read that they are nerfing Gangplank next patch. Why?
He's too strong in the highest tiers of play, pretty much.
read that they are nerfing Gangplank next patch. Why?
read that they are nerfing Gangplank next patch. Why?
try using baron replays
it's got the coolest site ever at
and it works pretty great, even lets you turn replays into mp4 and trim em and everything
u can then record how u rekk some dumb yasuo's ass
i really gotta learn to back..
How about Holy element for the dragon. I'm thinking deity of mount Targon.
Unless this is a recent change, it doesn't. Sunfire never proccd spell effects.
^^ I should watch but I think I'd like to watch some lolesports before we head out. I love watching IMT. Hoping the NA places better at Worlds this year. well off to the season 6 thread I go
I'm pulling for wind Mid Champ with a lot of solid CC.How about Holy element for the dragon. I'm thinking deity of mount Targon.
blitz feels like free elo to me right now
He's banned a lot in my games. Mainly cause people just get nervous and run in a straight line.
He's banned a lot in my games. Mainly cause people just get nervous and run in a straight line.
yeah, but a lot in dks1 gets cut, so i'm not too worried about itI was so sad when I heard she was supposed to be a firekeeper originally but got cut out.
i like to switch my skins arounduh huh, look at you playing dat Snow Syndra. you like now dont you?
You realize you convinced me to get Justicar Syndra (70% discount due to that special sale) even tho I got Snow already? hehe. You better switch back to justicar skin asap all that smack talk you did![]()
uhh, that's a complicated question. like she's not the hardest champion to play but if you're generally struggling with the game she should prolly be out of ur league because she's mechanically complicated, zero mobility and high early pressure which is not something everyone knows how to take advantage of(Btw, give me some syndra tips cause I cant pwn anyone like that as syndra)
My biggest concern/question about the new Ao Shin. (Or whatever name it has now).
Is it a Western Dragon or an Eastern Dragon? Drogon or Shenlong?
So I can set my expectations accordingly.
Murican Dragon
anybody wanna duo in 10 mins??
damn already in a game
but add 7flow and I will get back to yah in 35 mins
it'd be massively dissapointing if it's a western dragon i think
i trust them to make a cool design but still, ao shin looked fucking sick
Calvero[/B] I watched your last game
your team as a whole lacked wards, had a terrible malphite who didn't know how to engage or use ults. If it wasn't for your morg being one of the best morgs I have ever witnessed that game would of ended in their favor. your yi was good but he kept engaging the enemy at the worst times.
You did good though
I want to believe there is no one playing on LAN? I would probably need some friendly help in bronze
yeah, but a lot in dks1 gets cut, so i'm not too worried about it
i feel sad cos i always kill her for her scythe since it's my favorite weapon in the game
i like to switch my skins around
but snowday is my least favorite for sure
uhh, that's a complicated question. like she's not the hardest champion to play but if you're generally struggling with the game she should prolly be out of ur league because she's mechanically complicated, zero mobility and high early pressure which is not something everyone needs how to take advantage of
but as far as tips go, there's not much about it, you're gonna want to pressure lane early by grabbing a dying minion with w and throwing it on their head, then q+e+auto for the stun and thunderlord proc and back off. you repeat that a whole lot to burn their pots and then one shot them at 6
be really careful when u q+e cos if you miss that you're fucked. and later in the game just kite and ambush ppl in brushes or fish for q+e stuns on sieges. always try to wait until you built 2 or 3 balls so u can do strong ults that can oneshot carries
not much else, really, you just gotta be on point with ur skillshots and positioning and taking advantage of ur power spikes (big ones at lvl 6, 9, 11, 16 and when u finish fqc/ludens/whatever)
since when do people ban renekton in silver? lol this match is going to be interesting
costy were you always this obnoxious :3
So I guess I'm confused Ao Shin was or wasn't scrapped for this new one?
you'll just have to wait and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee