agree with these suggestions.

- i don't like buffing the passive cos ziggs should be really weak when you close the gap so giving him that extra dmg is a bad idea
- he got mana cost buffs not long ago and mana is one of the ways of gating poke champions so that's imo ok
- karthus q paradigm for his q sounds counteractive to his blow shit up personality. if anything, it should be the opposite, it should promote hitting multiple targets, not just one.
- shorter w cd is a big no cos that's his escape so you give him too much safety when ziggs shouldn't have so
- spells dmg turrets is something that's also a big no since his q has like 1400 range lol

i feel like a fun buff could be that his q has a larger aoe area if it hits a champion or something like that, but tbh i don't really think ziggs has big problems, his winrate isn't terrible and he's picked often enough and he seems to have pretty decent strengths and weaknesses.

he's a poke and zone control champion. his e is a strong as hell spell and if he gets farmed his poke is really strong too. he pays for that through low mobility, tho he has a simple escape in case someone gets to him, and with limited cc.

i think his numbers right now are pretty good and he's mostly struggling with the meta like pretty much every other low utility mid champion that's not ahri :p

Well, you seemed like you wanted to know so I listed why he's not popular (at least imo as someone who still plays him regardless of meta, which i agree doesn't help atm). He doesn't do anything notably better than anyone else (that matters) since mages in general poke and zone.

If you want a zoning god, look at Heimer. Yes, he has weaknesses as well, but his zoning identity is clear, and clearly above Ziggs and every other mage, to the point you'd better damn well respect entering his personal space he's got set up and made his home no matter who you are (or you die, we've all seen his 1 v 2s). In a character type known for poking and zoning, that's the kind of supremacy you really have to have to call it your identity.

Same for poke, way too many mages poke similar to Ziggs (not necessarily better, but similar) for that to be a bullet point of his, especially with how easy it is to dodge his Q (you can even walk under it as it bounces, let alone sidestep). Xerath, Vel'koz, Lux, Brand, Lulu, most other magey types, even off role champs like Ez and Varus poke just fine mid Maybe "long range minion clears" or something would be more apt, but no one's gonna pick him for that.

Waveclear is another thing mages do well, Ziggs is great at it but lots of mages are. He probably already should be waveclearing well before considering his speeshul identity.

It doesn't really matter at this point though. I am absolutely confident he's on the list for fleshing out his identity (he's on the surrender@20 mini-banner about the topic, lol).

do not buff ziggs' passive

he's my favorite champion but dear god if you ever built a lich bane on old ziggs passive pre-nerf, you could throw a Q and it didn't matter if it hit, because his next auto was going to do 1/2 the HP of its target

Doesn't have to be dmg per se, i was just throwing out ideas since that passive is something mechanically different from most other mages. Maybe it can sort of be dmg by ignoring some MR or something so he can actually hurt tanks with a Spirit Visage on them? I dunno.

Personally, I'd love to see Ziggs' satchel charge on a charge system, but can no longer be detonated ahead of time, can damage structures, and can be destroyed like wards by enemies. Kind of like a "defuse the bombs" mini game during sieges to really hit home his place in a team comp.

Just throwing that out there. It's late and I'm likely not thinking things through. One thing that's always irked me about Ziggs even though he's one of my favourite mids is that outside of Q he had really long CDs. He kind of mechanically lethargic in contrast to his personality.

This is another good point. For someone who's so chaotic and twitchy he's sure stuck twiddling his thumbs a lot (or throwing the same ol Q).

I'm not sure if they will focus on the demolition aspect in using non-AA's to damage structures (which I think we be the most fun and the most obvious thing to focus on if they can tune it right, it's it his lore, it's something no one else does (much, can't forget poor Rammus), and it's be a potentially valuable and relevant niche no matter the map). I'm not totally sure on the satchel charge system since while it could be kinda cool (cross between Cait traps and GP barrels and Teemo shrooms in my head atm) that would effectively mean him losing his means of escape/wall jumping. That's a big deal.


do not buff ziggs' passive

he's my favorite champion but dear god if you ever built a lich bane on old ziggs passive pre-nerf, you could throw a Q and it didn't matter if it hit, because his next auto was going to do 1/2 the HP of its target

Personally, I'd love to see Ziggs' satchel charge on a charge system, but can no longer be detonated ahead of time, can damage structures, and can be destroyed like wards by enemies. Kind of like a "defuse the bombs" mini game during sieges to really hit home his place in a team comp.

Just throwing that out there. It's late and I'm likely not thinking things through. One thing that's always irked me about Ziggs even though he's one of my favourite mids is that outside of Q he had really long CDs. He kind of mechanically lethargic in contrast to his personality.
sounds kind of interesting, wouldn't hate to see it in action

Well, you seemed like you wanted to know so I listed why he's not popular. He doesn't do anything notably better than anyone else (that matters) since mages in general poke and zone.

If you want a zoning god, look at Heimer. Yes, he has weaknesses as well, but his zoning identity is clear, and clearly above Ziggs and every other mage, to the point you'd better damn well respect entering his personal space he's got set up and made his home no matter who you are (or you die, we've all seen his 1 v 2s). In a character type known for poking and zoning, that's the kind of supremacy you really have to have to call it your identity.

Same for poke, way too many mages poke similar to Ziggs (not necessarily better, but similar) for that to be a bullet point of his, especially with how easy it is to dodge his Q (you can even walk under it as it bounces, let alone sidestep). Xerath, Vel'koz, Lux, Brand, Lulu, most other magey types, even off role champs like Ez and Varus poke just fine mid Maybe "long range minion clears" or something would be more apt, but no one's gonna pick him for that.

Waveclear is another thing mages do well, Ziggs is great at it but lots of mages are. He probably already should be waveclearing well before considering his speeshul identity.

It doesn't really matter at this point though. I am absolutely confident he's on the list for fleshing out his identity (he's on the surrender@20 mini-banner about the topic, lol).
what i meant is that i think he's underrated and is probably pretty ok if it wasn't for the meta generally not being kind to poke champions (see how xerath is also dead)

and i can see your point, tho i wonder if it's more ziggs not having an identity of his own or other champions overalpping more than they should into his thing. aoe poke has been abused as a mage design by rito a whole bunch.

in any case i imagine whatever changes there are to make to ziggs should be minor. some new mechanic in one of his spells, something new on his passive, etc.
and i can see your point, tho i wonder if it's more ziggs not having an identity of his own or other champions tresspassing more than they should. aoe poke has been abused as a mage design by rito a whole bunch.
I would think it's the latter since Ziggs was pretty clearly The AOE Poke Mage at release.

Then again, so was Lux, and I have no idea if she's still played mid these days.


I would think it's the latter since Ziggs was pretty clearly The AOE Poke Mage at release.

Then again, so was Lux, and I have no idea if she's still played mid these days.
she is, tho lux would be something close to an assassin than a poke mage (as in, 100-0ing high cooldown combo)


what i meant is that i think he's underrated and is probably pretty ok if it wasn't for the meta generally not being kind to poke champions (see how xerath is also dead)

and i can see your point, tho i wonder if it's more ziggs not having an identity of his own or other champions overalpping more than they should into his thing. aoe poke has been abused as a mage design by rito a whole bunch.

in any case i imagine whatever changes there are to make to ziggs should be minor. some new mechanic in one of his spells, something new on his passive, etc.

I would say he's underrated yea, cause he can probabl stall better than anyone save maybe Heimer and can disrupt a lot in TF even if it's not hard CC. Wouldn't be the only champ, I just got carried hard by a godlike Shyvanna top (we were 3 v 5 for the first 12-15 min and still won somehow, I'm also with Dreams-Visions in I think Illaoi is pretty good too). But I also say that part of the reason he may be underrated is that his get is forgettable or doesn't see special compared to other options.. Special doesn't have to mean OP, but it's usually nice if it does matter.

Something along the lines of Caityn or Corki where he keeps most of his thematic kit but still has new stuff to play with based around his new title is probably best, whenever they decide what his niche is going to be.
Had an amazingly winning streak! I did a random solo and someone befriended me ... then invited me to their game. Was so nice playing with people who I was sure weren't ass hats, feels like that's the difference.

After a few games the group ended and back into the solo I went where of course I called top and some pair decided at the last 2 secs that I have to be mid because they're friends or w/e and wanted to be a Teemo top and Jax Jg.

And it blew up :/

Got Soraka with IP ... man, such a heal beast. Felt like I was the single reason my group could get away with stupid ass plays.


Finally got to play pantheon jungle again. Put a couple games on him. He is really damn strong with the armor pen available. First clear is easy but slow as molasses. Was healthy enough for a decent level 3 gank if I started blue side.

Going to have to add him back into my rotation. Which lately has been nothing but ekko lol.
Dear community, anyone has an a PBE account for spare? i'm starting a new channel project in youtube and i need one for upload updates and new stuff.
With Ezreal, are there specific team comps where blue build is better or ez players just do it for preference?

1) Heavy AD comp
2) Dive comp and you just trying to stay alive.
3) Your team has plenty of damage already and could use the extra utility. Like if you have Viktor/Azir/Anivia mid and a carry top laner. Where you have so much dps that you don't need to be the main source of damage.


With Ezreal, are there specific team comps where blue build is better or ez players just do it for preference?

Unless you're really good at it it's pretty much no point right now IMO. The hard part with ez is typically to deal enough damage, not to survive. Blue build makes it difficult to do enough damage.
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