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League of Legends |OT11| going

getting forced mid for a university tournament is probably the best thing to happen to me in league for a while.

holy shit is mid fun.

(we're also in finals)
All that gif proves is that zky actually likes Snow Syndra even though he says otherwise


Also how the fuck do I deal damage with Ahri, it's like one of those Shaco syndromes where enemy Ahris just blow everything up while I hit like a wet top lane noodle


Also how the fuck do I deal damage with Ahri, it's like one of those Shaco syndromes where enemy Ahris just blow everything up while I hit like a wet top lane noodle

Obviously Zkylon is the GAF advice hub for all things Ahri but I'll try and fill in until His Lewdness shows up.

The most important thing is landing skillshots - with Q getting both hits is important, use the bonus movespeed it gives you to reposition for the rebound. Not sure if if still happens but at max range the ball flashes and I think it applies both instances of damage, so if that is true then practice doing that maybe.

Landing charm is obviously really important - once you've done that you get a free Q and W and if they're low you can chase them down for the kill with ult. Positioning is important to make sure you hit the right target with all 3 bits of W - they prioritise champions and the last thing you autoed so try and get an aa in during the charm duration maybe.

Build wise I imagine FQC/ Morello/ Athene's rush is the way to go, tho I'm not sure FQC on mid is good anymore. The active will obviously help with hitting skillshots - catching someone squishy in the jungle with spooky ghosts midgame will probably net you a free kill if you're not behind.

After your first item I think it's pretty situational - Luden's will help your burst if you want to be solely assassinating people, Rabadon and is a no-brainer, Abyssal is very good right now and will help if you need magic resist, and the aura will be useful since you get relatively close up when you're attempting to assassinate someone. Zhonya, as Zky keeps complaining, isn't in a great spot right now, but against a Zed or Talon you'll probably appreciate the armor and active. Try not to Zhonya during W tho, any fireballs that haven't assigned themselves targets get cancelled if you go untargetable. Void staff is a must against any sort of tanky team, and will help against anyone who builds Maw (which these days is everyone).

That's everything I can think of, hope that helps!


played against the worst Zed I've ever seen just now. he couldn't do anything and just sat behind minions. tried to all in me with ult and died. asked me how much health i had left...300 health. not even close.


fuck this blitz man. would keep trying to roam at level two and left his adc alone against two. we kept telling him to stop roaming for ganks b/c we saw he couldn't pull anything off. then he had the gall to tell me i fed the annie when I was only 3/1/3. what a fucking dick.
fuck this blitz man. would keep trying to roam at level two and left his adc alone against two. we kept telling him to stop roaming for ganks b/c we saw he couldn't pull anything off. then he had the gall to tell me i fed the annie when I was only 3/1/3. what a fucking dick.

Why are you building Sunfire and Spirit on Akali?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Chances of Sol being a mage?
High based on the other champions that have come out within the last year. Dragon theme-ing makes stuff hard though. Probably want to differentiate from Shyvana a lot. There are already lots of fire mages in the game though with Annie and Brand.


High based on the other champions that have come out within the last year. Dragon theme-ing makes stuff hard though. Probably want to differentiate from Shyvana a lot. There are already lots of fire mages in the game though with Annie and Brand.

I bet it's gonna be a shitty sun dragon because of it's name. Sad boys.


I mean, surely Abyssal (For Sunfire) and Banshee's (for HP, MR and shiled vs Annie) are a better
tank build given their comp than what you built?

visage enhances the healing from gunblade. annie couldn't land ult stun on me, so i opted against banshee's veil. magic damage from sunfire also heals.
High based on the other champions that have come out within the last year. Dragon theme-ing makes stuff hard though. Probably want to differentiate from Shyvana a lot. There are already lots of fire mages in the game though with Annie and Brand.

Thought I read something about possible lightening thing with Sol? Maybe it was just random post reddit/league forums.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Thought I read something about possible lightening thing with Sol? Maybe it was just random post reddit/league forums.
I hope not? That would not be interesting to me at all. It's not like this game is lacking on mages that use lightning. Also, sol would be sun.


1/10 ive done this and im bronze
Zky had level advantage not impressed

All that gif proves is that zky actually likes Snow Syndra even though he says otherwise


Also how the fuck do I deal damage with Ahri, it's like one of those Shaco syndromes where enemy Ahris just blow everything up while I hit like a wet top lane noodle
land ur skillshots

Not sure if if still happens but at max range the ball flashes and I think it applies both instances of damage, so if that is true then practice doing that maybe.
it does, double q is kind of the most important part of her early laning (as well as not missing the charm

Try not to Zhonya during W tho, any fireballs that haven't assigned themselves targets get cancelled if you go untargetable.
i didn't know this, is it like that for real?

Not sun or lightning.
he better not have a fucking gun


I feel like Kennen is lightning-themed, and people can try playing him mid lane. Believe in yourself!

I tried to like him for so long when I started playing the game, but he just feels so boring. Now if they added a champ like Zeus from DoTA 2, I would be very happy.


Felt like something was wrong with normal queues around 1pm today. I was in queue for almost 20 min before getting a game :/ then someone dodged. I didn't have it in me to do another queue so didn't get to play.
Tried top last night with champs I never played before ... got my butt ran over.

First was Jax vs Mundo and again vs Darius. Never faced either of hem in lane before.

Next was Shyvana vs ... top fucking Rango. We killed each other early but then he comes back with the 900g life steal item and I'm like "how the fuck can he afford that?". So I can't do anything now cause I know any trades will not go my way.

Top is something.
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