Play FioraWTF is my advice
all you ever say is "rip top"
WTF is my advice
all you ever say is "rip top"
what do you want me to sayWTF is my advice
all you ever say is "rip top"
i think u were rushing essence reaver on top quinn which isn't very good specially when u were doing bad in lane
youmuus maw sterak (or bt instead of maw if against ad) is the go to build for adc toplaners?
That's laneistyou are thinking of somebody else but thanks for confirming that all us toplaners look the same to you zky
ok.Ok enough with the fistings.
props to ghost for legit good advice
your monthly quota of nonshit posts from yours trulyFor real where did that come from
you are thinking of somebody else but thanks for confirming that all us toplaners look the same to you zky
Who the hell replaced ghost with a reasonable advice botyou guys complaining about bronze really need to rethink how you play before you can think of climbing. first off, you all have routinely poor itemization. for farid, you have a zeke's herald when your adc already has 100% crit chance, making that item effectively worthless.
ryo doesn't buy enough resistances when behind. this extends to a lot of the people in gaf that are lower elo like flow, who routinely rushes morellonomicon on nami over vision and utility items. buying carry items doesn't mean you're going to carry as a support. the only support that is required to buy ap items is zyra, and even zyra only really invests into penetration. (haunting guise, liandry's torment) and survivability (rylai's crystal scepter, abyssal scepter) itemization is not set in stone, so stop playing like it is.
second off, you guys are too passive for your own goods. if you're too afraid to fuck up then you're too afraid to fuck the other guy up too and it's probably the most infuriating thing for any adc to see when they walk up to cs. if their support is beating the shit out of your adc while you're hanging back and just sustaining them, you're never going to win lane. this applies to every lane you play and is honestly probably going to be the main reason why you're having trouble climbing; you're all too afraid of being proactive and fucking up. instead of being afraid of fucking up, think about how fucked the other team will be if it goes well. eventually, your execution will match your thoughts and your team will be dazzled by your ability to shit on the other guy so hard they never play ranked ever again or something like that.
what do you want me to say
"Well gee holy fuck Newt our top sure is getting his butthole turned inside out today, wow that guy sure is giving him a good fisting with that sword of his."
don't buy offensive ap items on any support ever that isn't zyra or brand
never buy morellos ever ever ever as support
also everyone buy pinks all the time
Normals with you and your friend were some of the highest quality matches I've played, and I've been in D3. I don't know why but they were the very very demanding and with like 10 deaths total. My guess is that people in high diamond/master just get there and play like one ranked a week to keep the rank but go on with their tryharding in normals.
They were better than most ranked games, and recently I've played a few normals with an unranked friend and the tryharding has been realer than in ranked.
I once saw a support Lux buy Saltstealer.
What a time to be alive I tell ya
Woah now I always build sightstone before morell there is only one match in 20 games that I built morell before sightstone/support item. My nami skill level is fine hence the 6 game win streak but I can agree I do need to buy more support items.
look at my last 4 games though and tell me where I fucked up.
you guys complaining about bronze really need to rethink how you play before you can think of climbing. first off, you all have routinely poor itemization. for farid, you have a zeke's herald when your adc already has 100% crit chance, making that item effectively worthless.
ryo doesn't buy enough resistances when behind. this extends to a lot of the people in gaf that are lower elo like flow, who routinely rushes morellonomicon on nami over vision and utility items. buying carry items doesn't mean you're going to carry as a support. the only support that is required to buy ap items is zyra, and even zyra only really invests into penetration. (haunting guise, liandry's torment) and survivability (rylai's crystal scepter, abyssal scepter) itemization is not set in stone, so stop playing like it is.
second off, you guys are too passive for your own goods. if you're too afraid to fuck up then you're too afraid to fuck the other guy up too and it's probably the most infuriating thing for any adc to see when they walk up to cs. if their support is beating the shit out of your adc while you're hanging back and just sustaining them, you're never going to win lane. this applies to every lane you play and is honestly probably going to be the main reason why you're having trouble climbing; you're all too afraid of being proactive and fucking up. instead of being afraid of fucking up, think about how fucked the other team will be if it goes well. eventually, your execution will match your thoughts and your team will be dazzled by your ability to shit on the other guy so hard they never play ranked ever again or something like that.
you guys complaining about bronze really need to rethink how you play before you can think of climbing. first off, you all have routinely poor itemization. for farid, you have a zeke's herald when your adc already has 100% crit chance, making that item effectively worthless.
ryo doesn't buy enough resistances when behind. this extends to a lot of the people in gaf that are lower elo like flow, who routinely rushes morellonomicon on nami over vision and utility items. buying carry items doesn't mean you're going to carry as a support. the only support that is required to buy ap items is zyra, and even zyra only really invests into penetration. (haunting guise, liandry's torment) and survivability (rylai's crystal scepter, abyssal scepter) itemization is not set in stone, so stop playing like it is.
second off, you guys are too passive for your own goods. if you're too afraid to fuck up then you're too afraid to fuck the other guy up too and it's probably the most infuriating thing for any adc to see when they walk up to cs. if their support is beating the shit out of your adc while you're hanging back and just sustaining them, you're never going to win lane. this applies to every lane you play and is honestly probably going to be the main reason why you're having trouble climbing; you're all too afraid of being proactive and fucking up. instead of being afraid of fucking up, think about how fucked the other team will be if it goes well. eventually, your execution will match your thoughts and your team will be dazzled by your ability to shit on the other guy so hard they never play ranked ever again or something like that.
mejais is not that bad as a mage support cos u don't really die too often and it's really easy to get assists with that and u actually scale kinda well off ap
As much as I can be stubborn at time, this entire first post hinges on the false pic of my usual games. I usually go for sighstone, zeke (after you guys reccomneded in the first place) and the rest is what you see. Pls don't cherry pick the one game I decided to sell of the sighstone for more ap.
But the your second paragraph is sound, and that helps alot.
At the same time, I don't agree with buying items that inherently force you to play defensively and somewhat selfishly as support. If anyone needs to "take one for the team", it should be the support. Buying Mejai's puts said support in a position where they're more willing (even if subconsciously) to let someone else on the team die to protect their stacks. I find that problematic. As support, if you can pull an enemy chasing one of your teammates away onto you...well it's sort of part of the job, no?
omg! but dont we need vision more than ever in late game?
I think I always keep my sightstone. I hate being blind.
If only my fucking teammates would at least grab a pink
I miss Silver.
some champions like janna and to some degree nami and support lulu are naturally into that type of play so it's not too bad
but yeah as a rule of thumb stay away from those items
if u want ap get zekes and banner ezpz
Any more insight into why I suck?
This my dude:
I can take all criticism (I think lol)
edit- Make sure to click on the Ranked games. Norms- well u know, ppl dont give a care and so those wins dont count
^ shows how many pinks you purchased though.
Sometimes I only buy 1 cause in low elo they dont smash the pinks much. So 1 pink can last entire match.
But I usually buy at least 1 pink no matter my role. cause I hate the dark
Any more insight into why I suck?
This my dude:
I can take all criticism (I think lol)
edit- Make sure to click on the Ranked games. Norms- well u know, ppl dont give a care and so those wins dont count
^ shows how many pinks you purchased though.
Sometimes I only buy 1 cause in low elo they dont smash the pinks much. So 1 pink can last entire match.
But I usually buy at least 1 pink no matter my role. cause I hate the dark
i mean, they're good targets to go for, but they're backline supports that you won't see kamikaze flash ulting like sona or annieunderstood. Yea I can see it on Nami, Janna and Lulu since they're the least likely to die even if they tried. They'll simply never be priority targets in a fight. Plus the movespeed would be nice on them.
sorry but that's disingenuous.Guys I bought that AP just once in my 50+ ranked games.
You guys are not helping much.
Been awhile since I played Vi but I think you are rushing fist too early. I like the warriors, but then after that I'd either go ghostblade for more damage or Deadman's for some tankiness plus the go fast. Maw is incredible strong right now too.
I don't like triforce Vi. Too expensive. If anything I'd go cleaver for a solid mix of tanky and armor shred. Max W second.
That said, it's not always about the builds. Watching a game would probably help. Jungle is really really macro oriented. Picking best places to be at what times. Objective control, vision control. It's hard to articulate looking at the post game screens.
hmm, its says I buy at most 2, but I do remember buying more.
Will have to buy more if that is the case.
Without watching your gameplay, first thing I'd recommend is farm more. Even in your wins, you aren't getting much CS at all. That's a big part of what helped me leave bronze. Shoot for something like 60-70 creeps every 10 minutes as a laner. Go in customs and get used to last hitting. Farming when you're the jungler is a bit different - you play a lot of Vi, and she's a big early game threat. If you're getting successful ganks off, then farm isn't huge.
And I'd also look at your warding habits. Make sure you're keeping pinks on the map. Vision and CS are the way to climb low elo. (I say all that and I'm still a silver I scrub, lol. Just some basic things to think about.)
see, there's a big problem for u for how u think things
having an uncontested pink for the whole game probably means it's not placed in the right area
you need to have pinks on your team's inventories most of the time cos u want to deny vision in the area you're fighting over and in the area that's critical right now
you need pinks to clear up baron and dragon areas, or the sides behind walls of turrets so you can poke from fog of war, you need to clear the inside of your base so u can waveclear safely and you need to clear deep wards so you don't get tp engage'd on
it's not placing one pink and being done with it, it's a constant struggle for vision
i mean, they're good targets to go for, but they're backline supports that you won't see kamikaze flash ulting like sona or annie
but it's situational like everything and it was most popular in an age where zeke's didn't exist/was crap i think
The day I improved most as a player was the day I stopped being scared of fucking up
What rank are you?Just play Renekton and voila you are now Diamond
Croc taught me how to be aggressive in lane, wave manipulation, how to play around cooldowns, when it's time to all-in, basic and advanced (weaving AAs in between abilities) combos, and how to push your advantages in your lane and other lanes
Any more insight into why I suck?
This my dude:
I can take all criticism (I think lol)
edit- Make sure to click on the Ranked games. Norms- well u know, ppl dont give a care and so those wins dont count
on everyone, mid and adc included, you should be routinely buying pink wards and replacing the one you have. you can get by laning phase with just the one on one of the side brushes (place it next to ur wall so they have to overextend to kill it) but later on you need moregood advice. But even when I'm mid I'll place a ward right in the lane the jg travels in. It lives whole time I'm laning.
But for jg you're right on point. I dont ward baron or dragon these days. I should. thanks
on everyone, mid and adc included, you should be routinely buying pink wards and replacing the one you have. you can get by laning phase with just the one on one of the side brushes (place it next to ur wall so they have to overextend to kill it) but later on you need more
my last 5 ranked games (all playing mid):
ori - 4 pinks
viktor - 8 pinks
lux - 3 pinks
syndra - 5 pinks
ahri - 4 pinks
these aren't super high numbers, it's not that difficult to contribute to your team's vision and it helps tremendously since it's the best way to force mistakes on the enemy team and reduce mistakes on your own
buy pinks!
Your warding numbers are really low. Junglers cross the map a lot and so they bear a lot of responsibility for warding up in places that you need vision. Especially if you're going to keep yellow trinket you need to be warding a lot to support whatever action your team is trying to do. (The alternative is to swap to blue trinket for far vision. In my opinion red trinket is a more advanced tool because you need to know vaguely where the enemy is likely to ward for it to be generally useful.)
You are playing a lot of different champions and roles. This is really a disadvantage at low levels. There are too many overlapping areas of skill that you need to be learning to advance in League, so you are much better off focusing on a few. That means cutting down to a smaller number of champions and identifying your best two roles. Then just play those.
Your ranked win rate is pretty clear -- the only champions you have ANY wins on are support mages playing support. (OK and 1 Vi.) That is what you're good at right now. If that's what you want to do, just do it more. Play Karma, play Nami, play Janna. I would recommend taking mid secondary and playing Karma mid, just so that you're playing the same champion, and maybe some other supporty mids if you can. Lux or Morg.
If you want to learn other roles, that's fine, but you have to accept that you're going to lose a bunch of games doing that. I'd do it in normal until your win rate gets to a good rate before you try it in ranked.
You're building Hunter's Potion a lot. I'm not saying there aren't situations where it's a good pick but they are limited. Ahri, for example, is not a good Hunter's Potion pick. This isn't just an item choice thing, like, I definitely want to ask what your thought process is when you're building Hunter's Potion because I think there's something to dig into there about your item choices. Item builds are less useful than understanding how to think about item builds.