Great patch. Great new skins.
Best change.
agreed, I like looking through what I feel like playing against their team rather than staring at a large champion portrait.
Great patch. Great new skins.
Best change.
But it's not the same at all. In mmos you can pick a role and be certain to always get it at the cost of the wait time. For Mid in leagues, you have to pick a secondary role which you'll get more times than your primary role which makes no sense. What's the point of a primary role if you get it less than the secondary role?
Whoa, this is actually a pretty good changeThe first wave of minions ignore unit collision on the way to lane
it's not a problem in competitive, hardly anyone plays viktor in competitive
she should just get a rework, her design's terribleKatarina is one of those champions that should just stay dead in her current form...
todayETA on the patch actually going live?
yeah, in the previous season?
Vik has been played 111 times between the 5 major regions (NA, EU, LCK, LPL, LMS)
agreed. they really just need to give her a resource, it's just seems to difficult to balance around having no resource cost and resets.Katarina is one of those champions that should just stay dead in her current form...
ETA on the patch actually going live?
Vik has been played 111 times between the 5 major regions (NA, EU, LCK, LPL, LMS)[/IG]
Hey look who's here
That Annie skin is great[/QUOTE]
[quote="dimb, post: 196544468"]Remove minion collision from the game already...[/QUOTE]
let's not though.
yeah, in the previous season
Not this season. Plus if they are only going off of pick rate, they need to nerf; Lulu, Alistar, Kalista, Elise, Corki, Rek'Sai, Poppy, Braum, Nidalee, Graves, Fiora, Janna, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Lissandra, Morgana, Ahri before they even get to Viktors pick rate.
Minion collision is a fucking stupid mechanic. Either it works against you in ways that you can do jack shit about besides picking Fizz or you can abuse it to do the same against someone else.
It doesn't make the game more fun, it doesn't make the game more complex, all it adds is frustration akin to Smash Brawl tripping.
+1I think it was fine until they changed it a few patches ago. Getting stuck is frustrating. I don't remember this frustration until recently..
Minion collision is a fucking stupid mechanic. Either it works against you in ways that you can do jack shit about besides picking Fizz or you can abuse it to do the same against someone else.
It doesn't make the game more fun, it doesn't make the game more complex, all it adds is frustration akin to Smash Brawl tripping.
My ekko is very sad though. Runic echoes and iceborn nerfs in the same patch may hurt him a lot.
Sad Hecatim buffs on PBE. Here's hoping Riot addresses getting his ass getting handed to me on initial clears and correcting his mana problems that persist well past level 6.
I don't have too many problems with first clear on Hecarim right now. Kind of hate the mana thing because he needs to use abilities to clear and just do stuff but the game is so punishing to that.Sad Hecatim buffs on PBE. Here's hoping Riot addresses getting his ass getting handed to me on initial clears and correcting his mana problems that persist well past level 6.
Win rate by flash binding
D vs F by tier
That Annie skin is great
The numbers are in D is superior
The numbers are in D is superior
The numbers are in D is superior
Yeah probably. Like all the ranked players are going to spilt up so less people in each oneSo having a dynamic and also a solo queue is basically just going to make queue times longer right?
I wonder if they're gonna incentivize solo players to play dynamic queue.
Wait really?? That pretty dumb is should be for all types of ranked.End of season rewards are dynamic queue only.
Wait really?? That pretty dumb is should be for all types of ranked.
doubt it. also not really what I meant. increased ip gains or something.End of season rewards are dynamic queue only.
there's an easy solution, just go runic echoes on him
I don't have too many problems with first clear on Hecarim right now. Kind of hate the mana thing because he needs to use abilities to clear and just do stuff but the game is so punishing to that.
Doesn't help him. By the time Runic Echoes is purchased his mana issues have started to subside.
Yeah, I misspoke. First clear doesn't beat you up I the sense that it's hard, but rather that if a gank opportunity isn't open at level 3 or so and I go back to farming camps, then as I go on I find my health and mana pool getting low enough that even if a gank does present itself shortly after but before my first back I can't do it.
Dragon Strike (Q) mana cost reduced to 40/45/50/55/60 from 45/50/55/60/65
Cataclysm (R)
Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100/125/150
Now does damage to all enemies in the circle instead of only target.
Now plants a flag he can Q to in the middle of the circle.