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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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oh my gawd I get the feeling I gon fall in love with Jhin. Illaoi's kit is really satisfying when you're playing her, Jhin is giving me the same feels .
I'm hoping so hard that he turns out to be a midlane assassin and not an adc cause then I won't play him.

Do we even know what his abilities are yet? Besides those two screens that could be fake?
Do we even know what his abilities are yet? Besides those two screens that could be fake?
maybe but I agree with that one dude in the comment section saying he looks like Vincent Valentine.

Honestly I don't think it's fake because it's about time news gets released, the only thing I ain't sold on so far is the resource but otherwise, I'll believe it. Other leaks before occurred at the same time and Riot went ahead and made an official reveal.


maybe but I agree with that one dude in the comment section saying he looks like Vincent Valentine.

Honestly I don't think it's fake because it's about time news gets released, the only thing I ain't sold on so far is the resource but otherwise, I'll believe it. Other leaks before occurred at the same time and Riot went ahead and made an official reveal.

I mean, if the resource is fake, the screenshots are fake. Nobody took a real screenshot and edited a second resource bar in.

I wasn't sure about the other thing but I went back and checked, and the gun in the Virtuoso video is clearly a pistol, not a rifle. The barrel in 0:28 is pretty short, but the shot at 0:44 makes it even more obvious.


6.1 notes have been leaked yall

MF gutting, Blue Trinkeet nerfs, Yellow Trinket buffs, Trundle nerfs, Frost queen gutting

TIAMAT BUFFS (Renekton players rejoice)! TENACITY BUFFS :D


Precision nerfs :^( , Thunderlords didn't get nerfed, everything else got buffed :D

no Quinn gutting,no Mundo nerfs, and no Rengar rework is a shame, but they're coming :)
6.1 notes have been leaked yall

MF gutting, Blue Trinkeet nerfs, Yellow Trinket buffs, Trundle nerfs, Frost queen gutting

TIAMAT BUFFS (Renekton players rejoice)! TENACITY BUFFS :D


Precision nerfs :^( , Thunderlords didn't get nerfed, everything else got buffed :D

no Quinn gutting,no Mundo nerfs, and no Rengar rework is a shame, but they're coming :)
Can you post the link.
where's my rageblade nerf?
(btw I noticed players getting accustomed to Illaoi's kit aaaaaaand getting accustomed to dealing with the Jaxes and the Chin Chaos with Rageblade, makes me happy.)
Edit: REJOICE! STORMRAIDER SURGE BUFFS! Talon would be happy


Holy shit, I didn't know Trundle could Q towers. I need to go buy him and abuse that in the next 36 hours.

So glad for that Poppy Q change. I assumed I was just bad at the game, but I guess it's hard enough that they wanted to fix it overall. The screen just moves too fast when you're Eing somebody!

Pretty excited for Stomraider's on Nasus.
I just noticed but the new AP jungle enchantment could see the return of Jungle Karthus, lol new fun things to try. Some game ago I gave AP Rengar a try, was fun but sadly I was up against a rengar main (everytime I play rengar, this happens). We actually held out really long but ultimately lost, he was impressed though lol.

Loving the Khazix leap change though, will make use of it in mid <3

Holy shit, I didn't know Trundle could Q towers. I need to go buy him and abuse that in the next 36 hours.

So glad for that Poppy Q change. I assumed I was just bad at the game, but I guess it's hard enough that they wanted to fix it overall. The screen just moves too fast when you're Eing somebody!

Pretty excited for Stomraider's on Nasus.

Oh hell I didn't even think about Nasus since he's my go to top champion, jesus it's going to be disgusting.


Good patch. Nerfs where needed and buffs in some good places.

I'm personally very happy for some small khazix buffs. Though I do like my niche jungler.

Trundle needed those nerfs. He was way too strong in his current state. I think he'll see till be damn good though.

I like the jungle item changes for the most part. I'm less convinced the AP jungler item change is going to be a sidegrade or better for everyone though. Diana, ekko and elise really liked the runeglaive. :(

Edit: not sure what to do with my role selection for the new champ select. The sensible thing is jungle/adc. If I'm a 10 in jungle, I'm a 7 in adc and probably a 5 in everything else. But I've been finding adc so boring lately.

Maybe I'll try jungle and fill for a bit. The only catch is I'm a terrible support AND I find it unfun. I may be a bad top but it's kind of fun. Mid is great fun but it is a crucial role for winning that I wouldn't want to have to rely on my skill for.
Damn, thinking about it, gonna be hard as hell to try the new champ on PBE with only ranked que. I hope PBE dodge penalty is like an 30min-1hr long.

What bruiser is good against Nasus? As Cho, I manage not to die in lane, go even/win in cs, but he still gets his q stacks up and wrecks the rest of my team. With Garen, I think I just screw up my build. I try to rush BC, but maybe I should go sunfire or something?

Poppy, would making her q pop up a little wall be too powerful? It would just be the width of he q, last only like .5s-1s and she can use it with her E.
Damn, thinking about it, gonna be hard as hell to try the new champ on PBE with only ranked que. I hope PBE dodge penalty is like an 30min-1hr long.

What bruiser is good against Nasus? As Cho, I manage not to die in lane, go even/win in cs, but he still gets his q stacks up and wrecks the rest of my team. With Garen, I think I just screw up my build. I try to rush BC, but maybe I should go sunfire or something?

Poppy, would making her q pop up a little wall be too powerful? It would just be the width of he q, last only like .5s-1s and she can use it with her E.

I played one ranked game with garen into Nasus yesterday, I rushed BC because he would just be able to farm under due to the Sunfire passively pushing the lane and he would rush FH. It's a pretty even lane but being garen, you guys gotta be really fucking aggressive, q and e him constantly. His ult makes your ult do more damage. When he uses wither, just q out of it. After you deny him enough stacks depending on the current situation you can go roam cause face it, against nasus there is only so much you can do. (He roamed with me and got rekt lol)

As for your other question, I reckon Illaoi would be good against him cause if you land a successful soul grab, he would be reluctant to come stack .. unless you have a death wish.


Damn, thinking about it, gonna be hard as hell to try the new champ on PBE with only ranked que. I hope PBE dodge penalty is like an 30min-1hr long.

What bruiser is good against Nasus? As Cho, I manage not to die in lane, go even/win in cs, but he still gets his q stacks up and wrecks the rest of my team. With Garen, I think I just screw up my build. I try to rush BC, but maybe I should go sunfire or something?

Poppy, would making her q pop up a little wall be too powerful? It would just be the width of he q, last only like .5s-1s and she can use it with her E.

I dunno if it's what you want but Jayce will smash Nasus early.
eh I think some of it is they're releasing about 6 champs a year as opposed to the 20ish a year back in the MF days. Both Tahm and Bard were cartoony/campy//cute so that's 2/5 champs released in 2015. Also I'm fine with less boobage, I get my fill from zky's fan art. lol

Tahm is kinda cartoony.

Not worried at all. I think the variety we're getting is better than S2/S3. Plants with boobies, dark with boobies, spider with boobies.

Elise could have been more but I guess they needed to fill the annual boobies quota.

Gnar was fairly recent so i wouldn't say they've moved away from "cute".

I mean, Gnar is newer than both Jinx and Lucian. If you're really worried they won't release any more yordles, all I can say is don't be worried about that. For one thing, they're the only ones in Valoran with a mechanized army, so any time they want to do a tank or whatever it'll have to be another yordle.

Also Illaoi is adorbs, so.

It would be pretty amazing if Flaco was a yordle though. Now that would be crossing the streams.
To tell you the truth, I keep forgetting Gnar is even a character. I've seen more Mid Illaoi players than Gnar players and he's too expensive for me right now.

As for the Catfish ... he's more of an ugly, gross, short lil fat call back to a more campy villain to me (like penguin from the old Bat Man movies!)

Bard feels much like Kindred to me. Very mystical and cerebral but note cute or campy.

On a side note I wanted to get Elise ever since I laned with someone who played her.
But I have played Nidalee and didn't like it much ... and from what I can see I feel like they both play the same in that their human forms are used mostly to set up for their animal forms. They don't seem to have that full duality like Gnar, Dragon Woman and Rek'Sai have.

The best way to learn to beat a character is to play as them. Master Yi and Katarina are classic examples of characters who seem like total bullshit until you play them a couple times and realize that reset assassin is an inherently fragile archetype.

Also Ashe is 450 IP, you're going to end up buying every 450 IP champ in the game eventually.

I do plan on getting Katarina (And Quinn and Caitlyn) tmr and yeah, Ashe is decently cheap. I'm level 19 so I'm gonna save what IP I have on making 2 basic Rune pages but I can spare 450 cause of that 4 win ip boost thing.


Damn, thinking about it, gonna be hard as hell to try the new champ on PBE with only ranked que. I hope PBE dodge penalty is like an 30min-1hr long.

What bruiser is good against Nasus? As Cho, I manage not to die in lane, go even/win in cs, but he still gets his q stacks up and wrecks the rest of my team. With Garen, I think I just screw up my build. I try to rush BC, but maybe I should go sunfire or something?

Poppy, would making her q pop up a little wall be too powerful? It would just be the width of he q, last only like .5s-1s and she can use it with her E.

So the thing to understand about Nasus is that just trading with him early isn't effective. Nasus starts with 10% lifesteal and I start corrupting potion, so I sustain really well, so just trying to kill me with abilities generally won't work.

Trading with me with autos has a major drawback to keep in mind, which is that it draws minion aggro. This is actually pretty dangerous at early levels, but also, it pushes the wave (because my minions will be attacking you, but your minions will attack my minions since I won't auto you back). So if you try to aggressively trade with Nasus to set up for a kill later, what you'll end up with is half health and a wave pushed to Nasus's turret, where he can farm and lifesteal back to full and you can't threaten him.

This is how a lot of my (lower ELO) games go, and generally the outcome is I stack up 150 stacks, go buy Frozen Heart or Spirit Visage, all-in you at 6 or 7 and kill you, and then, you know, stack up another 200 stacks and win the game.

So that doesn't work. What you need to do is not trade with Nasus but actually all-in him, ideally pretty early, because if you threaten to kill him then he has to respect you. I have seen this done by a Riven who fast-pushed level 1 and then went in immediately. I have heard that Darius can do this, but haven't seen it done well. I think fast-pushing early is probably a good idea, though. In general you need somebody with early killing threat or I'll just ignore you for the first 10 minutes.

If you do end up with the wave under Nasus's turret, be aware that this is bad for you, and let it push back towards you as soon as possible. People seem to think that pushing the wave under turret is somehow good for them, but they are wrong. And don't dive Nasus at level 2, for God's sake. I have W by then.

I played Nasus into Illaoi before and I think it's a good lane for Nasus. Nasus can double hit a tentacle fast with the Q auto reset and get 3 stacks out of it, and he's just as damaging and tanky as Illaoi but he can also kite her away from the tentacles. She can't kite him away from Q. Nasus's W and E also mess up Illaoi's E, because every tick of Nasus's E reduces the timer on the spirit.

edit: My pocket pick against Nasus is new Poppy.
So the thing to understand about Nasus is that just trading with him early isn't effective. Nasus starts with 10% lifesteal and I start corrupting potion, so I sustain really well, so just trying to kill me with abilities generally won't work.

Trading with me with autos has a major drawback to keep in mind, which is that it draws minion aggro. This is actually pretty dangerous at early levels, but also, it pushes the wave (because my minions will be attacking you, but your minions will attack my minions since I won't auto you back). So if you try to aggressively trade with Nasus to set up for a kill later, what you'll end up with is half health and a wave pushed to Nasus's turret, where he can farm and lifesteal back to full and you can't threaten him.

This is how a lot of my (lower ELO) games go, and generally the outcome is I stack up 150 stacks, go buy Frozen Heart or Spirit Visage, all-in you at 6 or 7 and kill you, and then, you know, stack up another 200 stacks and win the game.

So that doesn't work. What you need to do is not trade with Nasus but actually all-in him, ideally pretty early, because if you threaten to kill him then he has to respect you. I have seen this done by a Riven who fast-pushed level 1 and then went in immediately. I have heard that Darius can do this, but haven't seen it done well. I think fast-pushing early is probably a good idea, though. In general you need somebody with early killing threat or I'll just ignore you for the first 10 minutes.

If you do end up with the wave under Nasus's turret, be aware that this is bad for you, and let it push back towards you as soon as possible. People seem to think that pushing the wave under turret is somehow good for them, but they are wrong. And don't dive Nasus at level 2, for God's sake. I have W by then.

I played Nasus into Illaoi before and I think it's a good lane for Nasus. Nasus can double hit a tentacle fast with the Q auto reset and get 3 stacks out of it, and he's just as damaging and tanky as Illaoi but he can also kite her away from the tentacles. She can't kite him away from Q. Nasus's W and E also mess up Illaoi's E, because every tick of Nasus's E reduces the timer on the spirit.

edit: My pocket pick against Nasus is new Poppy.

I didnt know Nasus can get stacks with Illaoi's tentacles


Just all in him before his first back.

Once Nasus has Frozen Heart, the lane is over. The goal is to kill him and deny that first item for as long as possible. One time I played as Irelia against Nasus and pulled the most god-like freeze just before my turret. The CS difference was hilarious, like 124 - 22, and I'm like, why doesn't this guy just give up and back? He's not getting anything done because I'm just going to all in him if he gets close.


Tank meta = Best Meta

If you want to kill tanks, just kite. Every meta is ADC meta tbh, since ADC's have always been relevant.

Jungle meta is OK, even if Kindred is annoying AF

Juggernauts were BS tho


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
A bummer Trundle's bite no longer deals bonus damage to towers but sheen would make up for it.
Sheen sucks on Trundle. The ult nerf seems really harsh. Seems more like a "what part can we nerf" change rather than a "what part is actually causing problems" change.

Riven buff is hilarious to be honest. The itemization gap is going to be improved there one day and the passive power is going to look really silly.
Yeah I dunno about buffing Riven in the same patch as you're buffing Death's Dance and Tiamat either.
Tank meta = Best Meta

If you want to kill tanks, just kite. Every meta is ADC meta tbh, since ADC's have always been relevant.

Jungle meta is OK, even if Kindred is annoying AF

Juggernauts were BS tho
Kiting against people with old gromp buff + old Thornmail was literally suicide. ADCs suit different metas differently, Varus and Kog are trash for a reason.
i think the nerf was justified, especially considering how strong Trundle is right now.

idk that riven buff tho, especially considering her lower winrate is just because riot fucked ad caster itemization.


Tank meta = Best Meta

If you want to kill tanks, just kite. Every meta is ADC meta tbh, since ADC's have always been relevant.

Jungle meta is OK, even if Kindred is annoying AF

Juggernauts were BS tho

Not that many tanks that were strong could really be kited like that. Sejuani, zac, nasus, trundle, nautilus, etc. The list continues. They all have serious tools for catching and sticking to people. The tank meta was garbage because you had giant unkillable monsters that also happened to dish out immense amounts of damage. It was not a happy time being an adc when you were soloed quite handily by the tank who built nothing but tank items.


I'm super unconvinced that buffing Riven's level 1 is ever a good idea. The problem with Riven is that they can't figure out what the fuck she is for, start with that and then give her buffs.
Not that many tanks that were strong could really be kited like that. Sejuani, zac, nasus, trundle, nautilus, etc. The list continues. They all have serious tools for catching and sticking to people. The tank meta was garbage because you had giant unkillable monsters that also happened to dish out immense amounts of damage. It was not a happy time being an adc when you were soloed quite handily by the tank who built nothing but tank items.
ADCs during the tank meta was basically like playing Pokémon. You pick Sivir, press R and throw your shitters at the enemy shitters.
Well they want her to be an early lane bully/assassin/splitpusher type champion but losing brutalizer + cdr boots meant losing a lot of her early level 4-5 powerspike which means she can't really harass or fight as well as she used to. Armor stacking also hurt riven a lot more early since the usual build path of Brutalizer into Last Whisper is no longer possible to itemize.

also that frost queen's nerf is literally meaningless. The passive is still the same and the ridiculously low cooldown on the active is still the same too.


Good God yes.

Oh yeah, I meant to say, cray.

The Poppy UI buff they just put in is plenty to make it super easy to land the entire Poppy combo. Basically just find them, E them into a wall, then just slap Q anywhere and it'll go the right place. Tons of damage. Remember that it is okay to accidentally hit W but accidentally hitting R is bad.


Riven can't build Caulfield's Warhammer into CDR boots then Ghostblade/Cleaver?

Brutalizer was 200 more gold than Caulfields with the same stats plus 10 flat armor pen, which is a huge damage boost early.

Now that I think about it that item was fucking busted, no wonder they got rid of it.


Riven has to be pretty decent with the amount of armor pen available right now though? I can't see this buff ending well at all. Time to perma ban riven again.

I used to pick Darius when I had to lane against her. Don't think that flies anymore with his rework.


Yeah but it means you have to waste a ban on it now banning out from your 'top main'

This reminds me that I am interested to see if and how bans change once they're distributed to the last three teammates. If you have only one ban, and two other people to rely on, are you more likely to ban out your counterpick than to ban the overall team need? Might mean a larger distribution of bans in general.
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