I would say he's underrated yea, cause he can probabl stall better than anyone save maybe Heimer and can disrupt a lot in TF even if it's not hard CC. Wouldn't be the only champ, I just got carried hard by a godlike Shyvanna top (we were 3 v 5 for the first 12-15 min and still won somehow, I'm also with Dreams-Visions in I think Illaoi is pretty good too). But I also say that part of the reason he may be underrated is that his get is forgettable or doesn't see special compared to other options.. Special doesn't have to mean OP, but it's usually nice if it does matter.
Something along the lines of Caityn or Corki where he keeps most of his thematic kit but still has new stuff to play with based around his new title is probably best, whenever they decide what his niche is going to be.
yeah like i said, i think that's less of a problem of ziggs and maybe more of a problem of other champions
i'd be interesting to consider his spells damaging turrets as a unique thing to him but how could that work i have no idea
New champ may be on the pbe this week?
almost certainly the reveal is gonna be this week, not sure about pbe
My predictions for the mage rework are Vel'koz, Lux, Ziggs, Brand, Malzahar, and Anivia. Maybe Swain, maybe Syndra, but they are both a little different. Maybe not Malz, he might be too much of a mess.
This is supposed to be an identity definition rework for immobile mages so I don't expect much for like Lulu/Ori/Heimer/etc. since they already have pretty clear identities and reasons to pick or not pick them into specific compositions or enemies. By contrast, I wouldn't expect to see Ryze/Cassie because their problems are not about identity but about fundamental design.
I like the idea of Ziggs being an anti-building mage but I worry a little that he would be just too oppressive if he were a super safe laner with good poke and global presence who also takes your turret if you try to roam on him. Not sure how to make that not aggravating.
Vel is already an anti-tank mage and I would kind of expect him to just be more of that. Probably means AP ratio on his passive and lower ratios/bases on his other abilities. That weakens his poke ability a bit, probably, but the Vel'koz dream is to land six abilities on one guy anyway and that would only get stronger.
Not really sure for the rest.
oh are we doing this?
lux is actually a pretty defined mage and i think malzahard and swain are probably out of the scope of these updates since they need pretty big reworks
they're also focusing on mana building so tbh i actually expect ryze and cassi and anivia to 99% be on the list.
i expect bigger changes to velkoz, brand and veigar
minor changes to syndra, lux, viktor, xerath, lizzy, karma, ziggs and zyra
and probably stat changes to everyone else
Think meddler helped me understand the problem with Vel Zyklon was talking about.
He said something to the tune of how vel plays is unique/ok but what he offers to the team is what the problem is.
imo velkoz has a lot of fancy schmancy skillshots but in the end he's a dude that shoots aoe forward, sometimes cc, just like every other mage. he's fun to play tho
also it's zkylon, not zyklon you dummie -__-
armor has 0 meaning for poke
almost all poke is ap based
seekers is pretty good against ad poke