Don't you mean she (and almost all champions in the game)? :^)
i mean, not really, at least relatively speaking
like everyone has less arpen now, ok, so that's a nerf to everyone since everyone can auto. since that's a nerf to everyone that doesn't really matter since everyone's weaker
but champions that doubly benefit from arpen because of physical dmg spells are nerfed even more
you can extend that a little bit than in ranged vs melee like ori vs fizz that's a bit of a bigger nerf for ori cos she has less auto harass dmg but that's not as big a nerf as what someone like riven or zed got
Well, yeah, obviously Riot doesn't develop on PBE. The point is that UI changes require UI assets, and in my experience UI assets have a huge lead time because the UI artist has to commit them so that the UI programmer can place and name them so that the other programmer can make hooks for them so that the systems designer can actually use them to display stuff. That's why Gnar's UI was in the game for like two patches before Gnar actually came out.
You can prevent this stuff from showing up in the build with release management, and maybe Riot decided to start doing that, but honestly the benefit is pretty low so I understand why they didn't. We generally had all kinds of icons and bars and stuff in the build at my previous company because it wasn't worth the effort to keep them out.
i dunno, let's say something like the villain indicator, that was on pbe for just one patch
it's not that big of an ui change, i think you're reading too much into it
leaks blow, especially when we leak it ourselves...
yeah, get ur shit together dumbos
also reveal him already, cat's out of the bag, cmon!
(also pbe, i need clg's icon for the lcs thread)
i cant take another zed game
how do i counter this annoying fuck
lulu's good against zed, ahri's pretty good too if you can hit the ulti charm
kayle's pretty good too like noot says
lizzy is alright cos she can go roa into zhonyas and be unkillable
Speaking of which I need a new av. Time to head into the garden of madness
someone give me an item purchase order for Lulu top. I'm not feeling good about this yet. Support feels like cash, but top feels like trash atm.
rush fqc like on every other mage because this patch is stupid
get deathcap and void staff next