how can pantheon have his passive up two hits in a row?
Aegis refreshes ithow can pantheon have his passive up two hits in a row?
Plat?? You are a God too me yo.
No one doesthat sucks and i don't enjoy playing against pantheon
that sucks and i don't enjoy playing against pantheon
he just admitted to being toxic, costy drop the ban hammer
Ummm, I mean I'm a nice non-toxic support main that's in Gold III Ign: Nice Newt nice to meet you guys.he just admitted to being toxic, costy drop the ban hammer
fucking tilted in my promos. get the worst teams
lost promos 0-3. sigh fuck this game I'am out
This is why they have to nerf Pantheon.that sucks and i don't enjoy playing against pantheon
Honestly banning a champion in champ select is not toxic. If you get a ban then you should use that ban for whatever the hell you want. If you don't want to play against something, you don't have to play against it. If you don't want to play with something you don't have to play with it. If someone can only play one champ it's not my duty to make sure they get it in ranked. If I've had plenty of bad experiences with Yasuo and I don't want to risk it in ranked then that is my choice. There are plenty of things you can do to be toxic in this game, but banning a champ doesn't feel like one to me.
woolite: guys they banned Kog away from mewerlyb: "wtf they keep banning jax, that's all i can play. pause lobby, get referee, FNATIC is being toxic again"
Why are you always blaming teammates?
There's no need to get that mad over a promo loss. Your chances of getting promoted only increase if you fail a promo, so I don't see what the big deal is.
fucking tilted in my promos. get the worst teams
lost promos 0-3. sigh fuck this game I'am out
least I get a free win.Why are you always blaming teammates?
There's no need to get that mad over a promo loss. Your chances of getting promoted only increase if you fail a promo, so I don't see what the big deal is.
if by god you mean lord of scrubs, then yes i am god
woolite: guys they banned Kog away from me((
roccat: thanks guys, enemy team honored
least I get a free win.
most of the time when games are really close that one teammate being out of postion allows the other team to take objectives. or having a garen mid who goes 0/6. they add up mane.
I am not saying it is always the teammates fault because lord knows I made some mistakes per game but when your lane wins and the others lose it is depressing because it is literally out of your control. you can't make someone a better player.
in two of the games I lost in my promo series I had the most vision wards bought, wards placed, and one of the lowest death total. Might switch it up and play some zyra
haha I am just so eager to get to GOLD! but I will take it easy.
He banned Yasuo from him.
TheFlow said:haha I am just so eager to get to GOLD! but I will take it easy.
Me and Neko always check up Mid/Top laners to see whether we need to ban Yasuo/Zed
Damn son that is crazy. Plat is my dreambro 2 seasons ago i went from gold 1 series for first time plat and bombed all the way to gold 5 0 lp. this was midway through the season
it took me like 4 months to fully untilt myself. i didnt make plat until after season 4 ended, during the post/pre season. i made it, but i didn't get the reward for it. all that mattered was i made it.
finished last season plat 2 (never got past it), right now i'm plat 3 100 LP in promos but i literally get like 2 games in every 3-4 days, so the climb will be agonizingly slow for me.
One day you get there are you realize everyone there sucks.Damn son that is crazy. Plat is my dream
Honestly banning a champion in champ select is not toxic. If you get a ban then you should use that ban for whatever the hell you want. If you don't want to play against something, you don't have to play against it. If you don't want to play with something you don't have to play with it. If someone can only play one champ it's not my duty to make sure they get it in ranked. If I've had plenty of bad experiences with Yasuo and I don't want to risk it in ranked then that is my choice. There are plenty of things you can do to be toxic in this game, but banning a champ doesn't feel like one to me.
Never getting out of Bronze. I give up.
I have bad games and make mistakes, but there's just too much to overcome. Even if I play perfect, I can't win because my teammates are horrific human beings. I don't trust any of them to do anything right because they never do.
This game makes me feel like I want to cry so it's probably for the best I take a long, long break from it. Everyone makes me feel like shit.![]()
just play for fun, don't stress about rank so hard
just play for fun, don't stress about rank so hard
I mean, I don't think much of this argument. Sure, God gave everybody the right to ban whoever they want (and by everybody I mean only 3/5s of everybody because of the Firstpickers Compromise), but, like, if a teammate shows a champ intent and you ban them, you're just going to piss them off, tilt them, and make your team more likely to lose or them to dodge. I don't see any way that that isn't toxic unless your definition of toxic is "can I get reported for this." And the main reason you can't get reported for that is that Riot still hasn't implemented a good reporting system.
I like Newt and he has never seemed toxic to me, like he never banned my Shen or anything and he's always positive in game, but he has posted stories in the thread that seem a little toxic to me. But he's said he only does it in champ select or in the endgame screen, which, I dunno, is a little better? Like at least you can always leave.
Also the biggest problem with banning somebody else's champ is probably just that it's negative EV. They're not likely to suddenly play better. Basically the goal is to try to make them dodge before you do. Which goes back to what I said before about dodging being kind of a lame mechanic because of its utility in climbing, except it's even better if you can reliably convince other people on your team to dodge games you don't want to play.
i had a game about a month ago where this guy said he wanted yasuo. i looked at his stats, he was garbagio, and i banned it saying "i'd rather not play with yasuo if you're still in the early stages of learning it". someone else in the lobby got mad that i'd do that, but the yasuo guy was like "he didn't feel comfortable with my stats on it, i understand and it's fine"
i forget what he picked mid after that but he carried with it. it was like the complete opposite of a yasuo type champion, too
Yeah, I remember that story. I mean it's a great, heartwarming story, but you must admit the reason you posted it was that it was totally out of keeping with what you would EXPECT to happen.
I mean, I don't think much of this argument. Sure, God gave everybody the right to ban whoever they want (and by everybody I mean only 3/5s of everybody because of the Firstpickers Compromise), but, like, if a teammate shows a champ intent and you ban them, you're just going to piss them off, tilt them, and make your team more likely to lose or them to dodge. I don't see any way that that isn't toxic unless your definition of toxic is "can I get reported for this." And the main reason you can't get reported for that is that Riot still hasn't implemented a good reporting system.
I like Newt and he has never seemed toxic to me, like he never banned my Shen or anything and he's always positive in game, but he has posted stories in the thread that seem a little toxic to me. But he's said he only does it in champ select or in the endgame screen, which, I dunno, is a little better? Like at least you can always leave.
Also the biggest problem with banning somebody else's champ is probably just that it's negative EV. They're not likely to suddenly play better. Basically the goal is to try to make them dodge before you do. Which goes back to what I said before about dodging being kind of a lame mechanic because of its utility in climbing, except it's even better if you can reliably convince other people on your team to dodge games you don't want to play.
It's not even fun for me anymore when I feel like I play great and I just lose because people can't help but feed. I'm tired of my team getting its ass kicked every game because they chase and don't ward and don't take objectives when they're available and decide to build full AP on supports instead of utility or even a sightstone.
What the hell do I do when I can't even climb out of Bronze? I don't even know anymore. I don't feel like trying to get better and learn is having any discernible effect anymore. It feels worthless to try.
So, I mean, you don't have to get good at League. In the final analysis putting "92 CS at 10 minutes" on your resume is not actually going to get you many jobs. It's just a dumb game! Mostly you right click on stuff to kill it!
If you really do want to get better, you could probably sign up for and record some games and I bet somebody on here would give you some feedback. Or ask somebody to spectate you or whatever. I took a look at some of your game records last time but it's really hard to tell what's going wrong from the timeline alone.
It's not even fun for me anymore when I feel like I play great and I just lose because people can't help but feed. I'm tired of my team getting its ass kicked every game because they chase and don't ward and don't take objectives when they're available and decide to build full AP on supports instead of utility or even a sightstone.
What the hell do I do when I can't even climb out of Bronze? I don't even know anymore. I don't feel like trying to get better and learn is having any discernible effect anymore. It feels worthless to try.