Ghost is Bad
inhouse gg
how'd i do homies? i missed playing naut. so fun. and then something else as the game went on.
im sorry but this shits rigged. im 1/7 in promos now and in every single game theres at least 1 guy who has a dc, feeds abnormaly or has other problems. first two games i lost. nothing much to say it was close both times. won the third one but that was close too.
4. game = khazix forgets to take smite
5. game = kogmaw is afk for the first 10 minutes
6. game = yasuo is leaving for 15 minutes because hes hungry
7. game = vayne and alistar both die before minions spawn, proceed to feed 20 kills before we can even surrender
im not saying i dont make mistakes but this shit is ridiculous. feels like ive been cursed. granted these are my first games in 2 months but ive never had this many afk back to back.
i think ill finally get to know what its like in bronze elo. im not worried about climbing though i got to plat once shouldnt be too hard to get there again.
not to the extent that you can bot and top, but yes you can freeze mid. it's more of a flash freeze i think of about 2-3 waves
also rex how did you win a voli jungle game vs ezreal/lulu/nami? the kite must've been unreal
oh they had a yasuo nm that's why
edit: OH WOW 1.17 KDA yasuo average. this is why dodging exists.
Fun inhouses, even if mumble keeps muting me when I'm not looking
pls report all who declined to join tho
and rengar players (^:
I looked at team comp and recognised the win condition in loading screen.
Fizz and Lucian were our only damage sources. I camp mid, making sure fizz gets ahead and i gank yasuo if he ever overextended.
Bot fed like crazy but fizz was able to carry mid game with a tanky voli and naut frontlining.
600 IP off Ekko
This hurts so much.
So close. Ekko is so much fun. Easily my favorite champ right now.
He's a champion I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around, at least in terms of his potential throughout the game.
Stun stuff, proc your passive on stuff, style on fools with your e and ult. He's a lot harder to play in lane than jungle imo
But Dominion was deleted I thought!Hey NA GAF, let's play Dominion in 30![]()
I was hoping to play him in a solo lane. He seems like a champion that needs to set up the perfect scenario to work well. I'm not sure if my execution is up to it but I'll experiment with him for a bit.
omg that enemy bot lane^^^
6/19 zyra? wtf
Congrats! Now you can enjoy the same Elo hell as the post above!![]()
I've been playing this game for 3 years and finally did it. THE DREAM
I don't even play mid :')
YesHas anyone seen something where you occasionally get a notice about declining ranked even when you accept? I tried to click the button, noticed I apparently hadn't clicked it, and tried to click it 2 more times. I thought it registered...and then it said I didn't accept.
Trash top gg. Over and over.You and your peers did the person a favor because now he/she doesn't have to deal with stuff like Lux, Xin, and Yasuo.
What was Tahm typing?
Jesus Christ I'm awful at jungling now. I forgot to save this one particular game on where everything I did went wrong. I'd love to see that just to see what the fuck is wrong with me.
Jesus Christ I'm awful at jungling now. I forgot to save this one particular game on where everything I did went wrong. I'd love to see that just to see what the fuck is wrong with me.
try using baron replays
it's got the coolest site ever at
and it works pretty great, even lets you turn replays into mp4 and trim em and everything
u can then record how u rekk some dumb yasuo's ass
i really gotta learn to back..