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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Cause Random solo doesn't like me.

At least based on my experience (which might vary from yours due to being in a different region), not even team builder or ranked have helped lower the number of times I was matched with people who bitched at others while underperforming themselves. Just yesterday I had a Vayne who began bitching at me due to not ulting as Lulu at the right time, and then complained in all-chat when I told her it was actually my first season playing ranked. Then she went on to mock everyone else in the team and got us all angry at her, all while not playing alongside us because we were lesser beings or something.

So far, my experience with ranked has been just like in Normals, where whichever team got the least AFK/flamers/trolls wins. There have been two or three games I saw as close or moderately interesting, but the rest were all pretty one-sided and with players always blaming somebody else for the team's performance.

Like, am I supposed to put up with asshole teammates until I get to a high enough rank where people stop being toxic, or is that some kind of unnatainable goal? Having to git gud is understandable, but having to play with flamers makes me reconsider whether the half hour I spend seeing random anonymous people throw shit at each other is actually what I'd consider a "fun" activity, even though I often avoid being the target of said flaming.


the ride never ends

The worst part is it isn't a matter of dodging. Most games I start the draft saying I prefer support and can play Morgana, Lulu or Nami for mages and Nautilus, Thresh and Blitz for tanks... and the rest of the team rarely call roles, let alone champions! While I kind of hated seeing players go "TOP TOP TOP WON TOP" in normals, I'm almost missing that crap in ranked...

I also still have no idea what the hell's going on when a big teamfight breaks out and everybody starts using their abilities, since there's so much stuff going on at once that it's nearly impossible for me to properly judge when's the right time to come in and use my abilities. It also makes landing Lulu's W and E on my intended target a lot herder when there're several champions all cluttered up together, since I sometimes misclick and end up casting them on the wrong team or champion, effectively wasting a spell that could've helped turn the fight around.
Im plat 5, in a normals against a Masters Rengar. Their MMR 1846, ours 1565, T_T.
He current 10/1/1, sigh.

Edit: 13/1/1, he also went rapid fire cannon lol.





At least based on my experience (which might vary from yours due to being in a different region), not even team builder or ranked have helped lower the number of times I was matched with people who bitched at others while underperforming themselves. Just yesterday I had a Vayne who began bitching at me due to not ulting as Lulu at the right time, and then complained in all-chat when I told her it was actually my first season playing ranked. Then she went on to mock everyone else in the team and got us all angry at her, all while not playing alongside us because we were lesser beings or something.

So far, my experience with ranked has been just like in Normals, where whichever team got the least AFK/flamers/trolls wins. There have been two or three games I saw as close or moderately interesting, but the rest were all pretty one-sided and with players always blaming somebody else for the team's performance.

Like, am I supposed to put up with asshole teammates until I get to a high enough rank where people stop being toxic, or is that some kind of unnatainable goal? Having to git gud is understandable, but having to play with flamers makes me reconsider whether the half hour I spend seeing random anonymous people throw shit at each other is actually what I'd consider a "fun" activity, even though I often avoid being the target of said flaming.

Eventually you'll get used to it. Yesterday my ADC flammed me for killing the support instead of the enemy adc. I quote,
"You are the worst support ever"

I endeavored to prove her right by leaving her alone and went to mid for a bit :)

Then I came back and helped her (Trist) out after she saw she wasnt crap w/o me.

But she was just bitchy like that. I had her on mute but she was apparently griping out the whole team. We won that match still tho.


lots of mage reworks talk soon

very excited about that, while i feel like mages are for the most part fine as a class, i do think it'd be cool to inject some more uniqueness into some champions that are kind of samey

like, it's true that most mages are pretty straightforward in that they're basically a bunch of skillshots dmg/cc and that's about it.

say what you want about the latest reworks but at least they added some cute mechanics like the villain stuff and the fiora passive and stuff

i'd like to see something like that for mages

Im plat 5, in a normals against a Masters Rengar. Their MMR 1846, ours 1565, T_T.
He current 10/1/1, sigh.

Edit: 13/1/1, he also went rapid fire cannon lol.

normals doesn't use ranked mmr


Excited out the mage rework in the sense that a few of my favorite champs are likely to get love (Ziggs is a highly likely candidate for the rework, Cass too), the medicore AP item spread in the game is likely to change up, and they specifically mentioned a few changes to mages to help them deal with assassin gibbing bullcrappery.

A bit worried in the sense that a few of my fav champs may get MF'd into always played/banned so when I actually get to I'm below average even for my Elo, or the opposite in that I'm dissuaded from even playing them botlane anymore (Quinn/Varus).

But the odds of my champs of choice getting better overall is high, so bring it on.


some opinions about mages for the reworks

ahri - she's really op cos she does everything fairly well but also has really good numbers to back it up. dunno what i'd change about ahri cos she's fun to play and not specifically oppressive, but she probably just needs a few nerfs
anivia - she's super unique and rewarding for ppl that master her but her insane targeted dmg is a bit bullshitty. i'd love to see her e made into a skillshot
annie - i'd like to see her e have more gameplay and maybe replace some of the insta-burst elements of her kit. ult being non-instant would be a nice counterplay boost, but she'd have to get buffs elsewhere to compensate
azir - boy, i wouldn't want to be in charge of fixing this guy. i miss the knockup on his e, i feel like removing that made her insec combo feel much worse and would love to see that changed reverted
brand - almost complete rework, i like the combo idea but all his spells are so cookie cutter, line skillshot, aoe circle, targeted crap, it's boring as hell. add mechanics EVERYWHERE
cassi - i think she's kind of ok, her rework kind of succeeded in making her weaker in lane but after she got a few nerfs she disappeared from the face of the earth. would like to see more cassi, she's fun
fiddle - uhhh i have no idea, this guy's a jungler
galio - big rework, probably turn him into an ap bruiser rather than mage
heimer - i'd make his missiles non pass through and maybe add a ramp up mechanic to his turrets dmg. i feel like heimer pushing you to turret and 2v1ing by just ulting his turrets is also not great gameplay so u know, do something about that
karma - never felt good as a mid to me, so dunno
karthus - karthus is great, leave as is
kayle - probably make q a skillshot, i think it's really dumb to have a champion with a targeted slow and targeted speedup that turns invulnerable
lizzy - i still think a bit more q dmg will make her more competitive mid and that's where i like her. but w/e, lizzy's kit is ok
lulu - probably harder to balance than azir, i have no fucking idea
lux - she's probably a bit op since she's got a bunch of nice buffs lately. i find her e as a spell ot be kind of boring and wouldn't mind if it was replaced with something else. q w and ult are all awesome spells that do a lot of cool stuff. passive is great too
malzahar - full rework, fuck this champion, make him about voidlings or whatever, spaceaids and i clicked you you're dead is not fun.
morg - i think morg's kit is pretty lame but she works and there are bigger problems in the game and i don't think you can just solve morg with a few number changes. i think she's uninteractive in lane and super safe which makes her really boring to play against.
ori - she's perfect, tho she might be in line for a small buff. i wouldn't mind seeing a bit more dmg on her passive, i love her passive
ryze - fuck ryze, i don't even know. maybe don't let him snare you forever and kill you in one combo? i don't know how long into the game that is, it's not cool.
swain - i think his q and e are pretty much the same spell so i'd remove those and create some new fun stuff, maybe make him less snowbally
syndra - would love to see new cool weird effects on her enhanced spells that go beyond "more dmg, more slows, more range". also more bugfixes, it's hard to believe she's still broken
tf - he's pretty much perfect as he is, awesome champion
veigar - i'd remove the ap scaling part of his ult or really focus on him being an anti-ap champion. right now that element about him just makes calculating his dmg weird and he still one shots adcs with a full combo so why even have it. so expand on it making him an anti-ap champion (what if every spell scaled like that?) or remove it.
velkoz - he's fun but he's kind of balanced around having insane numbers to compensate for how weird he is. he probably needs good changes and a better direction.
viktor - i love viktor, no issues with him
xerath - i think he needs a new w that's more interesting, or at least some w changes. i find him so boring outside of his ult
ziggs - ziggs is pretty ok, dunno why no one plays him.
zilean - i don't even know
zyra - maybe make her more about her plants? i'd like to see her able to place more plants than just 2 and i think her q is too similar to other spells

Those changes wont affect supps right?

nope, only half supports like morg, zyra and annie
At least based on my experience (which might vary from yours due to being in a different region), not even team builder or ranked have helped lower the number of times I was matched with people who bitched at others while underperforming themselves. Just yesterday I had a Vayne who began bitching at me due to not ulting as Lulu at the right time, and then complained in all-chat when I told her it was actually my first season playing ranked. Then she went on to mock everyone else in the team and got us all angry at her, all while not playing alongside us because we were lesser beings or something.

So far, my experience with ranked has been just like in Normals, where whichever team got the least AFK/flamers/trolls wins. There have been two or three games I saw as close or moderately interesting, but the rest were all pretty one-sided and with players always blaming somebody else for the team's performance.

Like, am I supposed to put up with asshole teammates until I get to a high enough rank where people stop being toxic, or is that some kind of unnatainable goal? Having to git gud is understandable, but having to play with flamers makes me reconsider whether the half hour I spend seeing random anonymous people throw shit at each other is actually what I'd consider a "fun" activity, even though I often avoid being the target of said flaming.

I always figured part of the grand goals of this game was to develop a circle of friends who you can play with. You know they're not ass-hats and if you take it a up a step you can actually use Skype or something so that there's actual fast paced team work and solid plays.

This feels like the type of game where even if you lose it's fun if you like your team members. With a team of silent strangers it's easy to misunderstand what the other person means and it's easy to become super stressed when things fall apart.
"Probably gonna crash and burn harder than TDK" isn't really zero expectations.

But hey they might upset CLG fans every now and then so that's a plus


Na lcs is definitely gonna be interesting this year. Lots of new teams and faces, and it's possible that IMT could come in and do very well.


Surprised TiP didn't go for Move since he was available. Procxin was mediocre enough that he had to go to Japan to find a team. Could have put together a challenger team with Billy Yu and some others.

Btw is there like an LCS thread anywhere?


I always figured part of the grand goals of this game was to develop a circle of friends who you can play with. You know they're not ass-hats and if you take it a up a step you can actually use Skype or something so that there's actual fast paced team work and solid plays.

This feels like the type of game where even if you lose it's fun if you like your team members. With a team of silent strangers it's easy to misunderstand what the other person means and it's easy to become super stressed when things fall apart.

Yeah, one of the things zky always tells me is that the more decent people you meet and add to your friend list, the less likely you'll be getting some unknown stranger who might end up raging, flaming the whole team and/or feeding. I've been doing that for a while, but am still at a point where I don't have enough friends online at any given time, and if I do they're often busy playing.

Was about to play with a troll who was supposedly on his brother's account and had picked Zilean with ghost and the cc-removing spell for the lulz. Now if only all dodges were as easy to see coming as this...


Malz definitely needs a rework. Too much reward for little skill involved. The only thing I have trouble with is knockups during my ults


Hey guys, I still need one more for fantasy LCS. Basically I just need a person who posts or checks the thread a decent amount. If you want the last spot, send me a PM.

you should've just invited breezy

I think Malz should be more about his voidlings.

Maybe remove the suppress but add a root somewhere.
i think none of his spells are particularly interesting. at least q has a fun shape but all the rest is crap and should go away
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