when are they gonna rework Statik Shiv :V
Not in the near future?
I don't think it's in a bad spot right now. There are more niche items that need to be reworked earlier than static shiv.
when are they gonna rework Statik Shiv :V
Shiv is probably better than PD if your supp buys Zeke's
I've just gotten into this game. Normally I stay clear of stuff like this, but friends were playing so I joined in.
It's odd to me that people can stick with a game like this for so long. Characters and items are constantly changing so much that I feel like once I get used to one character it's probably just going to get nerfed or something. Another thing that's so odd is that there are several different gametypes that I like so much more than standard Summoners Rift, but they don't ever keep them around. I'm really surprised ARAM is still around at this point.
That's a big reason I will NEVER invest money into this game. I don't want to put something in and get screwed.
For those of you that have been around for a good while, have you felt like you got royally screwed over by a change, and what was it?
Almost guaranteed Shiv proc crits and auto crits plus a cheaper item >>>>> 10% AS and solo dueling powerWhy's that?
The champion reworks have been amazing, making champions who were so stale and outdated from season one feel fun to play again, looking at you Sion and Karma. Although lately i do feel like they are trying too hard to turn everything super complex with overloaded kits. The last month or so has felt like they are going the the totally wrong direction.
Fiora is the worst rework i have ever seen, and it isnt just a number tweaking thing, they overloaded her, gave her too much in her kit, making her impossible to balance, and they seem to be trying to make every champion have some sort of "mini game" (Riots words not mine) in there kit (fiora weak spot, GP Barrels, Tahm Kench 3 hit swallow thing). And what they are doing with Morde is just the worst.
Ashe is pretty much the only adc I still buy shiv on. I'd like to say it's for a reason but I've just been doing it for so long I'm not even sure why I do it lol.
I go PD on every other adc now.
I find it hilarious that people are pondering whether Fiora might be overpowered when the difference between her release state - which was considered grossly undertuned - and her current state is minimal.
What? Damn. Fiora must be my bane. I thought she was way overtuned at release and her being buffed scared the shit out of me.
What? Damn. Fiora must be my bane. I thought she was way overtuned at release and her being buffed scared the shit out of me.
Official Riot responseWe're with you that Fiora seems to be pretty underpowered and are working on a set of buffs for her at the moment. One of those will increase her mobility, overall though at least for a first set of changes we're looking more to add baseline effectiveness to her. From the look of it we ended up being significantly too cautious about her balance overall.
Morde is going to be trash, ugh. I got into Diamond in season 2 with him. Riots doing a horrible job.
Morde is going to be trash, ugh. I got into Diamond in season 2 with him. Riots doing a horrible job.
Official Riot response
Fiora isn't OP by the way. It's just that people keep trying to go back to lane with a Chain Vest to "counter" me and I'm like ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I buy Warden's Mail or Glacial Shroud whenever I fight her. Ughh. Should have known better.
Wait. I basically almost always buy Ninja tabi whenever I fight her. Tabi blocks 10% damage from basic attacks but does Fiora's passive count as basic attacks?
use ur rito sorcery n bring em backLooked up one of the old threads to link to someone and saw all the banned brethren
use ur rito sorcery n bring em back
True damage ignores any form of damage reduction, but Tabi is good anyways since it'll reduce her crit damage and I thiiiiiink it reduces her Q damage?I buy Warden's Mail or Glacial Shroud whenever I fight her. Ughh. Should have known better.
Wait. I basically almost always buy Ninja tabi whenever I fight her. Tabi blocks 10% damage from basic attacks but does Fiora's passive count as basic attacks?
worst sorceror everThere are some things I can do and some things I can't.
Reviving GAFfers from the dead is an example of the latter
idk, bug Opiate
(sorry Opiate)
Just approach him differently now, try him out as tank and see how it goes. Remember you can get a dragon pet now! So like TP to Drake, get drake pet, rush down bot and wreck people's shit >=3
FYI it applies Rylai's so there's that.
Azir is one of the most difficult mid laners to play on a decent level. It's not uncommon to have to play dozens of games top learn him properly.Hmmm. I think I have decided that I don't like Azir. Style feels so...idunno..."meta"? I had a lot of trouble with high-mobility champs like Yasuo and Lee Sin today. Perhaps was just a bit too aggressive. Long cooldown on Q at early levels makes it feel almost impossible to kill with him, but I probably just don't understand the combos yet.
He is a gank magnet too, btw. No real disengage or escape (Q --> E is laugably short) is an odd match for his skillset which by design pushes lanes really hard leaving you overexposed, and his movespeed is slow enough for the average ganking junglers to get to him and burn his flash. It also did not help that I went all but 1 of 4 games without a single gank on the enemy midlaner at any point in the early or midgame.
But yea, he feels very detatched. Or has felt that way over my first 4 matches with him. Always had the highest CS count on my team @ 10 and 20 minutes. but making him work really well in team fights will take more than a few more matches. I could tell he's really strong, but he also feels more reliant on the team to help because of his rather weak slow. No hard cc, no good chasing power and no real burst like most mids sort of made me feel like I was really good at harassing the shit out of someone but not really being able to put myself in position to actually finish anyone off in a 1v1 unless they were really, really careless. Team fights felt marginally better as I think I got most kills due to the surprising damage that comes out when those soldiers get more than a few autos in. Never felt good about my use of the ult.
He was either boosted or like you said, bought. Definitely bannable.One of my friends who is a Plat just had a challenger on their team. Fucking horrible. Turns out the challenger only had the frame and is just a Gold 1.
I don't think it was elo boosted but he may have bought the account. It's bannable right?
yeahOne of my friends who is a Plat just had a challenger on their team. Fucking horrible. Turns out the challenger only had the frame and is just a Gold 1.
I don't think it was elo boosted but he may have bought the account. It's bannable right?
plus u can pretty much tell he's a fraud
he's playing garen with ignite lmao
Against a Morde I might take ignite. Reduces his healing from his ult and give you even more kill pressure on him.
but ur garen
u have 0 kill pressure on mages
It's one thing to take ignite against someone that you can bully out of lane...I take ignite when playing as Top Garen >_>
If your analysis on the Morde rework is as good as Fiora's I'm sure he'll be fine
Yeah but fiora sucks right now as a top laner
UltI still dont figure out what to do with sona in late game
Yeah but fiora sucks right now as a top laner
In a boards thread about Fiora, Meddler commented that they currently think she "might be a bit strong" after the hotfix buffs that went out on August 10th.
"Current theory is that she might be a bit strong after the buffs (as opposed to far too weak beforehand). She's performing quite well at present, and probably still has some significant learning curve left for people who've just started playing the rework, so will likely do better again over the next couple of weeks. No immediate plans to nerf her in 5.16 though, her being too strong's very much still a possibility rather than a conclusion."