What's more un-fun than laning against a fiora? nothing
Laning against a decent Xerath. Champ can be acutely obnoxious.
What's more un-fun than laning against a fiora? nothing
Very true.Shaco's ult has good imitation potential.
I still like him.Sounds like he's bad.
The ap junglers.Is there any jungler that doesn't take AS runes?
Is there any jungler that doesn't take AS runes?
The ap junglers.
thats why i dont like random buffs like the ones she's gotSo it sounds like reddit is gonna start bitching about Lux being too strong
They won't show up till next weekOh shi
Client is downloading an update
Please let PROJECT skins be up XoX
Dang.They won't show up till next week
They won't show up till next week
-Enemy first picks Heimer
-"Whoever goes mid pick a counter" somoene says
-"OK I will"
-Picks Yasuo
what's a good heimer counter in the 1v1?
I assume ranged poke that goes over minions? Varus/Ahri/Azir/Xerath/Vel? Maybe mixed champs like Lux/Brand?
what's a good heimer counter in the 1v1?
I assume ranged poke that goes over minions? Varus/Ahri/Azir/Xerath/Vel? Maybe mixed champs like Lux/Brand?
what's a good heimer counter in the 1v1?
I assume ranged poke that goes over minions? Varus/Ahri/Azir/Xerath/Vel? Maybe mixed champs like Lux/Brand?
Base HP reverted to 552.76 from 518
Armor reverted to 19.2 from 23
HP per level reduced to 74 from 82
We don't want Elise to be just a stunbot! We want her to do damage!Elise spider damage nerf...ouch. Would have preferred another hit to Q damage.
We don't want Elise to be just a stunbot! We want her to do damage!
everytime I come to this thread I get distressed. I just bought Elise on sale cause I dug her on the last free rotate. Now it sounds like she got nerfed into the ground. I hope that's not true ugh
Elise's strength never revolved around her lategame relevance so not reallyNearly halved base damage for spiderlings isn't nerfed to the ground?
What runes/masteries do you use for him in the jungle phil? I tried one game with a bunch of ad and attack speed marks and quints and actually had a really healthy first clear but my top was afk so i had to top lane that game instead and never really got to jungle him. I know with just attack speed and no ad his clears are pretty brutal
I've been on tilt for a while and still, the dumbest thing I've ever seen was my own two kassadin games.
Lol, people trying to play Draven/Thresh.
My poor Kalilol @ what Ghost said in the lobby chat in that screenshot above.
Yeah hopefully I wont notice any changes to Elise when I take her for a spin later. Yeah I need to grow some thicker skin and just get used to the constant nerfing / buffing.
[edit] huh checked patch notes didnt see the Elise spiderling nerf I guess that must be on PBE?
As much as i dont like her, i fully expect riot to at least revert those nerfs because of her upcoming championship skin. They dont give that skin to losers you know.My poor Kali.
The nerfs were pretty brutal. Much larger cooldown on ult, and w doesn't scale anymore.Eh the kali nerfs weren't that bad to be honest. She's still strong.
Unless there are more kali nerfs on pbe that I haven't seen yet