Damn, thinking about it, gonna be hard as hell to try the new champ on PBE with only ranked que. I hope PBE dodge penalty is like an 30min-1hr long.
What bruiser is good against Nasus? As Cho, I manage not to die in lane, go even/win in cs, but he still gets his q stacks up and wrecks the rest of my team. With Garen, I think I just screw up my build. I try to rush BC, but maybe I should go sunfire or something?
Poppy, would making her q pop up a little wall be too powerful? It would just be the width of he q, last only like .5s-1s and she can use it with her E.
So the thing to understand about Nasus is that just trading with him early isn't effective. Nasus starts with 10% lifesteal and I start corrupting potion, so I sustain really well, so just trying to kill me with abilities generally won't work.
Trading with me with autos has a major drawback to keep in mind, which is that it draws minion aggro. This is actually pretty dangerous at early levels, but also, it pushes the wave (because my minions will be attacking you, but your minions will attack my minions since I won't auto you back). So if you try to aggressively trade with Nasus to set up for a kill later, what you'll end up with is half health and a wave pushed to Nasus's turret, where he can farm and lifesteal back to full and you can't threaten him.
This is how a lot of my (lower ELO) games go, and generally the outcome is I stack up 150 stacks, go buy Frozen Heart or Spirit Visage, all-in you at 6 or 7 and kill you, and then, you know, stack up another 200 stacks and win the game.
So that doesn't work. What you need to do is not trade with Nasus but actually all-in him, ideally pretty early, because if you threaten to kill him then he has to respect you. I have seen this done by a Riven who fast-pushed level 1 and then went in immediately. I have heard that Darius can do this, but haven't seen it done well. I think fast-pushing early is probably a good idea, though. In general you need somebody with early killing threat or I'll just ignore you for the first 10 minutes.
If you do end up with the wave under Nasus's turret, be aware that this is bad for you, and let it push back towards you as soon as possible. People seem to think that pushing the wave under turret is somehow good for them, but they are wrong. And don't dive Nasus at level 2, for God's sake. I have W by then.
I played Nasus into Illaoi before and I think it's a good lane for Nasus. Nasus can double hit a tentacle fast with the Q auto reset and get 3 stacks out of it, and he's just as damaging and tanky as Illaoi but he can also kite her away from the tentacles. She can't kite him away from Q. Nasus's W and E also mess up Illaoi's E, because every tick of Nasus's E reduces the timer on the spirit.
edit: My pocket pick against Nasus is new Poppy.