Yeah but that's some misleading crap if I'm enjoying a character, planning to buy it, and it gets freakin' raked the following week.
Hopefully it won't be that bad tho
Understood. TBH, I thought I was over-focusing my pool by only having 4 or 5 at each position. Coming from a Dota background where there are only 4 out of 100+ heroes that I don't feel comfortable playing at any given time, being limited to just 10 or 15 felt very small and a bit foreign to me. But yea there's more than enough room for improvement among my chosen 10-15 to keep me preoccupied. I'll reduce my pool further based on performance history and consistency and see what happens. I still don't know if that will translate to me applying pressure better or not. I sort of feel like my chosen champ pool isn't comprised of snowballers in the traditional sense. No Jax, no Irela, no Fiora, no Tryndamere, no Fizz. Eh....idk. I feel like I've been in a lot of games where only those kinds of champs can save a team from its own stupidity. Where playing a champ that is still relatively dependent on his or her team to still be competent sooner or later means a loss.In theory this is good, and I must compliment you for trying to choose a decent team comp; few players do that. If you have this choice among the champs that you are comfortable on, then you're making the correct choice. If you have to move to someone you're not comfortable on, it might not always be a good decision.
There are some cases where if you know a certain champion better you will have more of an impact on the game, you will win more lane matchups etc. since you know a certain champion in and out. It makes it possible to straight out win matchups that are not in your favor, or just win an even to favorable matchup harder.
In my experience the easiest way to achieve a high rank is to master a few champs. You can see all the one trick ponies in diamond/master. It is a lot more time consuming to reach this rank with a more diverse roster as you won't know each of them as well.
It's too boring otherwise. There's over a hundred champions in the game. Why not play as many as you can.
16.I suspect, at the most, LoL players only need like 12 champions. 3 champs for each role. This way if your dude gets banned or used by opposite team you have another option.
Down to help people out for rewards. Should be able to hit plat for myself before the season ends.Alright guys, the time has come. I've made a new ranked team if anyone wants that crappy wards at the end of the season. Just send me a msg, and you'll get an inv. Gonna base it partly on rank, but if you're in silver or something, play a decent amount, and are willing to listen to the team I'm fine with sending out an invite.
im running does that count.Alright guys, the time has come. I've made a new ranked team if anyone wants that crappy wards at the end of the season. Just send me a msg, and you'll get an inv. Gonna base it partly on rank, but if you're in silver or something, play a decent amount, and are willing to listen to the team I'm fine with sending out an invite.
Edit: Also need someone who can record games or stream. *Glares at pankaks*
I wonder what the rewards are going to be? Probably a mundo skin :^)
so apparently rito's gonna do all stars this year. similar to other years, ppl vote for dream teams of every region, except now the rest of the world has a mini all stars tournament that decides who goes, cos like there's like a billion countries in that "region"
and then teams get split into team ice and team fire? depending on how they do at worlds? or something?
and the teams that win get rewards for their region? so like, i'm super fucked cos i'm gonna have like the turkish team or something, while koreans will get like a million free skins or whatever lol
We won! yay
Yeah, the Yi reconnected 5 minutes before they surrendered but it turns out their MF was afk too so meh.I guess the summoner reconnected or all you needed was 4
specially cos i already have an amigurumi shaped like myself so u know
they could hang out
'in draft' is superfluous.TIL Never trust a vayne in draft
That rare moment when it's actually not the ADC's fault but the support's fault. Ghost said it well "this Thresh is just garbage".
Can't believe people still try to build bork on gnar
In theory, it should work for mini gnar with his AS buffs, but mega gnar with his Massive Damage is where its at, not AS.
Isn't that his recommended build path? I've seen more sunfire first though.Can't believe people still try to build bork on gnar
I dunno, usually in our games the support tends to be decent, but the ADC complete shit. Ghost and I usually stomp lane anyways tho.It's not that rare. Down in Silver, Supports often simply do nothing at all. They present as large range minions in the lane, floating behind the ADC (far from any threatening position) and just sort of sapping XP while in their own minds providing the *threat* of a disengage or grab or something. Rarely being active on the map. Rarely discouraging the enemy laners. I find that in most games, it's the support pick (what they offer to the lane) and plays that determines who's going to win the bot lane. Rare are the times when the ADC is able to win a lane with minimal help from a support.
The saddest part is that they don't realize they being useless.
Yeah, that is typical of low elo supports. It changes in higher ranks.It's not that rare. Down in Silver, Supports often simply do nothing at all. They present as large range minions in the lane, floating behind the ADC (far from any threatening position) and just sort of sapping XP while in their own minds providing the *threat* of a disengage or grab or something. Rarely being active on the map. Rarely discouraging the enemy laners. I find that in most games, it's the support pick (what they offer to the lane) and plays that determines who's going to win the bot lane. Rare are the times when the ADC is able to win a lane with minimal help from a support.
The saddest part is that they don't realize they being useless.
'in draft' is superfluous.
Isn't that his recommended build path? I've seen more sunfire first though.
Ouch sorry to hearDemoted to Bronze IV
There's a trade off though. High elo support mains typically feed when put in other roles.Yeah, that is typical of low elo supports. It changes in higher ranks.
There was a time i demoted to bronze 4 too, but now i'm plat. hope exists!Demoted to Bronze IV
There's a trade off though. High elo support mains typically feed when put in other roles.
Demoted to Bronze IV
It applies a little bit for sure, but support mains seem the most polarized to their main role.That applies to high elo adc/mid/top/jgl mains too, so it's not really a tradeoff.