Meddler doesn't think so.
I dunno if Meddler even thinks.
Grats Costy!
Meddler doesn't think so.
And I believed for a second that you would use something lame like Riot Rango or Riot Knifecat
It was never gonna be anything else. I knew it.
Sounds more like she will get a mini reworkAre Quinn buffs coming?
Sounds more like she will get a mini rework
I still dont figure out what to do with sona in late game
anyone remember the fabled preseason quinn changes of changing her ult to literally having a 1 second cooldown timer but removing the aoe execute?
that wouldve made her the most annoying champion in the entire game
azir takes a lot of practiceHmmm. I think I have decided that I don't like Azir. Style feels so...idunno..."meta"? I had a lot of trouble with high-mobility champs like Yasuo and Lee Sin today. Perhaps was just a bit too aggressive. Long cooldown on Q at early levels makes it feel almost impossible to kill with him, but I probably just don't understand the combos yet.
He is a gank magnet too, btw. No real disengage or escape (Q --> E is laugably short) is an odd match for his skillset which by design pushes lanes really hard leaving you overexposed, and his movespeed is slow enough for the average ganking junglers to get to him and burn his flash. It also did not help that I went all but 1 of 4 games without a single gank on the enemy midlaner at any point in the early or midgame.
But yea, he feels very detatched. Or has felt that way over my first 4 matches with him. Always had the highest CS count on my team @ 10 and 20 minutes. but making him work really well in team fights will take more than a few more matches. I could tell he's really strong, but he also feels more reliant on the team to help because of his rather weak slow. No hard cc, no good chasing power and no real burst like most mids sort of made me feel like I was really good at harassing the shit out of someone but not really being able to put myself in position to actually finish anyone off in a 1v1 unless they were really, really careless. Team fights felt marginally better as I think I got most kills due to the surprising damage that comes out when those soldiers get more than a few autos in. Never felt good about my use of the ult.
s-s-s-shut up bakaWhat a jerk, getting a career and following his dreams. The nerve!
Next thing you know we'll have Rito Zkylewd as head skin designer.
anyone remember the fabled preseason quinn changes of changing her ult to literally having a 1 second cooldown timer but removing the aoe execute?
that wouldve made her the most annoying champion in the entire game
Does anyone remember when they made Ali's headbutt a skillshot that could hit multiple targets? It was only live for like a day bc riot realized that was stupid
Project Yi seems to be a no brainer.
when are they gonna rework Statik Shiv :V
Trist is slow and worthless 10~20 minutes in. She picks up after that time tho.Trist is a lot more complex than that, especially since her autos are pretty slow and worthless most of the game by themselves
But she just got the pink one right?she's hardly worthless.
also, it looks like it might actually be a SERIES of PROJECT skins, and irelia is probably one of them :3
By pickup Trist do you mean learn how to right click? That's really all there is to her. She doesn't have anything advanced except maybe ulting people into tower.
Trist is slow and worthless 10~20 minutes in. She picks up after that time tho.
Add a naut and she ramps up 50% faster.Trist is slow and worthless 10~20 minutes in. She picks up after that time tho.
By pickup Trist do you mean learn how to right click? That's really all there is to her. She doesn't have anything advanced except maybe ulting people into tower.
Dash around a lot I guessman, picked up yasuo. this guy is a lot of fun!
played a couple of bot matches but didn't want to take him to Normals, so i wouldn't be "that" guy.
just finished my second match with him.
i think i did decent considering i was up against Heim in the mid lane. My first death was until 33 minutes in.
Any tips for Yasuo?