i mean that's kind of what diana is
she double ults and oneshots someone and zhonyas and team needs to follow up
you can also just not teamfight if you don't have a tank and play for picks or splitpush or poke or whatever
like, if you feel you can't play diana without a tank maybe u just shouldn't play diana blind but honestly u should probably try and figure out how you can play her there
she's actually really good at diving turrets and whatever with zhonyas, idk why not having a tank would matter
Maybe it's the type of teams I'm in cause I'm still level 26?
I don't really like trying the suicide bomber fake out technique cause it's not reliable.
Sure, it works when I'm all split pusher Rageblade Life Steal fed cause people expect me to pull the trigger and jump in cause I'm the biggest but in a normal game where everything is even ... nope. Everyone runs until the strongest person gets there gets there. Most of the time I never activate the item cause ... there's no one around to scare them away. If I'm in a position where I could use it normally the whole team has turned tail.
Mostly my go to move with my new build (LB-Death Cap-NT so on) is to either TP somewhere and 1v1 someone or come into a team fight and clean up after someone took their CC attacks. That and ganking. I never bothered ganking with the Rageblade build for w/e reason, mostly focused on pushing towers.
Cait/Poppy just not a good lane since Poppy offers pretty much nothing towards what cait wants to do. I'd say invest in Janna if you haven't already. Goes well with everyone and is pretty much just a permanently strong pick
Oh, I put in some time with Janna. 4th highest mastery I have.
But I feel like Janna is the type of support where you have to rely on the luck of getting a non pants-on-head-stupid team.
That's why I tried more active supports until I started doing mid.
But even when I'm not Support I just don't like her. It's hard to know what you're getting when she's around or how much Dmg she can pull off. When I see good people play with her their positioning is great, they use the net to help them get away, they kite and use bushes and so on. But many times I don't see that. Hell, as Diana it's easy to fed off one on the enemy team if they're even a lil bit alone.