so i shouldn't count on it working all the time
Fear not, the nerfs are coming
so i shouldn't count on it working all the time
yeah i guess i won't be playing any ori on this patch, too many zeds rolling around and i get tilted just thinking about that shitty seekers buff
uhh not that i know of, league is just buggy sometimes and shit just randomly refuses to go off sometimesDo you have to be in a certain range to use Ori's ultimate? I had so many issues yesterday where the ultimate just refused to go off. Also, smartcasting the Q slightly out of range then looking at the minimap is a terrible idea. T_T
I really need to learn her Q range again.
Xin so dumb on this patch.
Also, whats with all the udyr picks and bans?(normals) Seems like I see him picked or banned every other game.
Why is Fiora allowed in this game
Xin so dumb on this patch.
Also, whats with all the udyr picks and bans?(normals) Seems like I see him picked or banned every other game.
What the fuck does this even meanMalzahar's kit will have clearer signals for how he could have played better and/or how opponents could have played better against it.
What the fuck does this even mean
What the fuck does this even mean
What the fuck does this even mean
I'm really starting to think Sona should be on my dodge list if I get ADC role. :/
I'm just so damn tired of crudy Sona players who don't seem to think about power cord and are always getting caught out of position.
Support Shen.what am i looking at
So they can aggro the enemy.Sunfire on support why
Still gonna split. Wanted more damage.Sunfire on support why
I don't have any particular adc that I don't like laning with because most of the time the issue isn't the champion, but the player. Like that one match where my Ashe would continously walk into Braum's manly embrace, getting hit with free Qs that allowed his ADC to close in on her, setting off Braum's stun and getting her killed over and over while I kept telling her to not face check the enemy's bot bush and to not to focus on the damn tank support, for crying out loud.
As far as draft goes, I've gotten used to picking Lulu whenever I'm among the first players in pick order to avoid getting counterpicked, and I guess it also has the added benefit of not even telling them if I'll be playing her top, mid or support. Maybe next time I get mid I'll take her for a spin there, even though she certainly doesn't seem as explosive as Ahri and her charm combos.
Lulu's versatility's good, and her awesome laugh tops things off quite well. I just love spamming it whenever I get the chance.
Yeah, I have to agree. The players are the problem. I have seen some damn good Sona players before ... on enemy teams. Hit like a truck with that Power Chord and could hold down a lane solo. But for some reason I rarely get that side of the Sona players on my team. I have never played Sona but I have watched enough stuff on her to know at least how here passive works.
Just went through the same with Morg. She barely ever tried to land a Skill shot and when she did she only hit minions, didn't harass at all, wiggled behind me like I'm her damn tank and abandoned lane at level 4-5 to dick around the Baron pit. I think I need to stay away from ADC for a bit ... this is the type of shit that made me play sup for so long. (As in, can't count on someone being a good support so gotta do it your self)
Just got into another group as I was typing this ... of course I get ADC again for like the 4th time outta the 5 today. Who does support pick? Sona! Closed right outta that :/
Edit- Sona AGAIN! But this time I actually got mid ... and no one picked a tank champ (unless Fiora can tank :/). And ADC is already "warning" us that he/she is gonna have lag problems "and by lag I mean struggle to reconnect". Yup, dodged that one to.
Dodging like I was trained by Piccolo now.
fiora is not a tank and tanks aren't 100% necessary
it's not a big deal if u don't have a tank, you just have to play differently
the one thing you just can't live without is cc (and maybe waveclear)
Yeah building defense doesn't make you a tank and "we don't have a tank gg" is a common misconception but don't expect it to go away unless you climb pretty high
omg so unfinished
Any recommendations on climbing out of silver? I think I'm gonna just stick to jungling Xin/Dianna or top, I can at least control the game in some aspects.
Any recommendations on climbing out of silver? I think I'm gonna just stick to jungling Xin/Dianna or top, I can at least control the game in some aspects.
Udyr has one of the highest winrates in the game, somewhere around 55% for ranked according to and, and has for a while. Rex has been trying to climb into diamond with it. Kogmaw is higher now but I'm terrible at using him.Xin so dumb on this patch.
Also, whats with all the udyr picks and bans?(normals) Seems like I see him picked or banned every other game.
What if what I'm good at is losing the game?Just stick to what you're good at.
What if what I'm good at is losing the game?