man so burned out on ranked. just feels broken atm (or maybe its me).Today I go 100% in Normal matches. Then go 0% in ranked.
I think I'll keep playing casually for Normals but probably just give up on ranked. Would've been nice to at least hit Gold for the free skin but it's not worth it. I guess I'm just spoiled by other games where I was ranked solo. This the first game I ever played where I had to be ranked as a team and its giving me an awful impression
All that being said I bet this game is super fun with a team of 5 buds in ranked. Everyone can purchase a vision ward and hf.
You should start adding decent people to friends and then play with them every now and then. Eventually you might find enough ok people to build a team and play ranked premades (or team ranked if you get four people that can do different roles).
My only requirements for befriending people is that they're at least somewhat competent and that they aren't assholes/flamers/trolls. Playing with them often means I can have more fun and worry a lot less about being paired up with awful teammates (either skill or attitude-wise).
I've also got to say that yes, dragging people into towers as Skarner is so satisfying.