eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelectricity champion confirmed.
Saying that we're wrong about the theme is a red herring.
you're giving me way too much credit here
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelectricity champion confirmed.
Saying that we're wrong about the theme is a red herring.
you're giving me way too much credit here
If other lanes are losing then yeah, top lane is typically supposed to hold its own I guess.Man, forgot how lil help top gets.
And by help I mean JG PLZ! It's become this strange thing ... every time I play top my JG doesn't do shit. Sure, i thought it was because I'd fuck up early and die cause IDK these champs and I'm just testing em out but even when I'm doing my job and keeping the Teemo Top there I die purely because Teemo gets visits from his teams JG or Sup and only the Mid Kat tried to visit (resulting in her needing help because their JG go to her in the river and we both died cause their team caved in on us when I tried to help)
But all the other lanes were losing so I guess I see why that happened.
Why does this existi may have clicked on something i shouldn't have and ended up reading leona x ironstylus smut -__-
If other lanes are losing then yeah, top lane is typically supposed to hold its own I guess.
What champions do you normally play? Some matchups are bad for ganking. If you lack CC, a champ like Katarina might not be able to do much. If the enemy has lots of escapes or safety measures, like Teemo with speed boost and mushrooms, it may not be worth ganking.
Will be first against the wall when the Retail Worker Revolution™ begins.
lost 4 games at 0 lp
no demotion
win game finally
24 lp
how did those losses not hurt my lp gain
Shen is so fun right now. You get to box loads of people, and there's nothing more fun than deceptive health pools.
When is it better to take thornmail over Frozen heart and vice versa?
Well Frozen Heart its usually better since the components and the item itself is way more cost efficient than thornmail. For pure tanks, the fact of having cooldown and more mana helps a lot through the early and midgame. If anything you usually see thornmail as a 4th-6th item since your planning to take it to the frontline and make the enemy ADC or anyone who is autoattack based to attack you in late game teamfights and hurt themselves in the process.
Is Tank ekko only viable if one goes Jungle?
Fair enough thanks.
Won a match recently where I was top Cho vs. Yorick, Yorick would've killed me like 3 times with my health being low but my mid and bot were destroying the opposition that I ended up being a tourist
But seriously fuck those ghouls an the inability to target them...
Finally, finally, had good game with Ekko. Starting to get a feel for playing a more assassin styled jungler. The only one I'd ever tried that comes close is Elise but her play pattern, particularly come teamfights, is pretty simple. Land cocoon->evaluate whether or not to go all in. Ekko doesn't really have an ability to kickstart his decision making process like Elise, particularly since lots of damage and utility are delayed. Last two games I actually felt like my positioning was alright. Got used to not blowing my big CC during ganks as well.
I'm always tempted to lead off a gank with the big CC: elise cocoon, Nautilus Hook, etc. but I always feel it's more effective to hold off on those abilities until the target makes its move and Ekko really isn't any different, I've finally found. I find that it's better to land the Q (either before or after closing in with E) before using W. The slow in his Q/passive makes getting the stun off so much easier that just guessing where the enemy will be.
Definitely my Xin replacement. His style is pretty much exactly what I was looking for. The only thing I miss is Xin's exceptionally tower destroying, but I'll live.
just stay away from minions and farmI only play mid rarely, but yesterday was one of those times where I had it as my secondary and got it. I had to play against a malz and boy howdy, he really feels like shit to play against. A lot of his spells really have no counter play whatsoever.
Yeah with his low low mobility he is easy to gank pre six.just stay away from minions and farm
if u let yourself get pushed try not to go under turret cos that can be painful
but yeah gank his ass pre-6 for easy kills
just stay away from minions and farm
if u let yourself get pushed try not to go under turret cos that can be painful
but yeah gank his ass pre-6 for easy kills
Also is it just me of does it feel like we need 4 bans on each team right now, there are so many stupidly strong champs right now.
pretty muchWe don't need more bans, we just need Riot to take action on balance faster.
I mean, I love Fiora and all but did she really need to skip a whole other cycle?
We don't need more bans, we just need Riot to take action on balance faster.
I mean, I love Fiora and all but did she really need to skip a whole other cycle?
more bans mean a lot of more complicated things:Yeah but I find it incredibly unlikely that Riot will be able to balance champs fast enough in the near future. That's why I feel like more bans are needed. If they were able to balance champs faster, great! We wouldn't need any more bans. But until they manage to do so, I think more bans are in order.
yeah and I believe he's tankier with each ghoul he has out(something with his passive) so if you're gonna fight him do it was he's close to oom. Not even sure what a good pick into him is, maybe gnar could farm ok with his range or maybe vlad can try to outlast him in lane.As I understand it, the lack of meaningful counterplay is exactly why Yorick is getting a full rework. Your goal against Yorick is mostly just to keep it close, because Yorick's scaling is awful (Yorick's Q scales with 20% of AD, just for some context on how bad it is). Just don't get repeatedly murdered by ghouls and you'll be okay.
Diana into teemo woulda been a slaughter. Wouldn't even matter if you were behind or he zoned you pre 6 because you woulda just instagibbed from then on
hey jsyk if you're putting random shit on Coke stuff fuck you
re: your tag