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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Yeah I time I some one on my friend list had a 3 hour ARAM game when I went to spectate it it was only going on for 20 minutes. League is funny some times.


That ain't a bug though. I found out in game what he really is when Ezreal told us. Apparently like his name suggests, he is a GM. Ezreal kept mentioning not to be toxic and stuff because he is an actual GM like a Game Master/Manager or something. I didn't believe him of course but I didn't really become toxic or anything to spite him since it wasn't in my nature. Good thing I didn't cuz that shit's impossible and the only thing that I could think of was that he was an actual GM and he edited those stuff.

He is plat 2 with a challenger frame. I kinda doubt he is a challenger last season cause he is very active and has a lot of recent games in his match history so maybe he edited that too or something but he did play very well so that may not be the case.

I checked his account and while his wins were 98k, his takedowns and creep score are subpar especially since his creep score is just platinum rank in normals. Unless he played like shit for the past 97k games, I don't think it's possible.


To be fair I don't think I've seen anybody, even on the local forums, use the name Riot in their name like Riot Costy to distinguish normal players from staff so GM might be ours.


Some Zyra passive talks on Reddit suggesting giving her passive a revive ability if she kills someone with her thorn. The unreliability of that skill shot makes it not so OP.

Honestly, I wouldn't even bother with that addition to her current passive. Instead I would rather they rework her passive so that it works with her seeds or she gains bonus in the bush like Nidalee.

Some passive ideas:

1. Upon dying, Zyra turns into plant form (current passive). Additionally she can place up to 2 seeds that will instantly spawn. If she has 2 plants or more alive upon death, she can place only one more.

This will increase her damage output after death. Her plants are more reliable than her passive skill shot.

2. When in the bush, Zyra replenishes her seeds to the max (2). If she has 2 seeds stored and she enters the bush, she can increase it to a 3rd seed up to x seconds after she leaves the bush. (In addition to her current passive)

I would personally love something like this in addition to vase movement increase.

I've also thought of changing her ult to something like Lissandras where if she uses it on herself she gains movement speed and defenses around the AOE (obviously weaker AOE effect if targeted on herself).

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Some Zyra passive talks on Reddit suggesting giving her passive a revive ability if she kills someone with her thorn. The unreliability of that skill shot makes it not so OP.

Honestly, I wouldn't even bother with that addition to her current passive. Instead I would rather they rework her passive so that it works with her seeds or she gains bonus in the bush like Nidalee.

Some passive ideas:

1. Upon dying, Zyra turns into plant form (current passive). Additionally she can place up to 2 seeds that will instantly spawn. If she has 2 plants or more alive upon death, she can place only one more.

This will increase her damage output after death. Her plants are more reliable than her passive skill shot.

2. When in the bush, Zyra replenishes her seeds to the max (2). If she has 2 seeds stored and she enters the bush, she can increase it to a 3rd seed up to x seconds after she leaves the bush. (In addition to her current passive)

I would personally love something like this in addition to vase movement increase.

I've also thought of changing her ult to something like Lissandras where if she uses it on herself she gains movement speed and defenses around the AOE (obviously weaker AOE effect if targeted on herself).
So if she killed someone with her passive she get revived to like 225 health. Mhmmm.

I have an idea for change. Maybe if she puts 1-2 seeds on a bush and summons them both, the plant will be the size of the bush. Vine lash could make the bush full of thorns so that enemies take damage the longer they stay in and vine whips could make it so moving will the bush to cause bleeding and reduced healing to enemies.


Why not have Zyra turn into a giant version of her Q plant giving her DPS instead of a shitty skillshot

That is kinda what I was suggesting in the first passive idea. Except instead of her she can just place up to 2 plants of her choice after dying (Q or E to place appropriate plant)


I'm feeling better about playing Braum recently. He feels quite nice after they gave him back some damage on his Q.

Braum and Nami together cover most of the needs for a support in ranked right now.


it's just a slap in the face after the tentative buffs from before that were fun and exciting while this is like here have some excess stats you don't really need

it's not even a minor buff, 63 mana per level is really high, but it's such a lame and boring buff

i almost think it could make tear a really good item on her but buying a shitty lategame scaling item is so against what's fun about syndra that ughh


The surgery went well and I made it home. My finger is still completely numb, so I'm not really in pain yet. Just wanted to give u guys an update and let u all know that I'm ok.

Thanks for all the well wishes. I really appreciate it.


The surgery went well and I made it home. My finger is still completely numb, so I'm not really in pain yet. Just wanted to give u guys an update and let u all know that I'm ok.

Thanks for all the well wishes. I really appreciate it.

Happy to hear it went well!
Er yes she does

She has to use so many spells to wave clear
What? She needs 2~3 casts at most to wave clear normally, 4 if you want to clear waves instantly without any auto attacks until you get some items then it's back to 2~3 depending on how much AP you have.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Wow, Wukong is like the easiest champion in the world to play. Why have I never played this champ D:

E to jump in Q for 9999 damage and W out for free lololol.


The surgery went well and I made it home. My finger is still completely numb, so I'm not really in pain yet. Just wanted to give u guys an update and let u all know that I'm ok.

Thanks for all the well wishes. I really appreciate it.
glad to hear it chief :>

why do i bother learning mids when all that happens is they get nerfed

lulu loses a huge amount of base hp for 4 armor lol
that's how this game works

all that you love is taken away from you

until all you have left is pretty skins and fanart

They really are trying to shoehorn her into being a support only
i wouldn't say shoehorn, she's pick or ban in competitive and has a solid winrate in solo q, so she's probably kind of op, so she gets nerfed

if they wanted to shoehorn her into support they could make her q deal less dmg or make her spells scale worse

Er yes she does

She has to use so many spells to wave clear
not really, she can go morellos pretty ok if she gets blue buff and she'll never have issues with athenes. like every mid would appreciate a shit ton of free mana, that doesn't mean this is a good buff


Wow, Wukong is like the easiest champion in the world to play. Why have I never played this champ D:

E to jump in Q for 9999 damage and W out for free lololol.

Yeah he's my go to top laner when I have to do it. Ridiculous damage and super easy to use. And you can do some cool jukes with your clone


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Wow, Wukong is like the easiest champion in the world to play. Why have I never played this champ D:

E to jump in Q for 9999 damage and W out for free lololol.
His laning phase is not super forgiving most of the time. When he became a jungler it removed most of the intricacies of his play though. New Darius is like the low bar on champion difficulty though.
Yeah he's my go to top laner when I have to do it. Ridiculous damage and super easy to use. And you can do some cool jukes with your clone

Wukong is da best. W out from vision range, flash, e-q, ult. Teamfight forced and you win if your team has a keyboard and mouse.

Carries HATE him.


After some thought, I have an idea to change Zyra's passive.

First, make it so that Q and E now leave a patch of nature (plants, grass, whatever) after they've been cast, think stuff like Cass's poison cloud for Q and Kog'Maw's void ooze. In addition, the thicket of plants formed during her ult would stay a few seconds after the knock-up.

Then, give her some sort of effect when she's standing on those "nature patches". Could be additional MS, defensive stat buffs, spell vamp, or that when she dies those nature patches deal DoT damage to anything standing in them, or whatever.

The point I'm trying to make is that her current passive is super lame.
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