It applies a little bit for sure, but support mains seem the most polarized to their main role.
Nah, I think this is just a case of confirmation bias.
People suck in general when they don't get their main role.
It applies a little bit for sure, but support mains seem the most polarized to their main role.
It applies a little bit for sure, but support mains seem the most polarized to their main role.
Ehh.Nah, I think this is just a case of confirmation bias.
People suck in general when they don't get their main role.
Maybe you should practice more on normals before going ranked?
I remember having around 350+ wins and 300+ losses on normals before I started my provisions.
It gave me necessary match up experience in my main role and enough experience to do well in other lanes. Once I started ranked, I never stopped playing normals as I treat it as my training ground where I could test new champs and builds. I also never play ranked as soon as a patch comes out. I try to get used to it in normals first before diving in ranked.
Watch streams and coaching sessions on youtube. I learned a lot from it too. I actually watch box box uploads almost religiously and followed everything he did until I did my provisions where I developed my own method of playing Riven and in extension other champions as well. Now I just watch him for his amazing plays but sometimes he coaches and tells what to do in certain situations and it really helps.
It's just that I almost notice something in bronze players and I think it's the reason for them being in bronze. It's that once they have enough champions and hit level 30 they jump to rank immediately. I believe there's a correlation between your win ratio on normals and on ranked. Once you go positive in normals where you fight those above your expected ranked, you can be sure that your mechanical skills surpass anything that you have right now. The only thing you need to train are game knowledge like how certain match ups work and stuff like map awareness and decision making.
I had a chance of playing twice with challenger and master players back in my unranked days simply because I was on a 20 win streak using Riven alone. You know what happened? I won and I didn't learn anything because I was so obsessed with having to play with challengers that I didn't notice anything I did wrong. The other time was where I lost and I learned so much stuff that really helped me in ranked up to this day.
I guess to summarize it, consistently win in normals first before playing ranked.
Unfortunate you're on EU. I coulda taught you my ways.Yeah, I do play a lot of ranked games, but the problem is that I never learn anything due to unbalance. One game there is an afk in our team, sometimes they there is one in theirs. Sometimes the enemy suck real bad that it becomes a breeze to win, other times, one lane feeds really hard which effect the other lanes. Sometimes I get grouped into silver people and I enjoy that, sometimes I get grouped with people who never touched LoL before.
This inconsistency just frustrates the hell out of me, and as someone who mains champs that cannot carry, there is nothing I can do. Obviously I suck too, but Normal games is just filled with so much inconsistencies that I am not sure I improve much from it.
I do watch a lot of LCSes as well as read a lot of guides. I suppose the fact that I haven't played 100+ games means that I do basic mistakes which might cost me the game, but I am really looking into ways i i prove myself.
Bur yeah, I'll just play on and see where that takes me.
and as someone who mains champs that cannot carry, there is nothing I can do.
morgana and sejuani cannot carry?
Unfortunate you're on EU. I coulda taught you my ways.
Yeah, I do play a lot of ranked games, but the problem is that I never learn anything due to unbalance. One game there is an afk in our team, sometimes they there is one in theirs. Sometimes the enemy suck real bad that it becomes a breeze to win, other times, one lane feeds really hard which effect the other lanes. Sometimes I get grouped into silver people and I enjoy that, sometimes I get grouped with people who never touched LoL before.
This inconsistency just frustrates the hell out of me, and as someone who mains champs that cannot carry, there is nothing I can do. Obviously I suck too, but Normal games is just filled with so much inconsistencies that I am not sure I improve much from it.
I do watch a lot of LCSes as well as read a lot of guides. I suppose the fact that I haven't played 100+ games means that I do basic mistakes which might cost me the game, but I am really looking into ways i i prove myself.
Bur yeah, I'll just play on and see where that takes me.
Well I can't carry with them.
Because I suck
Last time someone said that to me, I became worse.
*looking at you Dobkeratstop*
Ouch that's bad. I've heard a lot of people say that snow bally champions work best in lower elo because they can't deal with being behind so why don't you play more snowbally champions in ranked like Yi, Shyvanna and Xin Zhao to name a few less mechanically intensive champs that are easy to pick up. I know that strategy is effective because I breezed past silver that way.
Since you're a jungler there's this tip that I learned from youtube. During loading times use or lolking your enemies and find the one who is on tilt or fed during his/her last few games and camp the living shit out of him/her. That'll basically put him more on tilt.
One more tip that worked for me personally which I don't know if it will work for you but you could try. I try to play more during the evening when kids are asleep and more serious and much more aged players are awake. That'll help in reducing the amount of afks and leavers at least. Internet cafes are the bomb in my country. So much that there's an internet cafe every 20 or so meters from the first one. This leads to children skipping school or going there after school to play League. This is around the afternoon so I generally avoid playing at those times. The good thing about it though is that I can watch people play and learn from those better than me if I go outside as not only kids play at that time. Even high school and college students play as well. I say play in the evening because there's a curfew at our place once it reaches 10 pm so kids generally won't be playing then. If something like that is also apparent in your region, I suggest you use my tip.
Dobe is too troll
Oh man, if this game only had recording features, I would have showed you all how my games is going. That would be really helpful, because you guys could just tell me what I did wrong and whatnot. I am already learning alot in this thread but alot of it is above my pay grade, but yeah!
ive heard rumors that dob is a rageaholic
My win rate has been pretty good this week. Come on Riot go ahead and level me up...
I see most GAFfers here use it :3
bookmarked, Thanks!!
btw, I don't understand their K/D/A ratio numbers.
Such as 8/4/9 turns into: 4.25:1 KDA
Alright guys, the time has come. I've made a new ranked team if anyone wants that crappy wards at the end of the season. Just send me a msg, and you'll get an inv. Gonna base it partly on rank, but if you're in silver or something, play a decent amount, and are willing to listen to the team I'm fine with sending out an invite.
Edit: Also need someone who can record games or stream. *Glares at pankaks* *Glares at panda*.
There's a trade off though. High elo support mains typically feed when put in other roles.
You have 4.25 kills or assists per death.
Wow, I am bad then? 2.0 KDA ratio, whatever that means(I still die way too much...)
Quick edit: Whenever I fail, I fail HARD, and when I win, I win by a large margin. Maybe my main goal should be to lose with the least amount of deaths possible.
Heading in for surgery soon. I'll update you all when I can. Hopefully I'll end up stronger than before![]()
We can rebuild him, we have the technologyHeading in for surgery soon. I'll update you all when I can. Hopefully I'll end up stronger than before![]()
Heading in for surgery soon. I'll update you all when I can. Hopefully I'll end up stronger than before![]()
Heading in for surgery soon. I'll update you all when I can. Hopefully I'll end up stronger than before![]()
Wow, I am bad then? 2.0 KDA ratio, whatever that means(I still die way too much...)
Quick edit: Whenever I fail, I fail HARD, and when I win, I win by a large margin. Maybe my main goal should be to lose with the least amount of deaths possible.
PROJECT: Edwardomecha-eddie incoming
this dude lost lane when i didnt even buy for the first 10 minutes of the game.It's not that rare. Down in Silver, Supports often simply do nothing at all. They present as large range minions in the lane, floating behind the ADC (far from any threatening position) and just sort of sapping XP while in their own minds providing the *threat* of a disengage or grab or something. Rarely being active on the map. Rarely discouraging the enemy laners. I find that in most games, it's the support pick (what they offer to the lane) and plays that determines who's going to win the bot lane. Rare are the times when the ADC is able to win a lane with minimal help from a support.
The saddest part is that they don't realize they being useless.
Tried out Syndra. She's pretty damn fun and I wonder why nobody uses her when she has good wave clear and has a nice ult. One thing she does lack is a bit of range but I think she does pretty well against melee champs like Yas and Riv. I bought her atlantean skin. It's pretty cool.
Edit: If you didn't notice, there's a guy with 98k wins on normals.
Edit: If you didn't notice, there's a guy with 98k wins on normals.
That's absurd.
I can't understand how it is possible. I have like 1.6k wins in normals and I think I have played a lot.
has to be a glitch. if you assume the average match length is about 27 minutes, he will have played for ~45,000 hours. There are less than 8800 hours in a year and LoL has only been out since '07 He would have had to be playing League of Legends for ~80% of every 24-hour day for the last 8 years.
Gonna go with "glitch" here.
Also, should be going in for promos back to S3 today. Might make a push to get back up to S2. We'll see what kind of RNG I get with teammates today and if I can continue to produce well.