Most ADCs build ER over IE. But yeah, Trist and Cait build IE.
Don't go for the same items every game, but your core should always be like IE -> Shiv.
You can build Ez the same way as blue build and swap Gauntlet for Triforce. Even when Gauntlet was strong this build did more damage.
BF/Pickaxe -> Zeal -> Boots 1 -> Zeal Item -> Boots 2 -> IE -> Lifesetal -> LDR -> Situational
Luc and mf go ie tooThanks, guysHard's build pattern is similar to what I've been doing, but which ADCs are still building IE over ER? I know Graves and Sivir are on the ER route now (and I've adjusted my game as such)
Mal is super scary, i usually end up banning him.
Luc and mf go ie too
They go ER first item though
I think it'd be interesting to make Lux's ult a full-on kamehameha like spell that needs to be charged for damage.
I think it'd be interesting to make Lux's ult a full-on kamehameha like spell that needs to be charged for damage.
That would make her ult even easier to sidestep, assuming she didn't Q you
so like xerath/varus q?
idk, i never liked those spells
It's already easy enough to dodge if you're not cc'd...and that's a bad thing, how?
It's already easy enough to dodge if you're not cc'd
i don't think that'd feel good for the lux player who's already have zero mobility spells, all her spells have cast times and she has low base msThink long range reverse Sion Q. Charging roots you in place, long charge time increases damage and thins the beam width. Remove the line indicator to give players less time to react. Lux now has to choose between a wide low damage beam or a thin, hard to hit beam that can deal some serious damage.
nid spears were on like a 2 or 3 second Cd or whatever and could do more damage than a lux ult. I've got no issue with increasing the Cd on lux ult but I don't think making it a charge would be any goodThat's a crap argument. The ult has a ridiculous CD when Lux has max CDR.
You can say the same thing about Ez's ult which just got its stupid CD increased. Nidalee needed a rework because of her even-more-than-now spears. Easy to dodge isn't a counter if missing isn't properly penalized.
These abilities all have (had) the same flaw: you need to dodge each one, they just need to hit once.
That's a crap argument. The ult has a ridiculous CD when Lux has max CDR.
You can say the same thing about Ez's ult which just got its stupid CD increased. Nidalee needed a rework because of her even-more-than-now spears. Easy to dodge isn't a counter if missing isn't properly penalized.
These abilities all have (had) the same flaw: you need to dodge each one, they just need to hit once.
i don't think that'd feel good for the lux player who's already have zero mobility spells, all her spells have cast times and she has low base ms
i don't think that'd feel good for the lux player who's already have zero mobility spells, all her spells have cast times and she has low base ms
like the nerfs i said before were smaller things that wouldn't be like "rework size"
for rework size changes i'd look into her e which is not a fun spell to use since manual detonate isn't as "visceral" as just shooting something like ori q or whatever, and it's kind of a problem point for her since it gives her so much zoning and so much safety in her lane.
so i'd look into maybe rethinking that spell rather than ult. it still needs to be a high cd (for a mage basic spell) skillshot nuke, but type of skillshot, dmg, cc, all that could be changed
it's the one thing about her kit i find really boring to use
what r u giving me shit for dude -__-...she already roots herself when ulting. For a guy who keeps giving the Sion rework glowing reviews I'm sort of wondering if you've ever used his Q even once.
zhonyas is not really a problem since you wuoldn't really buy zhonyas against lux tbh. banshees is a much better item against her, but with the surge of so many new bruiser items i'm not sure if anyone buys it anymore. maybe adding cdr to it would be a good idea but then sv would be in a wonky place, idkI think this is a good analysis. The biggest thing that makes Lux oppressive is the ongoing zone control she gets from E. Other than that, like, big deal, she draws lines like everybody else.
Expecting huge design changes to Lux's ultimate is silly. That's like the signature ability of signature abilities. It's not going anywhere.
The other meta thing that's making Lux stronger is Zhonya's being bad right now so you can't just invuln through her bind/ult. They really should do something about that because it kind of has a warping effect on the game that ADCs can get QSS while the AP reset button is so bad.
Stupid idiotwhy are velkoz and bard the perfect champions
riot sometimes you make me hate you but damn i love me some velbard
The greatest feeling in League is waiting in queue for 7 min, getting your primary role, having someone dodge at the last second, wait another 6 min in queue, and then end up getting your secondary role.
I'm increasingly convinced that Bard is one of the least fun support champions to play against. Really dislike how he turned out, because he embodies the design process of passive power. All the sustain, all the mobility, and lacking an interesting play pattern.why are velkoz and bard the perfect champions
riot sometimes you make me hate you but damn i love me some velbard
If people are running five Thunderlords on the team they're probably doing something wrong. Watching a Poppy and Malphite hit each other for 25 seconds with no threat of killing each other because of Undying was one of the most disappointing things I've seen in the game. Expect to see more Warlord's Bloodlust soon. People have been pretty slow to catch on to its power.i'll continue to say keystones were a huge failure that contributed almost nothing to the game while repeatedly making it worse
now the game is balanced a whole bunch around the op keystones, most champions still use the exact same tree every game and we've had to deal with shit like brand, tryndamere, 5 thunderlords in each team, etc.
not saying it's currently 5v5 thunderlords, but i've had plenty games of 9 or 10 thunderlords a few patches back when thunderlords was super dominantIf people are running five Thunderlords on the team they're probably doing something wrong. Watching a Poppy and Malphite hit each other for 25 seconds with no threat of killing each other because of Undying was one of the most disappointing things I've seen in the game. Expect to see more Warlord's Bloodlust soon. People have been pretty slow to catch on to its power.
k shen is kinda perfect too
8-2 with shen
he's more of a samurai than a ninja now
That would be awesome if they did.Tbh if they want to nerf Lux they should lower the cost of banshees just a smidge. Lux's strength is the ability to catch and burst squishy targets. The passive plus the stats means if she can't do that in one spell rotation she's basically useless for like 6 seconds.
We need to play more. Haven't seen you on last few nights![]()
Needs a new fucking tailor then.
But that's why I bought the skin.
Maybe it's a monetization strategy.
that wouldn't do anythingTbh if they want to nerf Lux they should lower the cost of banshees just a smidge. Lux's strength is the ability to catch and burst squishy targets. The passive plus the stats means if she can't do that in one spell rotation she's basically useless for like 6 seconds.
Oh man this is amazing:
All the bad fan art people sent in for free RP over the years.
If I get on tonight, it won't be till the later hours, but I'll be on tomorrow around the time you usually get on.
Oh man this is amazing:
All the bad fan art people sent in for free RP over the years.
who do i send my mordekaiser choosing love drawing to
whoa was not expecting this one. nice!
I'm increasingly convinced that Bard is one of the least fun support champions to play against. Really dislike how he turned out, because he embodies the design process of passive power. All the sustain, all the mobility, and lacking an interesting play pattern.
My biggest issue with Bard (outside of the hitbox on his Q sometimes doing some really, really weird things) is still the hidden damage behind him. I guess it's not so much that it's hidden, it's more that unless you are aware of the damage output of Bard yourself because you play it or something, it's really hard to gauge exactly how hard he's going to hurt because of the nature of his kit.
For a company who's motto seemed to be "better clarity in game" all last year, Bard is kind of a big ? in the face of that.
My biggest issue with Bard (outside of the hitbox on his Q sometimes doing some really, really weird things) is still the hidden damage behind him. I guess it's not so much that it's hidden, it's more that unless you are aware of the damage output of Bard yourself because you play it or something, it's really hard to gauge exactly how hard he's going to hurt because of the nature of his kit.
For a company who's motto seemed to be "better clarity in game" all last year, Bard is kind of a big ? in the face of that.
I submitted this to get enough rp for creator viktor.